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web3.eth.account signature hypothesis tests
What was wrong?
Want to catch/prevent more issues like ethereum/ earlier.
How can it be fixed?
More hypothesis tests. Piper's suggestions (on ethereum/
- A signed transaction's signature recovers to the expected sender address
- The raw transaction can be rlp decoded into a transaction object
- An rlp decoded transaction object's v,r,s match the v,r,s from the signature.
- The signature bytes are 65 bytes in length
The downside is that they can be pretty time-intensive. Just a test for the length of signature bytes added 7 seconds to a 53-second test suite.
--- a/tests/core/eth-module/
+++ b/tests/core/eth-module/
@@ -2,10 +2,19 @@
import pytest
+from eth_keys.constants import (
from eth_utils import (
+from hypothesis import (
+ example,
+ given,
+ strategies as st,
from web3 import (
@@ -268,6 +277,16 @@ def test_eth_account_sign(acct, message, key, expected_bytes, expected_hash, v,
assert account.sign(message_text=message) == signed
+@given(st.binary(), st.integers(
+ min_value=Web3.toInt(hexstr='0x1' + '00' * 31),
+ max_value=SECPK1_N - 1
+ )
+def test_message_signature_length(acct, message, key):
+ signed = acct.sign(message, key)
+ assert len(signed.signature) == 65
'txn, private_key, expected_raw_tx, tx_hash, r, s, v',
We can use the same strategy that we used to speed up the test suite in the Py-EVM codebase for slow tests like this. We can setup a daily cron run on travis that runs and only run the slow tests during the cron run.
See implementation here:
[old issue cleanup]
I believe this hypothesis testing belongs (and already exists) in eth-account. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Hm, I don't think this particular test exists yet in eth-account. Maybe copy/move the issue over and reopen?
Re: transfer, looks like I've got insufficient privileges in eth-account @carver. Would you mind moving it over? (The -> Transfer issue
button lives in the sidebar.) Thanks!
@marcgarreau Transferred! TIL ✨