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Neural Topic Model via Optimal Transport, ICLR 2021

Neural Topic Model via Optimal Transport

This repo contains the Tensorflow implementation of the ICLR paper [1].


The code runs on Tensorflow 1.0 and should be easily adapted to Tensorflow 2.0. The requirements are in the file of requirements.txt. Please use numpy==1.19.5 or lower to avoid incompatibility with Tensorflow 1.15.


We provided the preprocessed versions of the datasets used in the paper, including 20News, WS, and TMN, under the folder of datasets.

Each dataset is stored in a MAT file with the following contents:

  • wordsTrain: V by Ntrain count matrix for Ntrain training documents with V words in the vocabulary
  • wordsTest: V by Ntest count matrix for Ntest testing documents
  • labelsTrain: Indexes of the labels of the training documents
  • labelsTest: Indexes of the labels of the testing documents
  • labelsToGroup: Names of the labels
  • vocabulary: Words in the vocabulary
  • embeddings: Pretrained 50-dimensional GloVe word embeddings for the words in the vocabulary

Please prepare your own documents in the above format. If you want to use this dataset, please cite the original papers, which are cited in our paper.


Simply python --dataset=20News --K=100. For other settings, please see as well as our paper.

The files of a run of the model will be saved under the folder of save.


  • We provided the Matlab functions (Matlab and Java installations required) to compute topic diversity (with all the topics), top-Purity/NMI and km-Purity/MNI for document clustering.
  • Run evaluation/evaluate.m will give the above results.
  • To evaluate the topic coherence results, we used Palmetto, which is not provided in this repo. One needs to download and set up separately.


  • The computing of document clustering results is based on the Java implementation of LFTM.
  • We provided independent Tensorflow (1.0 and 2.0) and Pytorch implementations of the Sinkhorn algorithm used in our model at Tensorflow_Pytorch_Sinkhorn_OT, which can be used for computing the optimal transport distances between discrete distributions in general.
  • The code comes without support.

[1] He Zhao, Dinh Phung, Viet Huynh, Trung Le, Wray Buntine: Neural Topic Model via Optimal Transport, ICLR 2021