file assets/eip-5700/erc1155/ERC1155.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/erc1155/ERC1155Bindable.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
(pass) assets/eip-5700/erc1155/ERC1155Binder.sol
file assets/eip-5700/erc1155/ERC1155Binder.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
(pass) assets/eip-5700/erc721/ERC721.sol
file assets/eip-5700/erc721/ERC721.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
(pass) assets/eip-5700/erc721/ERC721Bindable.sol
file assets/eip-5700/erc721/ERC721Bindable.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
(pass) assets/eip-5700/erc721/ERC721Binder.sol
file assets/eip-5700/erc721/ERC721Binder.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC1155Bindable.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC1155BindableErrors.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC1155Binder.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC1155BinderErrors.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC1155Errors.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC721Bindable.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC721BindableErrors.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC721Binder.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC721BinderErrors.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
file assets/eip-5700/interfaces/IERC721Errors.sol is associated with EIP 5700; because there are also changes being made to EIPS/ all changes to corresponding assets are also allowed
There has been no activity on this pull request for 2 weeks. It will be closed after 3 months of inactivity. If you would like to move this PR forward, please respond to any outstanding feedback or add a comment indicating that you have addressed all required feedback and are ready for a review.
This pull request was closed due to inactivity. If you are still pursuing it, feel free to reopen it and respond to any feedback or request a review in a comment.
Will be updating this soon with changes after reflecting on limitations. I've also done a deep analysis on all other EIPs touching on ownership attribution and will add a section on how this differs and the types of compromises being made. Just commenting here to make it clear that this EIP is not dead and a lot of effort will soon be put forth again to asking for feedback!