Ethan Manilow
Ethan Manilow
I'm going to leave this issue open until we merge the py3-networks branch into master, because the DeepSeparation class will supersede DeepClustering and it seems the issue isn't reproducible with...
I'm going to edit this; this doesn't seem like an issue with the documentation, but rather the name of the algorithm. `OverlapAdd` segments the signal into large windows (with length...
As per our offline discussions of this, I think this is a good proposal. It shouldn't be that hard to implement by adding our own logic around scipy's version, which...
Yeah, I wouldn't think that'd be anything but a wrapper though, right? I don't think it's inappropriate to have it in that file as well; it'd be nice to have...
Should this have a footprint in `` somehow? I'm not sure how that would work exactly, but it does seem similar to the rest of the effects hooks. I hesitate...
Hey! Thanks for opening up this issue. As I mentioned in my reply to the original issue (, the fix is to change the MIDI labels because Kontakt won't render...
> I also know that the SXX.mid bass stems are shifted one octave above the numbers written above, but I guess that is because the kontakt MIDI engine renders bass...
Hey, sorry for the delay. Your data loader project project seems really cool! We're also working on a [slakh pytorch data loader in nussl](, though work has stagnated. I'm hoping...
Awesome. I'm a bit swamped right now, but I will look this over and merge next week. Thanks for checking it out!
Holy cow, this is great work! With the crunch of deadlines, I was unable to inspect every single file, but it looks like you found a nice way. Would you...