STM32CubeIDE-Workshop-2019 copied to clipboard
STM32CubeMX IDE issue. Throws warning when using macros
Microcontroller used STM32H753BI
Issue: STM32CubeMX 6.0.0 Macro concerns
Case Number informed by ST (internal community): 00112804
I have still not heard back on this from ST Team and hence raising the concern here.
Issue Description START
Dear Luca, Pasu,
Please check the attached files.
The STM32CubeMX 6.0.0 now allows adding alphanumeric values constant values, after I had requested for this. This feature was not available with STM32CubeMX 5.6.1
Initial behavior when macros are declared and used:
Some examples of macros that will get added to main.c as a result of adding the macros under USER CONSTANTS are:
#define MaxStdFIFOs u8CAN1MaxStandardFIFO
#define RS485RCUBaudRate (47600UL)
in the above example u8CAN1MaxStandardFIFO is an unsigned char variable, which is defined only in my code and is also appropriately externed.
Once I add the macro and its alphanumeric value, I am able to use the macro as value for USART3 baudrate, Defining some other values etc.
The code also generates without any concern until the project is not closed.
Observation & Concerns: Whenever the IOC file is opened again and I try to regenerate the code, the STM32CubeMX 6.0.0 for no reason start THROWING WARNING about the Drivers which use the macros similar to the ones shared above. Please refer to snippet STM32CubeMX-6.0.0-Code-generation-concern.png for details.
Also refer to STM32CubeMX-6.0.0-macro-declaration.png to refer to some macros that have been declared. Please check the items encircled with red line.
Also please refer to Initially-allowed-using-macro-but-on-repoening-IOC-shows-a-red-cross.png file. Please observe the red cross marks.
Requesting Fixes:
The C code and the associated allows putting values assigned to macros in brackets. It also allows adding UL at the end of a number so as to inform that the number must be treated as unsigned long. Similarly a macro / name as an alias for a variable.
The STM32CubeMX should not through errors for above implementations when requested / added with help of STM32CubeMX.
Please help.
Thanks, Rajeev
Case status information and update option is available via Customer Support portal.
Regards, @rxa1031