Looks good. I attempted implementing `foldp`: Not sure if this is the best solution though. What do you think?
I also added `select`. However, I just mapped the `Array a` to `Array String` early using the required `Show` instance. Not sure if this is what you want though.
Welcome! For `Foldp`, it is unfortunate about the `unsafeCoerce`, but if those details are kept internal (by not exporting any of the `Cell` constructors, maybe it's not so bad. Gotcha...
I've updated `select`. Not pretty, but again if the constructors of `Component` are not exported, then maybe it would work out okay.
Understood. My thought is that if the constructors are not part of the external API then basically the unsafe coercion becomes internal details. And I believe they are kept safe...
For reference, purescript-freeap version 0.1.0 is available on bower.
Understood on the freeap decision. And maybe there's a way to write `foldp` in the direction your going. Not sure off the top of my head though.
Thanks for this. Looks good. I will give it a quick test.
Thanks for taking a look. I am still experimenting with this, but it seems useful to pass in the module to the main in order to allow the entry to...
To clarify, here is the example entry I was working with: ### Example.purs ``` purescript module Example (Module, example) where import Prelude (Unit, (>>=), bind, unit, void) import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)...