Hi Is there a feature like this: []( to navigate between items on the list(that's generated by ng-repeat). Thanks
Hi, I want to export pure html after created form with angular-form-builder. How to do that? Thanks
Hi What does it means number in eloquent example? ` `protected $searchable = [` ``` use Nicolaslopezj\Searchable\SearchableTrait; ``` `class User extends \Eloquent ` {` use SearchableTrait; ` ``` protected $searchable...
Hi, I use your plugin in Angular project but after insert image as base64, type in editor with delay and some times after 4 second from key-press character shown. Thanks
Hi, I want to change php.ini, but I want to reserve comments that exist in this file. In this file comments specific with (`;`) character. What should I do? Thanks
Hi Thanks for your plugins. I want to use your plugin but I didn't see REORDER option like this image: Is there any way to implement of this feature?...
Hi, How to read file and change it and reserve comment that specific with `;` like this: ``` ; Database host configuration DB_HOST= ```
Hi, How to define `DropboxProvider.config(, );` as dynamically in controller? Thanks
Thanks for your plugin. I need to add this plugin in RTL Quill editor. Is it possible to add `offsetRight` option to support RTL? Thanks
I want to use `Sweet Alert` for get radio button value in Angularjs. Is there a way to get selected radio button value. I am using `SweetAlert v1.1.3` anf `ngSweetAlert`...