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Add function options to export()

Open munday-tech opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

Addition of optional options to ignore_errors when writing rows to files via export() and to check for and remove null bytes if found in rows of data.

ignore_errors: Try/Catch blocks per row of DBF table. In the case a row causes an error and cannot be export, this option allows you to skip the line and continue exporting ignore_null_bytes: Option to check for and remove null bytes if found in a row of data

munday-tech avatar Apr 16 '21 05:04 munday-tech

This looks good. Can you add a couple test cases to make sure the code is doing what it is supposed to?

ethanfurman avatar Apr 16 '21 14:04 ethanfurman

I will run some test cases and get back to you.

munday-tech avatar Apr 19 '21 04:04 munday-tech

I have attached a test case which best mimics the scenario in which I used the above. Few things to note;

  • I ran some additional prints within the export() function and have not committed these prints to the repo, i will include these below.
  • The error I was bypassing with ignore_errors is due to an encoding issue with x81, I do not seem to be able to insert this into a temp table due to the same issue. However the exception is a catch-all and should be easily testable

Hopefully this gives you an idea of what it is looking for. I found a few issues I committed fixes for, with iterables and indentations. Let me know if you need me to provide any more info.

def export(table_or_records, filename=None, field_names=None, format='csv', header=True, dialect='dbf', encoding=None, ignore_errors=False, remove_null_bytes=False):
    writes the records using CSV or tab-delimited format, using the filename
    given if specified, otherwise the table name
    if table_or_records is a collection of records (not an actual table) they
    should all be of the same format
    ignore_errors will skip rows which raise an exception and continue with the export
    remove_null_bytes removes all null bytes from output \x00
    table = source_table(table_or_records[0])
    if filename is None:
        filename = table.filename
    if field_names is None:
        field_names = table.field_names
    if isinstance(field_names, basestring):
        field_names = [f.strip() for f in field_names.split(',')]
    format = format.lower()
    if format not in ('csv', 'tab', 'fixed'):
        raise DbfError("export format: csv, tab, or fixed -- not %s" % format)
    if format == 'fixed':
        format = 'txt'
    if encoding is None:
        encoding = table.codepage.name
    encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)
    header_names = field_names
    #     encoding = table.codepage.name
    # encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)
    if isinstance(field_names[0], unicode):
        header_names = [encoder(f) for f in field_names]
        header_names = field_names
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if ext.lower() in ('', '.dbf'):
        filename = base + "." + format
    with codecs.open(filename, 'w', encoding=encoding) as fd:
        if format == 'csv':
            csvfile = csv.writer(fd, dialect=dialect)
            if header:
            for record in table_or_records:
                    fields = []
                    for fieldname in field_names:
                        data = record[fieldname]
                        if remove_null_bytes:
                            if '\x00' in str(data):
                                print(f'Removing Null Bytes from line{fieldname}: \n{record}')
                                data = data.replace('\x00', '')
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f'Skipping line \ndue to error\n{e} at \n{fieldname}')
                    if not ignore_errors:
                        raise e
        elif format == 'tab':
            if header:
                fd.write('\t'.join(header_names) + '\n')
            for record in table_or_records:
                    fields = []
                    for fieldname in field_names:
                        data = record[fieldname]
                        if remove_null_bytes:
                                if '\x00' in str(data):
                                    data = data.replace('\x00', '')
                    fd.write('\t'.join(fields) + '\n')
                except Exception as e:
                    if not ignore_errors:
                        raise e
        else: # format == 'fixed'
            with codecs.open("%s_layout.txt" % os.path.splitext(filename)[0], 'w', encoding=encoding) as header:
                header.write("%-15s  Size\n" % "Field Name")
                header.write("%-15s  ----\n" % ("-" * 15))
                sizes = []
                for field in field_names:
                    size = table.field_info(field).length
                    header.write("%-15s  %3d\n" % (field, size))
                header.write('\nTotal Records in file: %d\n' % len(table_or_records))
            for record in table_or_records:
                    fields = []
                    for i, fieldname in enumerate(field_names):
                        data = record[fieldname]
                        if remove_null_bytes:
                                if '\x00' in str(data):
                                    data = data.replace('\x00', '')
                        fields.append("%-*s" % (sizes[i], data))
                    fd.write(''.join(fields) + '\n')
                except Exception as e:
                    if not ignore_errors:
                        raise e
    return len(table_or_records)


munday-tech avatar Apr 20 '21 03:04 munday-tech

Apologies for the delay. ignore_errors and strip_nulls are now supported (v0.99.009).

ethanfurman avatar Dec 08 '23 05:12 ethanfurman