Sandcastle-Builder copied to clipboard
Note that SCB scripts may not update with SCB (in particular, pre-refactor script may be broken)
Edit: I think it's just the Redundakitty timer variable. My kitty timer isn't working, so maybe I should just look at the changelog. (I'm getting NaN as the time.)
I think a bunch of "Molpyredacted" were changed to "MolpyRedacted". I guess the solution is, read the changelog.
Actually, maybe someone should rewrite this. I don't know at all how to code, so I'm not completely sure if my earlier comment is valid. Molpyredacted or something was a separate function/variable/whatever, so I'm not sure that just substituting variable names would work, because the new variables would be under the general molpyredacted header?
I am very unclear on what your problem is. Is the time on the kitties not showing correctly or are you talking about something else that tells you when a kitty will appear?
I'm thinking the problem is with a thirdparty script (e.g. BeachBall doesn't do redundakitties since the refactor)
Yea Beachball / Volleyball hasn't been updated in a while.
It's kinda ownerless at the moment.
I think I'm having the same problem. Just reloaded to 3.333(3?) and now my kitten timer says NaN and my autoclicker isn't working. : ( I need an autokittyclicker!
It's a script I found here:
Its the script that is wrong, not SCB.
Well, I guess I figured that was the case. So maybe my question should have been, is there a kitty clicker that does work? Or can I fix it to make it work?
People have gotten beachball working, you'll just have to search reddit. Clickers and scripts are not SCB issues.
I agree it is closeable, but I am choosing to leave it open so anybody else can see yes it is an issue, but not with SCB. (Sorry Laura)
No problem, thanks waveney!
Maybe someone could maintain a list of scripts and the link could be added to the sandcastle builder homepage, although I realize that one could argue that this could be construed as condoning cheating. To this, I would reply that the general attitude to cheating seems to be that it's the player's choice whether or not to ruin his game.
There's a link to the subreddit, from which it's easy enough to search for the related threads.
All right, thanks for clarification; I wasn't aware there was a subreddit until I checked the main page.
Found the subreddit, can't make the fix work but it's probably me. Being able to cheat kinda makes it more fun (learned that from C**kie Clicker), plus if I don't have an autoclicker my game just moves that much slower. But that's not SCB's problem. Thanks, all!
The fix is out of date now because of several recent changes. It only recreates the Beachball's options menu, it doesn't fix the broken scripts.
Semi-fixed...after the first Redundakitty hits, all features stop working, but until then, it works?