Zuo Zongyuan

Results 24 comments of Zuo Zongyuan

@sntdevco If you are currently using Windows 10 and have WSL on it, please take a look at #36. Hope it helps.

The error "`This socket has been ended by the other party`" is caused by incorrect paths in the request sent to sourcekite. The wrong request is as below: ```js {...

@clouddemo1 I even tried writing a Windows kernel driver myself. Everything's fine with `__readmsr`. However at the very moment I touch `__writemsr`, a GSoD occurs (SYSTEM_ERROR_EXCEPTION or some).

I think this can be closed with Windows 10 20H1, which changed the behavior of Virtualization-Based Security, undocumented however. [See this post](https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-X-Series-Laptops/Lenovo-X1E-still-throttling-at-80c-when-Hyper-V-enabled/m-p/4594082/highlight/true#M108215).

@bhumphreys Maybe you've disabled support for RTTI at compile-time: ```cpp #ifdef _CPPRTTI // some other definition... #else // _CPPRTTI template shared_ptr dynamic_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr&) noexcept = delete; // requires /GR option...

Hi @brandon1024 , thanks for your excellent extension! I'd really love to see this issue get fixed. Is there any progress?

No shadows support for an experimental feature seems to be OK, at least for me. As for those "_ghost entities_", I'm aware of the problem as @qouteall mentioned [here](https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/70592-113how-to-use-mixin-for-forge-modding/?do=findComment&comment=341604). I...

currently the only workaround is to copy custom natvis files to `GlobalVisualizersDirectory`, which is `~/.vscode(-insiders)/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-x.y.z/debugAdapters/vsdbg/bin/Visualizers`. Ref: https://github.com/microsoft/MIEngine/blob/7afd062458dc8533fbfb6b6bb9a15cdab5d1029e/src/DebugEngineHost.VSCode/HostConfigurationStore.cs#L45-L50

[Selecting the number of clusters with silhouette analysis on KMeans clustering](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/cluster/plot_kmeans_silhouette_analysis.html)

> @David-Else That doesn't enforce the rule `However, for top-level functions, the function syntax should be used.` though, right? You can use `no-restricted-syntax` as a temporary workaround to mimic `no-top-level-arrow`:...