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Teeny-tiny flexbox grid for React


Teeny-tiny flexbox grid for React. 2kb gzipped.



  1. No boilerplate, no config
  2. Outputs Real CSS™
  3. Nestable
  4. Uses relative units (em)
  5. SSR API


ffx exports two components, Flex and Box. Flex is designed to be the wrapper and immediate parent of Box.

import { Flex, Box } from 'ffx'

  <Box />
  <Box />


// 1em gutter
<Flex gutter={1} />

// 1em gutter, 2em gutter above 800px
<Flex gutter={[ 1, [ 800, 2 ] ]} />

// wrappable flexbox
<Flex wrap={true} />

// wrappable flexbox, nowrap above 800px
<Flex wrap={[ true, [ 800, false ] ]} />

// passed directly to align-items
<Flex alignItems='flex-start' />

// passed directly to justifyContent
<Flex justifyContent='flex-start' />

// 50% wide
<Box width={1/2} /> // or <Box width={0.5} />

// 100% wide, 50% wide above 800px
<Box width={[ 1, [ 800, 1/2 ] ]} />

// 200px wide
<Box width='200px' />

// fill available space
<Box width='auto' />

// 200px wide, auto width above 800px
<Box width={[ '200px', [ 800, 'auto' ] ]} />

// flex order
<Box order={-1} />

// flex order
<Box order={[ -1, [ 800, 'unset' ] ]} />

// offset by 25%
<Box offset={1/4} width={1/2} />

// offset by 50% above 800px
<Box offset={[[800, 1/2]]} width={[ 1, [ 800, 1/2 ] ]} />

CSS output from above elements:

.⚡︎0{margin-left: -0.5em; margin-right: -0.5em}.⚡︎1{flex-wrap: nowrap}.⚡︎3{margin-left: -0em; margin-right: -0em}.⚡︎4{flex-wrap: wrap}@media(min-width:50em){.⚡︎5{flex-wrap: nowrap}}@media(min-width:50em){.⚡︎2{margin-left: -1em; margin-right: -1em}}


Grids are fully nestable.

<Flex gutter={1}>
  <Box width={1/3} />
  <Box width={2/3}>
    <Flex gutter={1}>
      <Box width={1/2} />
      <Box width={1/2} />


This isn't production code, just a simplified example.

import { getCSS } from 'ffx'

const html = renderToString(<App />)
const css = getCSS()

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <style id="ffx">${css}</style>

MIT License