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Problems for convert

Open leaderofring opened this issue 8 years ago • 16 comments

Hi, I tried to convert the SqueezeNet weights trained to tensorflow. But i get some errors:

ValueError: Unable to determine kernel parameter!

How to fix that? Thank you very much!

leaderofring avatar Aug 16 '16 07:08 leaderofring

I'm also seeing this issue when trying to convert some models and haven't figured out the problem, yet.

kingjason avatar Aug 17 '16 12:08 kingjason

I think in the case of SqueezeNet (where I also got that error), the problem is in the global average pooling layer here:

Does TensorFlow have a generic global pool op? Otherwise, for the converter, the pool kernel dimensions could be set by the output of the previous layer, ie enough to cover the whole input exactly once.

bmount avatar Sep 10 '16 12:09 bmount

TensorFlow has a Global Average Pooling layer I'm looking at this issue, hope it can be fixed

tmatas avatar Sep 26 '16 06:09 tmatas

So did anyone succed in converting squeeze net?

Arsakes avatar Oct 05 '16 13:10 Arsakes

@arsakes yeah, you can just change the last pooling parameter from global to a fixed kernel with size equal to the width/height of the previous layer (iirc it's 14 or 7). I started to make a patch that computes this but got sidetracked, sounds like tf will support it natively so maybe it will be fairly straightforward per the note from @tmatas . But quick fix is to just make that small adjustment to the Caffe model spec.

bmount avatar Oct 06 '16 05:10 bmount

@bmount Yeah, I made exactly the same to convert squeezenet

tmatas avatar Oct 06 '16 06:10 tmatas

This is how I converted the SqueezeNet model:

I changed LayerAdapter class in to be:

class LayerAdapter(object):

    def __init__(self, layer, kind):
        self.layer = layer
        self.kind = kind
        self._input_shape = None

    def parameters(self):
        name = NodeDispatch.get_handler_name(self.kind)
        name = '_'.join((name, 'param'))
            return getattr(self.layer, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise NodeDispatchError('Caffe parameters not found for layer kind: %s' % (self.kind))

    def get_kernel_value(scalar, repeated, idx, default=None):
        if scalar:
            return scalar
        if repeated:
            if isinstance(repeated, numbers.Number):
                return repeated
            if len(repeated) == 1:
                # Same value applies to all spatial dimensions
                return int(repeated[0])
            assert idx < len(repeated)
            # Extract the value for the given spatial dimension
            return repeated[idx]
        if default is None:
            raise ValueError('Unable to determine kernel parameter!')
        return default

    def set_input_shape(self, input_shape):
        self._input_shape = input_shape

    def kernel_parameters(self):
        assert self.kind in (NodeKind.Convolution, NodeKind.Pooling)
        params = self.parameters
        global_pool = hasattr(params, 'global_pooling')
        if params.kernel_size:
            k_h = self.get_kernel_value(params.kernel_h, params.kernel_size, 0)
            k_w = self.get_kernel_value(params.kernel_w, params.kernel_size, 1)
        elif self._input_size:
            k_h, k_w = [self._input_shape.height, self._input_shape.width]
        else: #errors out in get_kernel_value function
            k_h = self.get_kernel_value(params.kernel_h, params.kernel_size, 0)
            k_w = self.get_kernel_value(params.kernel_w, params.kernel_size, 1)
        s_h = self.get_kernel_value(params.stride_h, params.stride, 0, default=1)
        s_w = self.get_kernel_value(params.stride_w, params.stride, 1, default=1)
        p_h = self.get_kernel_value(params.pad_h, params.pad, 0, default=0)
        p_w = self.get_kernel_value(params.pad_h, params.pad, 1, default=0)
        print self.kind
        print k_h, k_w, s_h, s_w, p_h, p_w
        return KernelParameters(k_h, k_w, s_h, s_w, p_h, p_w)

KernelParameters = namedtuple('KernelParameters', ['kernel_h', 'kernel_w', 'stride_h', 'stride_w',
'pad_h', 'pad_w'])

Note: _input_shape that has been added to this class to automatically make the kernel for global pooling layers the same size as the input. So, before calling kernel_parameters() on a node.layer, make sure to set_input_shape. For example:

input_shape = node.get_only_parent().output_shape
kernel_params = node.layer.kernel_parameters

The only thing I needed to change in the caffe model spec for squeezenet was for conv10, the kernel size was set to 1 and pad to 1 as well. I removed the pad from that layer since that's not needed.

shrutisharmavsco avatar Oct 06 '16 22:10 shrutisharmavsco

could you post the squeezenet model for tensorflow?

mkaskov avatar Oct 22 '16 18:10 mkaskov

Trying to convert squeezenet1.1 :

"Multiple top nodes are not supported"

EDIT: Ok, this happens only for train/test version of squeeze 1.1. To use converter you need to :

  1. Use prototext file with deployment model definition.
  2. Convert last pooling into fixed size filter (13x13, stride 1) (so edit your deployment model definiton).

Arsakes avatar Nov 08 '16 21:11 Arsakes

@Arsakes I have converted the caffe prototot to a deployment file, but converting the last pooling layer into a convolution doesn’t work. I get an error:

Check failed: target_blobs.size() == source_layer.blovs_size() (2 vs. 0) Incompatible number of blobs for layer pool10.

Could you share you're deployment prototxt?


EDIT: It seems the convolution needs to be a new name.

radmerti avatar Dec 13 '16 11:12 radmerti


deploy.txt I'm using SqueezNet 1.1.

Arsakes avatar Dec 13 '16 17:12 Arsakes

Hi @Arsakes,

using your deploy.txt, I run this command: python SqueezeNet/SqueezeNet_v1.1/deploy.txt --caffemodel=SqueezeNet/SqueezeNet_v1.1/squeezenet_v1.1.caffemodel --data-output-path=squeeze.npy

I got the following error: F0106 10:49:53.558841 32003 pooling_layer.cpp:19] Check failed: !(pool_param.has_kernel_size() || pool_param.has_kernel_h() || pool_param.has_kernel_w()) With Global_pooling: true Filter size cannot specified *** Check failure stack trace: *** Aborted (core dumped)

pribadihcr avatar Jan 06 '17 02:01 pribadihcr

For anyone still interested in this issue, note the right explicit window size and stride are:

>     kernel_size: 15
>     stride: 15

>     kernel_size: 14
>     stride: 14

(at least, for working correctly with NVIDIA's TensorRT 1.0.0).

psyhtest avatar Jan 18 '17 13:01 psyhtest

In response to @shrutisharmavsco great answer, make the following change in

def get_strided_kernel_output_shape(node, round_func):
    assert node.layer is not None
    input_shape = node.get_only_parent().output_shape
    o_h, o_w = get_filter_output_shape(input_shape.height, input_shape.width,
                                       node.layer.kernel_parameters, round_func)
    params = node.layer.parameters
    has_c_o = hasattr(params, 'num_output')
    c = params.num_output if has_c_o else input_shape.channels
    return TensorShape(input_shape.batch_size, c, o_h, o_w)

battlejj avatar Feb 09 '17 21:02 battlejj

Maybe, there is something wrong in @shrutisharmavsco code. I think

 elif self._input_size:

should be

 elif self._input_shape:

sundw2014 avatar Mar 08 '17 07:03 sundw2014

Thanks all.... this worked for me. I've collected the above comments into a PR at

BryceCicada avatar Jun 21 '17 10:06 BryceCicada