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Golang Connection pool for net.conn.

gncp Doc License Build

A thread safe connection pool for net.conn interface. Easy to manage, reuse and limit connections in golang.


Use go get to install package:

go get

In source code:

import ""


Full document:

// connCreator let connection know how to create new connection.
func connCreator() (net.Conn, error) {
	return net.Dial("tcp", "")

// Create new connection pool. It will initialize 3 connection in pool when pool created.
// If connection not enough in pool, pool will call creator to create new connection.
// But when total connection number pool created reach 10 connection, pool will not creat
// any new connection until someone call Remove().
pool, err := gncp.NewPool(3, 10, connCreator)

// Get connection from pool. If pool has no connection and total connection reach max number
// of connections, this method will block until someone put back connection to pool.
conn, err := pool.Get()

// Get connection from pool with timeout. It will wait one second, if still cannot get connection
// it will return timeout error.
conn, err := pool.GetWithTimeout(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)

// After you are finished using the connection call Close() method to put connection back to pool.
// It will not close real connection.
err := conn.Close()

// Remove connection from connection pool. The connection will not belong pool anymore.
// And this method will close connection.
err := pool.Remove(conn)

// Close connection pool. All connections in pool will be closed.
err := pool.Close()


The MIT License (MIT)