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Update the Outdated Details for Cronos Mainnet
Update to the latest Block explorer URL for Cronos Mainnet. Official Cronos RPC URLs page:
Seems to be 2 different explorers - so maybe just add it as an alternative? Or why does it need to be replaced?
There are two explorers for Cronos chain: in-house blockscout explorer and Cronoscan. Blockscout has its own advantages and will not be replaced by Cronoscan based on the current plan.
is more commonly used among Cronos users and applied as the main explorer in the latest RPC detail.
yes - then please add it as a second explorer and do not replace the old one. It is an array because of this reason.
is more commonly used among Cronos users and applied as the main explorer in the latest RPC detail.
Though both explorers co-exist and Cronoscan is our main explorer. From the perspective of RPC, the main explorer
should replace the old one. It is applied as the explorer URL in the latest RPC detail, so we can just keep the new one and remove the old one under Block Explorer URL. Sorry for the confusion if any.
Hi @ligi, another quick follow-up on this change request along with May we know if there are any further questions/concerns blocking merging these two changes? Thanks.
@ligi hi -- friendly follow-up to update the Cronos chain details in chainlist according to the official endpoints. All the details below are the official ones
Mainnet Name: Cronos New RPC URL: Chain ID: 25 Symbol:CRO Block explorer URL:
Testnet Name: Cronos testnet RPC URL: Chain ID:338 Symbol:TCRO Block explorer URL:
Please run the prettier
Hi @ligi, we've run the prettier checks and it should be good now. Could you please review and merge?