shred name.txt; rm name.txt
shred name.txt; rm name.txt
The best way to improve the Snake AI however, is the following code:'cuda:0') add this code right after the definition of 'model(state)'. NOTE: You must have a cuda compatible...
Thanks, looking back at my code, it seems I should have been more focused on the rewarding system, I am seeing if I can do what is called a genetic...
All you have to do is in the place the following code right after the model init:'cuda:0')
Or you can do for Action = self.model('cuda:0'))
Sometimes GPUs are meant for graphics strictly, which may hinder them in terms of multiprocessing and calculating each action the neurons will take, it is a fairly uncommon issue.
is it possible that we could compile it directly for linux?
Thank you for the information.
actually, I just fixed it, but I am having issues with the streamer for moves, I can show you my code (I will censor my API tokens and everything though...)
Whoops, I forgot to close the issue.