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Fix for sigabort's due to (rare) AMD incompatibility with std::random_device
It seems that there are problems with some systems (mostly more modern AMD systems) where in some cases std::random_device will result in an exception. Currently this causes applications to be unusable.
Referencing this issue in libsass, I made a quick patch for solving this problem.
Since the current state of branches seems to be undergoing some refactoring/updating to newer version, and i have no idea where to PR to at this point, here is a diff based on the sonobus main repo.
Sonobus works as expected using this patch, where before it would crash on start.
diff --git a/deps/aoo/lib/src/client.cpp b/deps/aoo/lib/src/client.cpp
index f02e5ce6..0ec74259 100644
--- a/deps/aoo/lib/src/client.cpp
+++ b/deps/aoo/lib/src/client.cpp
@@ -170,11 +170,16 @@ aoo::net::client::client(void *udpsocket, aoo_sendfn fn, int port)
- // generate random token
- std::random_device randdev;
- std::default_random_engine reng(randdev());
- std::uniform_int_distribution<int64_t> uniform_dist(1); // minimum of 1, max of maxint
- token_ = uniform_dist(reng);
+ try {
+ std::random_device randdev;
+ std::default_random_engine reng(randdev());
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int64_t> uniform_dist(1); // minimum of 1, max of maxint
+ token_ = uniform_dist(reng);
+ }
+ // On certain system this can throw since either
+ // underlying hardware or software can be buggy.
+ //
+ catch (std::exception&) {}
void aoonet_client_free(aoonet_client *client){
diff --git a/deps/aoo/lib/src/source.cpp b/deps/aoo/lib/src/source.cpp
index 82f02088..c769d0f2 100644
--- a/deps/aoo/lib/src/source.cpp
+++ b/deps/aoo/lib/src/source.cpp
@@ -899,10 +899,18 @@ int32_t source::set_format(aoo_format &f){
int32_t source::make_salt(){
- thread_local std::random_device dev;
- thread_local std::mt19937 mt(dev());
- std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> dist;
- return dist(mt);
+ try {
+ thread_local std::random_device dev;
+ thread_local std::mt19937 mt(dev());
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> dist;
+ return dist(mt);
+ }
+ // On certain system this can throw since either
+ // underlying hardware or software can be buggy.
+ //
+ catch (std::exception&) {}
+ return 42;
int32_t source::set_userformat(void * ptr, int32_t size){