botan copied to clipboard
AES sample ?
Would it be possible for you to show a tiny AES sample ?
Thanks in advance ;)
Not sure if it is almost corect code, but I used it for my pet project.
import botan.block.aes;
import botan.libstate.lookup;
const int AES256_KEY_LEN = 32;
const int AES256_BLOCK_LEN = 16;
ubyte[] encrypt_aes256_cbc_pkcs7(const ubyte[] key, const ubyte[] iv, const ubyte[] input)
assert(key.length == AES256_KEY_LEN);
assert(iv.length == AES256_BLOCK_LEN);
Unique!BlockCipher aes256 = retrieveBlockCipher("AES-256").clone();
aes256.setKey(key.ptr, AES256_KEY_LEN);
size_t blocks = (input.length / AES256_BLOCK_LEN) + 1;
size_t padding = ((blocks * AES256_BLOCK_LEN) - input.length);
ubyte[] padd = new ubyte[padding];
padd[] = cast(ubyte)padding;
ubyte[] buffer = input ~ padd;
ubyte[AES256_BLOCK_LEN] _iv;
_iv[] = iv[];
for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks * AES256_BLOCK_LEN; i += AES256_BLOCK_LEN)
ubyte[] b = buffer[i .. i + AES256_BLOCK_LEN];
b[] ^= _iv[];
_iv[] = b[];
return buffer;
ubyte[] decrypt_aes256_cbc_pkcs7(const ubyte[] key, const ubyte[] iv, const ubyte[] input)
assert(key.length == AES256_KEY_LEN);
assert(iv.length == AES256_BLOCK_LEN);
assert(input.length > 0);
assert((input.length % AES256_BLOCK_LEN) == 0);
Unique!BlockCipher aes256 = retrieveBlockCipher("AES-256").clone();
aes256.setKey(key.ptr, AES256_KEY_LEN);
ubyte[] buffer = new ubyte[input.length];
buffer[] = input[];
ubyte[AES256_BLOCK_LEN] nextIv;
ubyte[AES256_BLOCK_LEN] _iv;
_iv[] = iv[];
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.length; i += AES256_BLOCK_LEN)
ubyte[] b = buffer[i .. i + AES256_BLOCK_LEN];
nextIv[] = b[];
b[] ^= _iv[];
_iv[] = nextIv[];
size_t padding = buffer[$ - 1];
assert(padding > 0);
assert(padding <= buffer.length);
return buffer[0..$ - padding];
You should also make sure you call .destroy
on your AES object to zeroise your key from memory as its destructor intends. You can also place it in a Unique!AES256
. I would even create it with findBlockCipher
to make sure it uses the available hardware optimizations like AES-NI or SSSE3.
Also, there's a (considerably more complex) example in source/botan/constructs/cryptobox_psk.d
Sorry, that's retrieveBlockCipher
from import botan.libstate.lookup
Update the code with your suggestions, thanks a lot!
The example given seems way too complicated. Here is ECB:
import botan.all;
import botan.filters.b64_filt;
import std.stdio;
void main() {
auto cipher = getCipher("AES-128/ECB", ENCRYPTION);
auto pipe = Pipe(cipher, new Base64Encoder);
pipe.processMsg("January February");
writeln(pipe.toString == "hr0e+xH2oi0mYHMmdGQCnQ==");
and CBC:
import botan.all;
import botan.filters.b64_filt;
import std.stdio;
void main() {
auto cipher = getCipher("AES-128/CBC", ENCRYPTION);
auto pipe = Pipe(cipher, new Base64Encoder);
pipe.processMsg("January February");
writeln(pipe.toString == "BvfnZp4jmCaveE6kefhumpZ0raWX9GDojfPasgSwLTM=");