If the list is empty consider it was not modified
Use D script to generate Psi implementation classes
**Describe the problem** ```D void main() { import std.stdio: wr = writeln; wr("test"); writeln("foo"); } ``` In the previous example, currently `wr` resolve to nothing and is marked as "possible...
**Describe the problem** If you alias a method and then call it, the IDE is not able to provide you the parameters. The problem also exists for named import (`import... and ddoc in parser are a bit outdated. For example AliasAssign and StaticForeachDeclaration are supported by the parser but does not appear in the grammar
This files is only used in file in utils and has nothing to do with resolve.
See Note that the file name can contain - but the module name can’t.
See The idea is to have a navbar useful to know where we are located in the code and to navigate directly in it. This feature is similar to... They were added in DMD 2.108.0
**Desktop (please provide environment info):** - IDE: Intellij 2024.2 - Plugin Version: 1.34.3 - Scala plugin Version: 2024.2.20 **Describe the problem** An IDE internal error happened with the following stack...