easylist-pac-privoxy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
easylist-pac-privoxy copied to clipboard

many warnings?

Open ahoier opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

This is the outpet after running the file through python

Python 3.8.3 (tags/v3.8.3:6f8c832, May 13 2020, 22:37:02) [MSC v.1924 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

-- coding: utf-8 --

author = 'stsmith'

easylist_pac: Convert EasyList Tracker and Adblocking rules to an efficient Proxy Auto Configuration file

Copyright (C) 2017-2020 by Steven T. Smith , GPL

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

import argparse as ap, copy, datetime, functools as fnt, numpy as np, os, re, sys, time, urllib.request, warnings

try: machine_learning_flag = True import multiprocessing as mp, scipy.sparse as sps from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler except ImportError as e: machine_learning_flag = False print(e) warnings.warn("Install scikit-learn for more accurate EasyList rule selection.")

try: plot_flag = True import matplotlib as mpl, matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Legible plot style defaults # http://matplotlib.org/api/matplotlib_configuration_api.html # http://matplotlib.org/users/customizing.html mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 5.0) mpl.rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 14}) mpl.rc('axes', **{'titlesize': 20, 'titleweight': 'bold', 'labelsize': 16, 'labelweight': 'bold'}) mpl.rc('legend', **{'fontsize': 14}) mpl.rc('figure', **{'titlesize': 16, 'titleweight': 'bold'}) mpl.rc('lines', **{'linewidth': 2.5, 'markersize': 18, 'markeredgewidth': 0}) mpl.rc('mathtext', **{'fontset': 'custom', 'rm': 'sans:bold', 'bf': 'sans:bold', 'it': 'sans:italic', 'sf': 'sans:bold', 'default': 'it'}) # plt.rc('text',usetex=False) # [default] usetex should be False mpl.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r'\usepackage{amsmath,sfmath} \boldmath'] except ImportError as e: plot_flag = False print(e) warnings.warn("Install matplotlib to plot rule priorities.")

class EasyListPAC: '''Create a Proxy Auto Configuration file from EasyList rule sets.'''

def __init__(self):
    if not self.my_extra_rules_off:
    if self.debug:
        print("Good rules and strengths:\n" + '\n'.join('{: 5d}:\t{}\t\t[{:2.1f}]'.format(i,r,s) for (i,(r,s)) in enumerate(zip(self.good_rules,self.good_signal))))
        print("\nBad rules and strengths:\n" + '\n'.join('{: 5d}:\t{}\t\t[{:2.1f}]'.format(i,r,s) for (i,(r,s)) in enumerate(zip(self.bad_rules,self.bad_signal))))
        if plot_flag:
            # plt.plot(np.arange(len(self.good_signal)), self.good_signal, '.')
            # plt.show()
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(self.bad_signal)), self.bad_signal, '.')
            plt.xlabel('Rule index')
            plt.ylabel('Bad rule distance (logit)')

def parseArgs(self):
    # blackhole specification in arguments
    # best choice is the LAN IP address of the http://hostname/proxy.pac web server or a dedicated blackhole server, e.g.
    parser = ap.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-b', '--blackhole', help="Blackhole IP:port", type=str, default='')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--download-dir', help="Download directory", type=str, default='~/Downloads')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--debug', help="Debug: Just print rules", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-moff', '--my_extra_rules_turnoff_flag', help="Turn off adding my extra rules", default=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--proxy', help="Proxy host:port", type=str, default='')
    parser.add_argument('-P', '--PAC-original', help="Original proxy.pac file", type=str, default='proxy.pac.orig')
    parser.add_argument('-rb', '--bad-rule-max', help="Maximum number of bad rules (-1 for unlimited)", type=int,
    parser.add_argument('-rg', '--good-rule-max', help="Maximum number of good rules (-1 for unlimited)",
                        type=int, default=1099)
    parser.add_argument('-th', '--truncate_hash', help="Truncate hash object length to maximum number", type=int,
    parser.add_argument('-tr', '--truncate_regex', help="Truncate regex rules to maximum number", type=int,
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--sliding-window', help="Sliding window training and test (slow)", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-x', '--Extra_EasyList_URLs', help="Extra Easylsit URLs", type=str, nargs='+', default=[])
    parser.add_argument('-*', '--wildcard-limit', help="Limit the number of wildcards", type=int, default=999)
    parser.add_argument('-@@', '--exceptions_include_flag', help="Include exception rules", action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    self.args = parser.parse_args()
    self.blackhole_ip_port = args.blackhole
    self.easylist_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.download_dir)
    self.debug = args.debug
    self.my_extra_rules_off = args.my_extra_rules_turnoff_flag
    self.proxy_host_port = args.proxy
    self.orig_pac_file = os.path.join(self.easylist_dir, args.PAC_original)
    # n.b. negative limits are set to no limits using [:None] slicing trick
    self.good_rule_max = args.good_rule_max if args.good_rule_max >= 0 else None
    self.bad_rule_max = args.bad_rule_max if args.bad_rule_max >= 0 else None
    self.truncate_hash_max = args.truncate_hash if args.truncate_hash >= 0 else None
    self.truncate_alternatives_max = args.truncate_regex if args.truncate_regex >= 0 else None
    self.sliding_window = args.sliding_window
    self.exceptions_include_flag = args.exceptions_include_flag
    self.wildcard_named_group_limit = args.wildcard_limit if args.wildcard_limit >= 0 else None
    self.extra_easylist_urls = args.Extra_EasyList_URLs
    return self.args

def easylists_download_latest(self):
    easylist_url = 'https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt'
    easyprivacy_url = 'https://easylist.to/easylist/easyprivacy.txt'
    fanboy_annoyance_url = 'https://easylist.to/easylist/fanboy-annoyance.txt'
    fanboy_antifacebook = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryanbr/fanboy-adblock/master/fanboy-antifacebook.txt'
    self.download_list = [fanboy_antifacebook, fanboy_annoyance_url, easyprivacy_url, easylist_url] + self.extra_easylist_urls
    self.file_list = []
    for url in self.download_list:
        fname = os.path.basename(url)
        fname_full = os.path.join(self.easylist_dir, fname)
        file_utc = file_to_utc(fname_full) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.easylist_dir, fname)) else 0.
        resp = urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': user_agent}))
        url_utc = last_modified_to_utc(last_modified_resp(resp))
        if (url_utc > file_utc) or (os.path.getsize(fname_full) == 0):  # download the newer file
            with open(fname_full, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as out_file:

def parse_and_filter_rule_files(self):
    """Parse all rules into good and bad lists. Use flags to specify included/excluded rules."""
    self.good_rules = []
    self.bad_rules = []
    self.good_opts = []
    self.bad_opts = []
    self.good_rules_include_flag = []
    self.bad_rules_include_flag = []
    for file in self.file_list:
        with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:

def easylist_append_rules(self, fd):
    """Append EasyList rules from file to good and bad lists."""
    for line in fd:
        line = line.rstrip()
        except self.RuleIgnored as e:
            if self.debug: print(e,flush=True)

class RuleIgnored(Exception):

def easylist_append_one_rule(self, line):
    """Append EasyList rules from line to good and bad lists."""
    ignore_rules_flag = False
    ignored_rules_count = 0
    line_orig = line
    # configuration lines and selector rules should already be filtered out
    if re_test(configuration_re, line) or re_test(selector_re, line): raise self.RuleIgnored("Rule '{}' not added.".format(line))
    exception_flag = exception_filter(line)  # block default; pass if True
    line = exception_re.sub(r'\1', line)
    option_exception_re = not3dimppuposgh_option_exception_re  # ignore these options by default
    # delete all easylist options **prior** to regex and selector cases
    # ignore domain limits for now
    opts = ''  # default: no options in the rule
    if re_test(option_re, line):
        opts = option_re.sub(r'\2', line)
        # domain-specific and other option exceptions: ignore
        # too many rules (>~ 10k) bog down the browser; make reasonable exclusions here
        line = option_re.sub(r'\1', line)  # delete all the options and continue
    # ignore these cases
    # comment case: ignore
    if re_test(comment_re, line):
        if re_test(commentname_sections_ignore_re, line):
            ignored_rules_comment_start = comment_re.sub('', line)
            if not ignore_rules_flag:
                ignored_rules_count = 0
                ignore_rules_flag = True
                print('Ignore rules following comment ', end='', flush=True)
            print('"{}"… '.format(ignored_rules_comment_start), end='', flush=True)
            if ignore_rules_flag: print('\n {:d} rules ignored.'.format(ignored_rules_count), flush=True)
            ignored_rules_count = 0
            ignore_rules_flag = False
        raise self.RuleIgnored("Rule '{}' not added.".format(line))
    if ignore_rules_flag:
        ignored_rules_count += 1
        self.append_rule(exception_flag, line, opts, False)
        raise self.RuleIgnored("Rule '{}' not added.".format(line))
    # blank url case: ignore
    if re_test(httpempty_re, line): raise self.RuleIgnored("Rule '{}' not added.".format(line))
    # blank line case: ignore
    if not bool(line): raise self.RuleIgnored("Rule '{}' not added.".format(line))
    # block default or pass exception
    if exception_flag:
        option_exception_re = not3dimppuposgh_option_exception_re  # ignore these options within exceptions
        if not self.exceptions_include_flag:
            self.append_rule(exception_flag, line, opts, False)
            raise self.RuleIgnored("Rule '{}' not added.".format(line))
    # specific options: ignore
    if re_test(option_exception_re, opts):
        self.append_rule(exception_flag, line, opts, False)
        raise self.RuleIgnored("Rule '{}' not added.".format(line))
    # add all remaining rules
    self.append_rule(exception_flag, line, opts, True)

def append_rule(self,exception_flag,rule, opts, include_rule_flag):
    if not bool(rule): return  # last chance to reject blank lines -- shouldn't happen
    if exception_flag:

def good_class_test(self,rule,opts=''):
    return not bool(badregex_regex_filters_re.search(rule))

def bad_class_test(self,rule,opts=''):
    """Bad rule of interest if a match for the bad regex's or specific rule options,

e.g. non-domain specific popups or images.""" return bool(badregex_regex_filters_re.search(rule))
or (bool(opts) and bool(thrdp_im_pup_os_option_re.search(opts)) and not bool(not3dimppupos_option_exception_re.search(opts)))

def prioritize_rules(self):
    # use bootstrap regex preferences
    # https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy would be great here if there were such a thing for regex
    self.good_signal = np.array([self.good_class_test(x,opts) for (x,opts,f) in zip(self.good_rules,self.good_opts,self.good_rules_include_flag) if f], dtype=np.int)
    self.bad_signal = np.array([self.bad_class_test(x,opts) for (x,opts,f) in zip(self.bad_rules,self.bad_opts,self.bad_rules_include_flag) if f], dtype=np.int)

    self.good_columns = np.array([i for (i,f) in enumerate(self.good_rules_include_flag) if f],dtype=int)
    self.bad_columns = np.array([i for (i,f) in enumerate(self.bad_rules_include_flag) if f],dtype=int)

    # Logistic Regression for more accurate rule priorities
    if machine_learning_flag:
        print("Performing logistic regression on rule sets. This will take a few minutes…",end='',flush=True)
        print(" done.", flush=True)

        # truncate to positive signal strengths
        if not self.debug:
            self.good_rule_max = min(self.good_rule_max,np.count_nonzero(self.good_signal > 0)) \
                if isinstance(self.good_rule_max,(int,np.int)) else np.count_nonzero(self.good_signal > 0)
            self.bad_rule_max = min(self.bad_rule_max, np.count_nonzero(self.bad_signal > 0)) \
                if isinstance(self.bad_rule_max,(int,np.int)) else np.count_nonzero(self.bad_signal > 0)

    # prioritize and limit the rules
    good_pridx = np.array([e[0] for e in sorted(enumerate(self.good_signal),key=lambda e: e[1],reverse=True)],dtype=int)[:self.good_rule_max]
    self.good_columns = self.good_columns[good_pridx]
    self.good_signal = self.good_signal[good_pridx]
    self.good_rules = [self.good_rules[k] for k in self.good_columns]
    bad_pridx = np.array([e[0] for e in sorted(enumerate(self.bad_signal),key=lambda e: e[1],reverse=True)],dtype=int)[:self.bad_rule_max]
    self.bad_columns = self.bad_columns[bad_pridx]
    self.bad_signal = self.bad_signal[bad_pridx]
    self.bad_rules = [self.bad_rules[k] for k in self.bad_columns]

    # include hardcoded rules
    for rule in include_these_good_rules:
        if rule not in self.good_rules: self.good_rules.append(rule)
    for rule in include_these_bad_rules:
        if rule not in self.bad_rules: self.bad_rules.append(rule)

    # rules are now ordered
    self.good_columns = np.arange(0,len(self.good_rules),dtype=self.good_columns.dtype)
    self.bad_columns = np.arange(0,len(self.bad_rules),dtype=self.bad_columns.dtype)


def logreg_priorities(self):
    """Rule prioritization using logistic regression on bootstrap preferences."""
    self.good_fv_json = {}
    self.good_column_hash = {}
    for col, (rule,opts) in enumerate(zip(self.good_rules,self.good_opts)):
        feature_vector_append_column(rule, opts, col, self.good_fv_json)
        self.good_column_hash[rule] = col
    self.bad_fv_json = {}
    self.bad_column_hash = {}
    for col, (rule,opts) in enumerate(zip(self.bad_rules,self.bad_opts)):
        feature_vector_append_column(rule, opts, col, self.bad_fv_json)
        self.bad_column_hash[rule] = col

    self.good_fv_mat, self.good_row_hash = fv_to_mat(self.good_fv_json, self.good_rules)
    self.bad_fv_mat, self.bad_row_hash = fv_to_mat(self.bad_fv_json, self.bad_rules)

    self.good_X_all = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit_transform(self.good_fv_mat.astype(np.float))
    self.good_y_all = np.array([self.good_class_test(x,opts) for (x,opts) in zip(self.good_rules, self.good_opts)], dtype=np.int)

    self.bad_X_all = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit_transform(self.bad_fv_mat.astype(np.float))
    self.bad_y_all = np.array([self.bad_class_test(x,opts) for (x,opts) in zip(self.bad_rules, self.bad_opts)], dtype=np.int)


    # inverse regularization signal; smaller values give more sparseness, less model rigidity
    self.C = 1.e1

    if self.sliding_window: self.logreg_sliding_window()


def debug_feature_vector(self,rule_substring=r'google.com/pagead'):
    for j, rule in enumerate(self.bad_rules):
        if rule.find(rule_substring) >= 0: break
    col = j
    _, rows = self.bad_fv_mat[col,:].nonzero()  # fv_mat is transposed
    for row in rows:
        print('Row {:d}: {}:: {:g}'.format(row, self.bad_row_hash[int(row)], self.bad_fv_mat[col, row]))

def logit_fit_method_sample_weights(self):
    # weights for LogisticRegression.fit()
    self.good_w_all = np.ones(len(self.good_y_all))
    self.bad_w_all = np.ones(len(self.bad_y_all))

    # add more weight for each of these regex matches
    for i, rule in enumerate(self.bad_rules):
        self.bad_w_all[i] += 1/max(1,len(rule))  # slight disadvantage for longer rules
        for regex in high_weight_regex:
            self.bad_w_all[i] += len(regex.findall(rule))
        # these options have more weight
        self.bad_w_all[i] += bool(thrdp_im_pup_os_option_re.search(self.bad_opts[i]))

def logreg_test_in_training(self):
    """fast, initial method: test vectors in the training data"""

    self.good_fv_logreg = LogisticRegression(C=self.C, penalty='l2', solver='liblinear', tol=0.01)
    self.bad_fv_logreg = LogisticRegression(C=self.C, penalty='l2', solver='liblinear', tol=0.01)

    good_x_test = self.good_X_all[self.good_columns]
    good_X = self.good_X_all
    good_y = self.good_y_all
    good_w = self.good_w_all

    bad_x_test = self.bad_X_all[self.bad_columns]
    bad_X = self.bad_X_all
    bad_y = self.bad_y_all
    bad_w = self.bad_w_all

    if good_x_test.shape[0] > 0:
        self.good_fv_logreg.fit(good_X, good_y, sample_weight=good_w)
        self.good_signal = self.good_fv_logreg.decision_function(good_x_test)
    if bad_x_test.shape[0] > 0:
        self.bad_fv_logreg.fit(bad_X, bad_y, sample_weight=bad_w)
        self.bad_signal = self.bad_fv_logreg.decision_function(bad_x_test)

def logreg_sliding_window(self):
    """bootstrap the signal strengths by removing test vectors from training"""

    # pre-prioritize using test-in-target values and limit the rules
    if not self.debug:
        good_preidx = np.array([e[0] for e in sorted(enumerate(self.good_signal),key=lambda e: e[1],reverse=True)],dtype=int)[:int(np.ceil(1.4*self.good_rule_max))]
        self.good_columns = self.good_columns[good_preidx]
        bad_preidx = np.array([e[0] for e in sorted(enumerate(self.bad_signal),key=lambda e: e[1],reverse=True)],dtype=int)[:int(np.ceil(1.4*self.bad_rule_max))]
        self.bad_columns = self.bad_columns[bad_preidx]

    # multithreaded loop for speed
    use_blocked_not_sklearn_mp = True  # it's a lot faster to block it yourself
    if use_blocked_not_sklearn_mp:
        # init w/ target-in-training results
        good_fv_logreg = copy.deepcopy(self.good_fv_logreg)
        good_fv_logreg.penalty = 'l2'
        good_fv_logreg.solver = 'sag'
        good_fv_logreg.warm_start = True
        good_fv_logreg.n_jobs = 1  # achieve parallelism via block processing
        bad_fv_logreg = copy.deepcopy(self.bad_fv_logreg)
        bad_fv_logreg.penalty = 'l2'
        bad_fv_logreg.solver = 'sag'
        bad_fv_logreg.warm_start = True
        bad_fv_logreg.n_jobs = 1  # achieve parallelism via block processing
        if False:  # debug mp: turn off multiprocessing with a monkeypatch
            class NotAMultiProcess(mp.Process):
                def start(self): self.run()
                def join(self): pass
            mp.Process = NotAMultiProcess

        # this is probably efficient with Linux's copy-on-write fork(); unsure about BSD/macOS
        # must refactor to use shared Array() [along with warm_start coeff's] to ensure
        # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5549190/is-shared-readonly-data-copied-to-different-processes-for-python-multiprocessing/

        # distribute training and tests across multiprocessors
        def training_op(queue, X_all, y_all, w_all, fv_logreg, columns, column_block):
            """Training and test operation put into a mp.Queue.
            columns[column_block] and signal[column_block] are the rule columns and corresponding signal strengths
            res = np.zeros(len(column_block))
            for k in range(len(column_block)):
                mask = np.zeros(len(y_all), dtype=bool)
                mask[columns[column_block[k]]] = True
                mask = np.logical_not(mask)

                x_test = X_all[np.logical_not(mask)]
                X = X_all[mask]
                y = y_all[mask]
                w = w_all[mask]

                fv_logreg.fit(X, y, sample_weight=w)
                res[k] = fv_logreg.decision_function(x_test)[0]
            queue.put((column_block,res))  # signal[column_block] = res

        num_threads = mp.cpu_count()

        # good
        q = mp.Queue()
        jobs = []
        self.good_signal = np.zeros(len(self.good_columns))
        block_length = len(self.good_columns) // num_threads
        column_block = np.arange(0, block_length)
        while len(column_block) > 0:
            column_block = column_block[np.where(column_block < len(self.good_columns))]
            fv_logreg = copy.deepcopy(good_fv_logreg)  # each process gets its own .coeff_'s
            column_block_copy = np.copy(column_block)  # each process gets its own block of columns
            p = mp.Process(target=training_op, args=(q, self.good_X_all, self.good_y_all, self.good_w_all, fv_logreg, self.good_columns, column_block_copy))
            column_block += len(column_block)
        # process the results in the queue
        for i in range(len(jobs)):
            column_block, res = q.get()
            self.good_signal[column_block] = res
        # join all jobs and wait for them to complete
        for p in jobs: p.join()

        # bad
        q = mp.Queue()
        jobs = []
        self.bad_signal = np.zeros(len(self.bad_columns))
        block_length = len(self.bad_columns) // num_threads
        column_block = np.arange(0, block_length)
        while len(column_block) > 0:
            column_block = column_block[np.where(column_block < len(self.bad_columns))]
            fv_logreg = copy.deepcopy(bad_fv_logreg)   # each process gets its own .coeff_'s
            column_block_copy = np.copy(column_block)  # each process gets its own block of columns
            p = mp.Process(target=training_op, args=(q, self.bad_X_all, self.bad_y_all, self.bad_w_all, fv_logreg, self.bad_columns, column_block_copy))
            column_block += len(column_block)
        # process the results in the queue
        for i in range(len(jobs)):
            column_block, res = q.get()
            self.bad_signal[column_block] = res
        # join all jobs and wait for them to complete
        for p in jobs: p.join()
    else:  # if use_blocked_not_sklearn_mp:
        def training_op(X_all, y_all, w_all, fv_logreg, columns, signal):
            """Training and test operations reusing results with multiprocessing."""
            res = np.zeros(len(signal))
            for k in range(len(res)):
                mask = np.zeros(len(y_all), dtype=bool)
                mask[columns[k]] = True
                mask = np.logical_not(mask)

                x_test = X_all[np.logical_not(mask)]
                X = X_all[mask]
                y = y_all[mask]
                w = w_all[mask]

                fv_logreg.fit(X, y, sample_weight=w)
                res[k] = fv_logreg.decision_function(x_test)[0]
            signal[:] = res
        # good
        training_op(self.good_X_all, self.good_y_all, self.good_w_all, self.good_fv_logreg, self.good_columns, self.good_signal)
        # bad
        training_op(self.bad_X_all, self.bad_y_all, self.bad_w_all, self.bad_fv_logreg, self.bad_columns, self.bad_signal)

def parse_easylist_rules(self):
    for rule in self.good_rules: self.easylist_to_javascript_vars(rule)
    for rule in self.bad_rules: self.easylist_to_javascript_vars(rule)

def easylist_to_javascript_vars(self,rule,ignore_huge_url_regex_rule_list=False):
    rule = rule.rstrip()
    rule_orig = rule
    exception_flag = exception_filter(rule)  # block default; pass if True
    rule = exception_re.sub(r'\1', rule)
    option_exception_re = not3dimppuposgh_option_exception_re  # ignore these options by default
    opts = ''  # default: no options in the rule
    if re_test(option_re, rule):
        opts = option_re.sub(r'\2', rule)
        # domain-specific and other option exceptions: ignore
        # too many rules (>~ 10k) bog down the browser; make reasonable exclusions here
        rule = option_re.sub(r'\1', rule)  # delete all the options and continue
    # ignore these cases
    # comment case: ignore
    if re_test(comment_re, rule): return
    # block default or pass exception
    if exception_flag:
        option_exception_re = not3dimppuposgh_option_exception_re  # ignore these options within exceptions
        if not self.exceptions_include_flag: return
    # specific options: ignore
    if re_test(option_exception_re, opts): return
    # blank url case: ignore
    if re_test(httpempty_re, rule): return
    # blank line case: ignore
    if not rule: return
    # treat each of the these cases separately, here and in Javascript
    # regex case
    if re_test(regex_re, rule):
        if regex_ignore_test(rule): return
        rule = regex_re.sub(r'\1', rule)
        if exception_flag:
            if not re_test(badregex_regex_filters_re,
                           rule): return  # limit bad regex's to those in the filter
    # now that regex's are handled, delete unnecessary wildcards, e.g. /.../*
    rule = wildcard_begend_re.sub(r'\1', rule)
    # domain anchors, || or '|http://a.b' -> domain anchor 'a.b' for regex efficiency in JS
    if re_test(domain_anch_re, rule) or re_test(scheme_anchor_re, rule):
        # strip off initial || or |scheme://
        if re_test(domain_anch_re, rule):
            rule = domain_anch_re.sub(r'\1', rule)
        elif re_test(scheme_anchor_re, rule):
            rule = scheme_anchor_re.sub("", rule)
        # host subcase
        if re_test(da_hostonly_re, rule):
            rule = da_hostonly_re.sub(r'\1', rule)
            if not re_test(wild_anch_sep_exc_re, rule):  # exact subsubcase
                if not re_test(badregex_regex_filters_re, rule):
                    return  # limit bad regex's to those in the filter
                if exception_flag:
            else:  # regex subsubcase
                if regex_ignore_test(rule): return
                if exception_flag:
                    if not re_test(badregex_regex_filters_re,
                                   rule): return  # limit bad regex's to those in the filter
        # hostpath subcase
        if re_test(da_hostpath_re, rule):
            rule = da_hostpath_re.sub(r'\1', rule)
            if not re_test(wild_sep_exc_noanch_re, rule) and re_test(pathend_re, rule):  # exact subsubcase
                rule = re.sub(r'\|$', '', rule)  # strip EOL anchors
                if not re_test(badregex_regex_filters_re, rule):
                    return  # limit bad regex's to those in the filter
                if exception_flag:
            else:  # regex subsubcase
                if regex_ignore_test(rule): return
                # ignore option rules for some regex rules
                if re_test(alloption_exception_re, opts): return
                if exception_flag:
                    if not re_test(badregex_regex_filters_re,
                                   rule): return  # limit bad regex's to those in the filter
        # hostpathquery default case
        if True:
            # if re_test(re.compile(r'^go\.'),rule):
            #     pass
            if regex_ignore_test(rule): return
            if exception_flag:
    # all other non-regex patterns
    if True:
        if regex_ignore_test(rule): return
        if not ignore_huge_url_regex_rule_list:
            if re_test(alloption_exception_re, opts): return
            if exception_flag:
                if not re_test(badregex_regex_filters_re,
                               rule): return  # limit bad regex's to those in the filter
            return  # superfluous return

def create_pac_file(self):
    self.proxy_pac = self.proxy_pac_preamble \
                + "\n".join(["// " + l for l in self.easylist_strategy.split("\n")]) \
                + self.js_init_object('good_da_host_exact') \
                + self.js_init_regexp('good_da_host_regex', True) \
                + self.js_init_object('good_da_hostpath_exact') \
                + self.js_init_regexp('good_da_hostpath_regex', True) \
                + self.js_init_regexp('good_da_regex', True) \
                + self.js_init_object('good_da_host_exceptions_exact') \
                + self.js_init_object('bad_da_host_exact') \
                + self.js_init_regexp('bad_da_host_regex', True) \
                + self.js_init_object('bad_da_hostpath_exact') \
                + self.js_init_regexp('bad_da_hostpath_regex', True) \
                + self.js_init_regexp('bad_da_regex', True) \
                + self.js_init_regexp('good_url_parts') \
                + self.js_init_regexp('bad_url_parts') \
                + self.js_init_regexp('good_url_regex', regex_flag=True) \
                + self.js_init_regexp('bad_url_regex', regex_flag=True) \
                + self.proxy_pac_postamble

    for l in ['good_da_host_exact',
        print("{}: {:d} rules".format(l, len(globals()[l])), flush=True)

    with open(os.path.join(self.easylist_dir, 'proxy.pac'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd:

def proxy_pac_init(self):
    self.pac_proxy = 'PROXY {}'.format(self.proxy_host_port) if self.proxy_host_port else 'DIRECT'

    # define a default, user-supplied FindProxyForURL function
    self.default_FindProxyForURL_function = '''\

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if ( isPlainHostName(host) || shExpMatch(host, "10.") || shExpMatch(host, "172.16.") || shExpMatch(host, "192.168.") || shExpMatch(host, "127.") || dnsDomainIs(host, ".local") || dnsDomainIs(host, ".LOCAL") ) return "DIRECT"; else if ( /* Proxy bypass hostnames / / Fix iOS 13 PAC file issue with Mail.app See: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/121928 */ // Apple (host == "imap.mail.me.com") || (host == "smtp.mail.me.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "imap.mail.me.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "smtp.mail.me.com") || (host == "p03-imap.mail.me.com") || (host == "p03-smtp.mail.me.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "p03-imap.mail.me.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "p03-smtp.mail.me.com") || (host == "p66-imap.mail.me.com") || (host == "p66-smtp.mail.me.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "p66-imap.mail.me.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "p66-smtp.mail.me.com") || // Google (host == "imap.gmail.com") || (host == "smtp.gmail.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "imap.gmail.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "smtp.gmail.com") || // Yahoo (host == "imap.mail.yahoo.com") || (host == "smtp.mail.yahoo.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "imap.mail.yahoo.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "smtp.mail.yahoo.com") || // Comcast (host == "imap.comcast.net") || (host == "smtp.comcast.net") || dnsDomainIs(host, "imap.comcast.net") || dnsDomainIs(host, "smtp.comcast.net") || // Apple Enterprise Network Domains; https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210060 (host == "albert.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "albert.apple.com") || (host == "captive.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "captive.apple.com") || (host == "gs.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "gs.apple.com") || (host == "humb.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "humb.apple.com") || (host == "static.ips.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "static.ips.apple.com") || (host == "tbsc.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "tbsc.apple.com") || (host == "time-ios.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "time-ios.apple.com") || (host == "time.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "time.apple.com") || (host == "time-macos.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "time-macos.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, ".push.apple.com") || (host == "gdmf.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "gdmf.apple.com") || (host == "deviceenrollment.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "deviceenrollment.apple.com") || (host == "deviceservices-external.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "deviceservices-external.apple.com") || (host == "identity.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "identity.apple.com") || (host == "iprofiles.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "iprofiles.apple.com") || (host == "mdmenrollment.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "mdmenrollment.apple.com") || (host == "setup.icloud.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "setup.icloud.com") || (host == "appldnld.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "appldnld.apple.com") || (host == "gg.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "gg.apple.com") || (host == "gnf-mdn.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "gnf-mdn.apple.com") || (host == "gnf-mr.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "gnf-mr.apple.com") || (host == "gs.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "gs.apple.com") || (host == "ig.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "ig.apple.com") || (host == "mesu.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "mesu.apple.com") || (host == "oscdn.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "oscdn.apple.com") || (host == "osrecovery.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "osrecovery.apple.com") || (host == "skl.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "skl.apple.com") || (host == "swcdn.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "swcdn.apple.com") || (host == "swdist.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "swdist.apple.com") || (host == "swdownload.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "swdownload.apple.com") || (host == "swpost.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "swpost.apple.com") || (host == "swscan.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "swscan.apple.com") || (host == "updates-http.cdn-apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "updates-http.cdn-apple.com") || (host == "updates.cdn-apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "updates.cdn-apple.com") || (host == "xp.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "xp.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, ".itunes.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, ".apps.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, ".mzstatic.com") || (host == "ppq.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "ppq.apple.com") || (host == "lcdn-registration.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "lcdn-registration.apple.com") || (host == "crl.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "crl.apple.com") || (host == "crl.entrust.net") || dnsDomainIs(host, "crl.entrust.net") || (host == "crl3.digicert.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "crl3.digicert.com") || (host == "crl4.digicert.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "crl4.digicert.com") || (host == "ocsp.apple.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "ocsp.apple.com") || (host == "ocsp.digicert.com") || dnsDomainIs(host, "ocsp.digicert.com") || (host == "ocsp.entrust.net") || dnsDomainIs(host, "ocsp.entrust.net") || (host == "ocsp.verisign.net") || dnsDomainIs(host, "ocsp.verisign.net") || // Zoom dnsDomainIs(host, ".zoom.us") ) return "PROXY localhost:3128"; else return "PROXY localhost:3128"; } '''

    if os.path.isfile(self.orig_pac_file):
        with open(self.orig_pac_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
            self.original_FindProxyForURL_function = fd.read()
        self.original_FindProxyForURL_function = self.default_FindProxyForURL_function

    # change last 'return "PROXY ..."' to 'return EasyListFindProxyForURL(url, host)'
    def re_sub_last(pattern, repl, string, **kwargs): 
        '''re.sub on the last match in a string'''
        # ensure that pattern is grouped
        # (note that (?:) is not caught)
        pattern_grouped = pattern if bool(re.match(r'\(.+\)',pattern)) else r'({})'.format(pattern)
        spl = re.split(pattern_grouped, string, **kwargs) 
        if len(spl) == 1: return string 
        spl[-2] = re.sub(pattern, repl, spl[-2], **kwargs)
        return ''.join(spl)
    self.original_FindProxyForURL_function = re_sub_last(r'return[\s]+"PROXY[^"]+"', 'return EasyListFindProxyForURL(url, host)',

    #  proxy.pac preamble
    self.calling_command = ' '.join([os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] + sys.argv[1:])
    self.proxy_pac_preamble = '''\

// PAC (Proxy Auto Configuration) Filter from EasyList rules // // Copyright (C) 2017 by Steven T. Smith , GPL // https://github.com/essandess/easylist-pac-privoxy/ // // PAC file created on {} // Created with command: {} // // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

// If you normally use a proxy, replace "DIRECT" below with // "PROXY MACHINE:PORT" // where MACHINE is the IP address or host name of your proxy // server and PORT is the port number of your proxy server. // // Influenced in part by code from King of the PAC from http://securemecca.com/pac.html

// Define the blackhole proxy for blocked adware and trackware

var normal = "DIRECT"; var proxy = "{}"; // e.g. // var blackhole_ip_port = ""; // ngnix-hosted blackhole // var blackhole_ip_port = ""; // GOOG DNS blackhole; do not use: no longer works with iOS 11—causes long waits on some sites var blackhole_ip_port = "{}"; // on iOS a working blackhole requires return code 200; // e.g. use the adblock2privoxy nginx server as a blackhole var blackhole = "PROXY " + blackhole_ip_port;

// The hostnames must be consistent with EasyList format. // These special RegExp characters will be escaped below: [.?+@] // This EasyList wildcard will be transformed to an efficient RegExp: * // // EasyList format references: // https://adblockplus.org/filters // https://adblockplus.org/filter-cheatsheet

// Create object hashes or compile efficient NFA's from all filters // Various alternate filtering and regex approaches were timed using node and at jsperf.com

// Too many rules (>~ 10k) bog down the browser; make reasonable exclusions here:

'''.format(time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %X GMT", time.gmtime()),self.calling_command,self.pac_proxy,self.blackhole_ip_port)

    self.proxy_pac_postamble = '''

// Add any good networks here. Format is network folowed by a comma and // optional white space, and then the netmask. // LAN, loopback, Apple (direct and Akamai e.g. e4805.a.akamaiedge.net), Microsoft (updates and services) // Apple Enterprise Network; https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210060 var GoodNetworks_Array = [ ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", "," ];

// Apple iAd, Microsoft telemetry var GoodNetworks_Exceptions_Array = [ ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", "," ];

// Akamai:,,,

// Add any bad networks here. Format is network folowed by a comma and // optional white space, and then the netmask. // From securemecca.com: Adobe marketing cloud, 2o7, omtrdc, Sedo domain parking, flyingcroc, accretive var BadNetworks_Array = [ ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", "," ];

// block these schemes; use the command line for ftp, rsync, etc. instead var bad_schemes_RegExp = RegExp("^(?:ftp|sftp|tftp|ftp-data|rsync|finger|gopher)", "i")

// RegExp for schemes; lengths from // perl -lane 'BEGIN{$l=0;} {!/^#/ && do{$ll=length($F[0]); if($ll>$l){$l=$ll;}};} END{print $l;}' /etc/services var schemepart_RegExp = RegExp("^([\\w*+-]{2,15}):\\/{0,2}","i"); var hostpart_RegExp = RegExp("^((?:[\\w-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,24}\\.?)", "i"); var querypart_RegExp = RegExp("^((?:[\\w-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,24}\\.?[\\w~%.\\/^-])(\\??\\S*?)$", "i"); var domainpart_RegExp = RegExp("^(?:[\\w-]+\\.)*((?:[\\w-]+\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,24})\\.?", "i");

////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define the is_ipv4_address function and vars // //////////////////////////////////////////////////

var ipv4_RegExp = /^(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})$/;

function is_ipv4_address(host) { var ipv4_pentary = host.match(ipv4_RegExp); var is_valid_ipv4 = false;

if (ipv4_pentary) {
    is_valid_ipv4 = true;
    for( i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
        if (ipv4_pentary[i] >= 256) {
            is_valid_ipv4 = false;
return is_valid_ipv4;


// object hashes // Note: original stackoverflow-based hasOwnProperty does not woth within iOS kernel var hasOwnProperty = function(obj, prop) { return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop); }

///////////////////// // Done Setting Up // /////////////////////

// debug with Chrome at chrome://net-export // alert("Debugging message.")

////////////////////////////////// // Define the FindProxyFunction // //////////////////////////////////

var use_pass_rules_parts_flag = true; // use the pass rules for url parts, then apply the block rules var alert_flag = false; // use for short-circuit '&&' to print debugging statements var debug_flag = false; // use for short-circuit '&&' to print debugging statements

// EasyList filtering for FindProxyForURL(url, host) function EasyListFindProxyForURL(url, host) { var host_is_ipv4 = is_ipv4_address(host); var host_ipv4_address;

alert_flag && alert("url is: " + url);
alert_flag && alert("host is: " + host);

// Extract scheme and url without scheme
var scheme = url.match(schemepart_RegExp)
scheme = scheme.length > 0? scheme[1] : "";

// Remove the scheme and extract the path for regex efficiency
var url_noscheme = url.replace(schemepart_RegExp,"");
var url_pathonly = url_noscheme.replace(hostpart_RegExp,"");
var url_noquery = url_noscheme.replace(querypart_RegExp,"$1");
// Remove the server name from the url and host if host is not an IPv4 address
var url_noserver = !host_is_ipv4 ? url_noscheme.replace(domainpart_RegExp,"$1") : url_noscheme;
var url_noservernoquery = !host_is_ipv4 ? url_noquery.replace(domainpart_RegExp,"$1") : url_noscheme;
var host_noserver =  !host_is_ipv4 ? host.replace(domainpart_RegExp,"$1") : host;

// Debugging results
if (debug_flag && alert_flag) {
    alert("url_noscheme is: " + url_noscheme);
    alert("url_pathonly is: " + url_pathonly);
    alert("url_noquery is: " + url_noquery);
    alert("url_noserver is: " + url_noserver);
    alert("url_noservernoquery is: " + url_noservernoquery);
    alert("host_noserver is: " + host_noserver);

// Short circuit to blackhole for good_da_host_exceptions
if ( hasOwnProperty(good_da_host_exceptions_exact_JSON,host) ) {
    alert_flag && alert("good_da_host_exceptions_exact_JSON blackhole!");
    return blackhole;

// Check to make sure we can get an IPv4 address from the given host //
// name.  If we cannot do that then skip the Networks tests.         //

host_ipv4_address = host_is_ipv4 ? host : (isResolvable(host) ? dnsResolve(host) : false);

if (host_ipv4_address) {
    alert_flag && alert("host ipv4 address is: " + host_ipv4_address);
    // If the IP translates to one of the GoodNetworks_Array (with exceptions) //
    // we pass it because it is considered safe.                               //

    for (i in GoodNetworks_Exceptions_Array) {
        tmpNet = GoodNetworks_Exceptions_Array[i].split(/,\s*/);
        if (isInNet(host_ipv4_address, tmpNet[0], tmpNet[1])) {
            alert_flag && alert("GoodNetworks_Exceptions_Array Blackhole: " + host_ipv4_address);
            return blackhole;
    for (i in GoodNetworks_Array) {
        tmpNet = GoodNetworks_Array[i].split(/,\s*/);
        if (isInNet(host_ipv4_address, tmpNet[0], tmpNet[1])) {
            alert_flag && alert("GoodNetworks_Array PASS: " + host_ipv4_address);
            return proxy;

    // If the IP translates to one of the BadNetworks_Array we fail it   //
    // because it is not considered safe.                                //

    for (i in BadNetworks_Array) {
        tmpNet = BadNetworks_Array[i].split(/,\s*/);
        if (isInNet(host_ipv4_address, tmpNet[0], tmpNet[1])) {
            alert_flag && alert("BadNetworks_Array Blackhole: " + host_ipv4_address);
            return blackhole;

// HTTPS: https scheme can only use domain information                      //
// unless PacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled == false [Chrome] or                  //
// network.proxy.autoconfig_url.include_path == true [Firefox, about:config]              //
// E.g. on macOS:                                                           //
// defaults write com.google.Chrome PacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled -bool false //
// Check setting at page chrome://policy                                    //

// Assume browser has disabled path access if scheme is https and path is '/'
if ( scheme == "https" && url_pathonly == "/" ) {

    // PASS LIST:   domains matched here will always be allowed.         //

    if ( (good_da_host_exact_flag && (hasOwnProperty(good_da_host_exact_JSON,host_noserver)||hasOwnProperty(good_da_host_exact_JSON,host)))
        && !hasOwnProperty(good_da_host_exceptions_exact_JSON,host) ) {
            alert_flag && alert("HTTPS PASS: " + host + ", " + host_noserver);
        return proxy;

    // BLOCK LIST:	stuff matched here here will be blocked //

    if ( (bad_da_host_exact_flag && (hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON,host_noserver)||hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON,host))) ) {
        alert_flag && alert("HTTPS blackhole: " + host + ", " + host_noserver);
        return blackhole;

// HTTPS and HTTP: full path analysis //

if (scheme == "https" || scheme == "http") {

    // PASS LIST:   domains matched here will always be allowed.         //

    if ( !hasOwnProperty(good_da_host_exceptions_exact_JSON,host)
        && ((good_da_host_exact_flag && (hasOwnProperty(good_da_host_exact_JSON,host_noserver)||hasOwnProperty(good_da_host_exact_JSON,host))) ||  // fastest test first
            (use_pass_rules_parts_flag &&
                (good_da_hostpath_exact_flag && (hasOwnProperty(good_da_hostpath_exact_JSON,url_noservernoquery)||hasOwnProperty(good_da_hostpath_exact_JSON,url_noquery)) ) ||
                // test logic: only do the slower test if the host has a (non)suspect fqdn
                (good_da_host_regex_flag && (good_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(host_noserver)||good_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(host))) ||
                (good_da_hostpath_regex_flag && (good_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(url_noservernoquery)||good_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(url_noquery))) ||
                (good_da_regex_flag && (good_da_regex_RegExp.test(url_noserver)||good_da_regex_RegExp.test(url_noscheme))) ||
                (good_url_parts_flag && good_url_parts_RegExp.test(url)) ||
                (good_url_regex_flag && good_url_regex_RegExp.test(url)))) ) {
        return proxy;

    // BLOCK LIST:	stuff matched here here will be blocked //
    // Debugging results
    if (debug_flag && alert_flag) {
        alert("hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON," + host_noserver + "): " + (bad_da_host_exact_flag && hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON,host_noserver)));
        alert("hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON," + host + "): " + (bad_da_host_exact_flag && hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON,host)));
        alert("hasOwnProperty(bad_da_hostpath_exact_JSON," + url_noservernoquery + "): " + (bad_da_hostpath_exact_flag && hasOwnProperty(bad_da_hostpath_exact_JSON,url_noservernoquery)));
        alert("hasOwnProperty(bad_da_hostpath_exact_JSON," + url_noquery + "): " + (bad_da_hostpath_exact_flag && hasOwnProperty(bad_da_hostpath_exact_JSON,url_noquery)));
        alert("bad_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(" + host_noserver + "): " + (bad_da_host_regex_flag && bad_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(host_noserver)));
        alert("bad_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(" + host + "): " + (bad_da_host_regex_flag && bad_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(host)));
        alert("bad_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(" + url_noservernoquery + "): " + (bad_da_hostpath_regex_flag && bad_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(url_noservernoquery)));
        alert("bad_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(" + url_noquery + "): " + (bad_da_hostpath_regex_flag && bad_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(url_noquery)));
        alert("bad_da_regex_RegExp.test(" + url_noserver + "): " + (bad_da_regex_flag && bad_da_regex_RegExp.test(url_noserver)));
        alert("bad_da_regex_RegExp.test(" + url_noscheme + "): " + (bad_da_regex_flag && bad_da_regex_RegExp.test(url_noscheme)));
        alert("bad_url_parts_RegExp.test(" + url + "): " + (bad_url_parts_flag && bad_url_parts_RegExp.test(url)));
        alert("bad_url_regex_RegExp.test(" + url + "): " + (bad_url_regex_flag && bad_url_regex_RegExp.test(url)));

    if ( (bad_da_host_exact_flag && (hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON,host_noserver)||hasOwnProperty(bad_da_host_exact_JSON,host))) ||  // fastest test first
        (bad_da_hostpath_exact_flag && (hasOwnProperty(bad_da_hostpath_exact_JSON,url_noservernoquery)||hasOwnProperty(bad_da_hostpath_exact_JSON,url_noquery)) ) ||
        // test logic: only do the slower test if the host has a (non)suspect fqdn
        (bad_da_host_regex_flag && (bad_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(host_noserver)||bad_da_host_regex_RegExp.test(host))) ||
        (bad_da_hostpath_regex_flag && (bad_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(url_noservernoquery)||bad_da_hostpath_regex_RegExp.test(url_noquery))) ||
        (bad_da_regex_flag && (bad_da_regex_RegExp.test(url_noserver)||bad_da_regex_RegExp.test(url_noscheme))) ||
        (bad_url_parts_flag && bad_url_parts_RegExp.test(url)) ||
        (bad_url_regex_flag && bad_url_regex_RegExp.test(url)) ) {
        alert_flag && alert("Blackhole: " + url + ", " + host);
        return blackhole;

// default pass
alert_flag && alert("Default PASS: " + url + ", " + host);
return proxy;


// User-supplied FindProxyForURL() ''' + self.original_FindProxyForURL_function

    self.easylist_strategy = """\

EasyList rules: https://adblockplus.org/filters https://adblockplus.org/filter-cheatsheet https://opnsrce.github.io/javascript-performance-tip-precompile-your-regular-expressions https://adblockplus.org/blog/investigating-filter-matching-algorithms

Strategies to convert EasyList rules to Javascript tests:

In general:

  1. Preference for performance over 1:1 EasyList functionality
  2. Limit number of rules to ~O(10k) to avoid computational burden on mobile devices
  3. Exact matches: use Object hashing (very fast); use efficient NFA RegExp's for all else
  4. Divide and conquer specific cases to avoid large RegExp's
  5. Based on testing code performance on an iPhone: mobile Safari, Chrome with System Activity Monitor.app
  6. Backstop these proxy.pac rules with Privoxy rules and a browser plugin

ignore any rules following comments with these strings, until the next non-ignorable comment

commentname_sections_ignore_re = r'(?:{})'.format('|'.join(re.sub(r'([.])','\.',x) for x in '''
gizmodo.in shink.in project-free-tv.li vshare.eu pencurimovie.ph filmlinks4u.is Spiegel.de bento.de German French Arabic Armenian Belarusian Bulgarian Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Finnish Georgian Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Singaporean Slovene Slovak Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukranian Ukrainian Vietnamese Gamestar.de Focus.de tvspielfilm.de Prosieben Wetter.com Woxikon.de Fanfiktion.de boote-forum.de comunio.de planetsnow.de'''.split('\n')))

include these rules, no matter their priority

necessary to include desired rules that fall below the threshold for a reasonably-sized PAC

Refs: https://guardianapp.com/ios-app-location-report-sep2018.html

include_these_good_rules = [] include_these_bad_rules = [x for x in """
/securepubads. ||google.com/pagead ||facebook.com/plugins/* ||connect.facebook.com ||connect.facebook.net ||platform.twitter.com ||api.areametrics.com ||in.cuebiq.com ||et.intake.factual.com ||api.factual.com ||api.beaconsinspace.com ||api.huq.io ||m2m-api.inmarket.com ||mobileapi.mobiquitynetworks.com ||sdk.revealmobile.com ||api.safegraph.com ||incoming-data-sense360.s3.amazonaws.com ||ios-quinoa-personal-identify-prod.sense360eng.com ||ios-quinoa-events-prod.sense360eng.com ||ios-quinoa-high-frequency-events-prod.sense360eng.com ||v1.blueberry.cloud.databerries.com ||pie.wirelessregistry.com""".split('\n') if not bool(re.search(r'^\s*?(?:#|$)',x))]

regex's for highly weighted rules

high_weight_regex_strings = """
trac?k beacon stat[is]? anal[iy] goog facebook yahoo amazon adob msn


goog\S+?ad amazon\S+?ad yahoo\S+?ad facebook\S+?ad adob\S+?ad msn\S+ad doubleclick cooki twitter krxd pagead syndicat (?:\bad|ad\b) securepub static \boas\b ads cdn cloud banner financ share traffic creativ media host affil ^mob data your? watch survey stealth invisible brand site merch kli[kp] clic?k popup log assets count metric score event tool quant chart opti?m partner sponsor affiliate"""

high_weight_regex = [re.compile(x,re.IGNORECASE) for x in high_weight_regex_strings.split('\n') if not bool(re.search(r'^\s*?(?:#|$)',x))]

regex to limit regex filters (bootstrapping in part from securemecca.com PAC regex keywords)

if False: badregex_regex_filters = '' # Accept everything else: badregex_regex_filters = high_weight_regex_strings + '\n' + '''
cooki pagead syndicat (?:\bad|ad\b) cdn cloud banner image img pop game free financ film fast farmville fan exp share cash money dollar buck dump deal daily content kick down file video score partner match ifram cam widget monk rapid platform google follow shop love content #^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})$ #^([A-Za-z]{12}|[A-Za-z]{8}|[A-Za-z]{50})\.com$ smile happy traffic dash board tube torrent down creativ host affil \.(biz|ru|tv|stream|cricket|online|racing|party|trade|webcam|science|win|accountant|loan|faith|cricket|date) ^mob join data your? watch survey stealth invisible social brand site script xchang merch kli(k|p) clic?k zip invest arstech buzzfeed imdb twitter baidu yandex youtube ebay discovercard chase hsbc usbank santander kaspersky symantec brightcove hidden invisible macromedia flash [^i]scan[^dy] secret skype tsbbank tunnel ubs\.com unblock unlock usaa\.com usbank\.com ustreas\.gov ustreasury verifiedbyvisa\.com viagra wachovia wellsfargo\.com westernunion windowsupdate plugin nielsen oas-config oas\/oas pix video-plugin videodownloader visit voxmedia\.com vtrack\.php w3track\.com web_?ad webiq weblog webtrek webtrend wget\.exe widgets winstart\.exe winstart\.zip wired\.com ad-limits\.js ad-manager ad_engine adx\.js \.bat \.bin [^ck]anal[^_] \.com/a\.gif \.com/p\.gif \.com\.au\/ads \.cpl [^bhmz]eros \.exe \.exe \.msi \.net\/p\.gif \.pac \.pdf \.pdf\.exe \.rar \.scr \.sh transparent1x1\.gif \/travidia __utm\.js whv2_001\.js xtcore\.js \.zip sharethis\.com stats\.wp\.com [^i]crack virgins\.com \.xyz shareasale\.com financialcontent\.com netdna-cdn\.com gstatic\.com taboola\.com ooyala\.com pinimg\.com cloudfront\.net d21rhj7n383afu d19rpgkrjeba2z outbrain\.com themindcircle\.com google-analytics\.com nocookie\.net jwpsrv\.com doubleclick\.net d2c8v52ll5s99u d3qdfnco3bamip yarn\.co visura\.co gatehousmedia\.com imore\.com openx\.net gigya\.com shopify\.com tiqcdn\.com criteo\.net ntv\.io getyarn\.io d15zn84cat5tp0 d1pz6dax0t5mop allinviews\.com pinterest\.com media\.net selectmedia\.asia jsdelivr\.net pubmatic\.com aurubis\.com cloudflare\.com blueconic\.net krxd\.net cdn-mw\.com serving-sys\.com openx\.net segment\.com viglink\.com viafoura\.net aolcdn\.net shoofl\.tv inq\.com optimizely\.com kinja-static\.com d3926qxcw0e1bh yieldmo\.com indexww\.com 2mdn\.net newrelic\.com guim\.co\.uk futurecdn\.net vidible\.tv vindicosuite\.com fsdn\.com cpanel\.net perfectmarket\.com about\.me omnigroup\.com lightboxcdn\.com hotjar\.com addthis\.com art19\.com lkqd\.net mathtag\.com dc8xl0ndzn2cb d1z2jf7jlzjs58 chowstatic\.com spokenlayer\.com akamaized\.net d2qi7ewimk4e2w stickyadstv\.com fastly\.net ddkpmexz7bq23 newscgp\.com privy\.com aspnetcdn\.com parsley\.com demdex\.net d3alqb8vzo7fun netdna-ssl\.com yottaa\.net go-mpulse\.net bkrtx\.com crwdcntrl\.net ggpht\.com alamy\.com spokeo\.com d2gatte9o95jao dawm7kda6y2v0 dwgyu36up6iuz litix\.io sail-horizon\.com cnevids\.com dz310nzuyimx0 skimresources\.com jwpcdn\.com dwin2\.com htl\.bid df80k0z3fi8zg o0bg\.com d8rk54i4mohrb simplereach\.com adsrvr\.com vertamedia\.com disqusads\.com polipace\.com jwplatform\.com dianomi\.com kinja-img\.com marketingvideonow\.com beachfrontmedia\.com mfcreative\.com msecdn\.com syndetics\.com keycdn\.com uservoice\.com ravenjs\.com d1fc8wv8zag5ca broaddoor\.com d3s44e87wooplq d2x3bkdslnxkuj selectablemedia\.com yldbt\.com streamrail\.net seriable\.com thoughtco\.com perimeterx\.net owneriq\.net ml314\.com d1e9d0h8gakqc dtcn\.com trustarc\.com licdn\.com effectivemeasure\.net list-manage\.com mtvnservices\.com npttech\.com dc8na2hxrj29i tubemogul\.com d1lqe9temigv1p dna8twue3dlxq adroll\.com googleadservices\.com localytics\.com gfx\.ms adsensecustomsearchads\.com upsellit\.com parrable\.com ads-twitter\.com atlanticinsights\.com pagefair\.com areyouahuman\.com custhelp\.com turn\.com connatix\.com printfriendly\.com scroll\.com cybersource\.com zergnet\.com jsintegrity\.com cedexis\.com 3lift\.com onestore\.ms mdpcdn\.com iperceptions\.com dotomi\.com pardot\.com marketo\.net rfksrv\.com adnxs\.com shartethis\.com d31qbv1cthcecs douyfz3utcehi scorecardresearch\.com nonembed\.com peer39\.com d3p2jlw8pmhccg dnkzzz1hlto79 zqtk\.net cloudinary\.com omtrdc\.net d5nxst8fruw4z d1p6rqiydn62x8 dmtracker\.com dp8hsntg6do36 buysellads\.com intercomcdn\.net dpstvy7p9whsy cpx\.to b-cdn\.net googlecommerce\.com insightexpressai\.com evidon\.com footprint\.net advertising\.com specificmedia\.com quantcount\.com amgdgt\.com bluekai\.com smartclip\.net azureedge\.net iesnare\.com medscape\.com agkn\.com cliipa\.com digiday\.com convertro\.com linksynergy\.com woobi\.com adx1\.com 254a\.com mediaforge\.com videostat\.net theadtech\.com emxdgt\.com acuityplatform\.com header\.direct'''

badregex_regex_filters = '\n'.join(x for x in badregex_regex_filters.split('\n') if not bool(re.search(r'^\s*?(?:#|$)',x))) badregex_regex_filters_re = re.compile(r'(?:{})'.format('|'.join(badregex_regex_filters.split('\n'))),re.IGNORECASE)

if name == "main": res = EasyListPAC()

sys.exit() SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

= RESTART: C:/Users/me/Documents/WPy64-3830/notebooks/easylist_pac.py Ignore rules following comment " ---------- German Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- French Specific Annoyances ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- French Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Arabic Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Chinese Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Croatian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Danish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Dutch Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Finnish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Greek Site Generic Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hebrew Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Indian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Italian Site Specific Blocking Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Italian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Japanese Site Specific Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Korean Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Latvian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Norwegian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Polish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Polish Site Specific Blocking Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Portuguese Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Romanian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Russian Site Specific Blocking Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Russian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Serbian Site Specific Blocking Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Spanish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Swedish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Turkish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Ukranian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- German Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " Spiegel.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Focus.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Gamestar.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Focus.de"… Ignore rules following comment " tvspielfilm.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Wetter.com"… Ignore rules following comment " Woxikon.de"… Ignore rules following comment " comunio.de"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- French Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Arabic Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Arabic Specific Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Chinese Specific Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Chinese Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Danish Specific Social Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Dutch Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Greek Specific Social Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hebrew Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hungarian Specific Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Indian Specific Social Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Indonesian Specific Social Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Italian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Japanese Specific Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Japanese Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Korean Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Latvian Specific Social Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Norwegian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Polish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Portuguese Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Romanian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Russian Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Spanish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Swedish Site Specific Hiding Rules ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Turkish Specific Social Media Elements ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- German ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- French ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Arabic ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Bulgarian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Chinese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Croatian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Czech ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Danish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Dutch ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Estonian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Finnish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Greek ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hebrew ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hungarian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Icelandic ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Indian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Italian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Japanese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Korean ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Latvian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Lithuanian ---------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Norwegian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Polish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Portuguese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Romanian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Russian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Serbian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Slovak ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Spanish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Swedish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Thai ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Turkish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Ukrainian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Vietnamese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- German ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- French ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Bulgarian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Chinese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Croatian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Czech ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Danish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Dutch ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Finnish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Greek ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hebrew ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hungarian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Icelandic ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Indian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Italian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Japanese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Korean ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Latvian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Norwegian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Polish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Portuguese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Romanian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Russian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Slovak ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Spanish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Swedish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Thai ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Turkish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Ukrainian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " Russian rating sites"… Ignore rules following comment " German"… Ignore rules following comment " French"… Ignore rules following comment " Armenian"… Ignore rules following comment " Belarusian"… Ignore rules following comment " Bulgarian"… Ignore rules following comment " Chinese"… Ignore rules following comment " Croatian"… Ignore rules following comment " Czech"… Ignore rules following comment " Danish"… Ignore rules following comment " Dutch"… Ignore rules following comment " Estonian"… Ignore rules following comment " Finnish"… Ignore rules following comment " Greek"… Ignore rules following comment " Hebrew"… Ignore rules following comment " Hungarian"… Ignore rules following comment " Icelandic"… Ignore rules following comment " Indonesian"… Ignore rules following comment " Italian"… Ignore rules following comment " Japanese"… Ignore rules following comment " Korean"… Ignore rules following comment " Latvian"… Ignore rules following comment " Lithuanian"… Ignore rules following comment " Norwegian"… Ignore rules following comment " Persian"… Ignore rules following comment " Polish"… Ignore rules following comment " Portuguese"… Ignore rules following comment " Romanian"… Ignore rules following comment " Russian"… Ignore rules following comment " Serbian"… Ignore rules following comment " Slovak"… Ignore rules following comment " Spanish"… Ignore rules following comment " Swedish"… Ignore rules following comment " Thai"… Ignore rules following comment " Turkish"… Ignore rules following comment " Ukranian"… Ignore rules following comment " Vietnamese"… Ignore rules following comment " German"… Ignore rules following comment " Arabic"… Ignore rules following comment " French"… Ignore rules following comment " Belarusian"… Ignore rules following comment " Croatian"… Ignore rules following comment " Chinese"… Ignore rules following comment " Croatian"… Ignore rules following comment " Czech"… Ignore rules following comment " Danish"… Ignore rules following comment " Dutch"… Ignore rules following comment " Estonian"… Ignore rules following comment " Finnish"… Ignore rules following comment " Georgian"… Ignore rules following comment " Greek"… Ignore rules following comment " Hebrew"… Ignore rules following comment " Hungarian"… Ignore rules following comment " Icelandic"… Ignore rules following comment " Indian"… Ignore rules following comment " Indonesian"… Ignore rules following comment " Italian"… Ignore rules following comment " Japanese"… Ignore rules following comment " Korean"… Ignore rules following comment " Latvian"… Ignore rules following comment " Lithuanian"… Ignore rules following comment " Norwegian"… Ignore rules following comment " Persian"… Ignore rules following comment " Polish"… Ignore rules following comment " Portuguese"… Ignore rules following comment " Romanian"… Ignore rules following comment " Russian"… Ignore rules following comment " Serbian"… Ignore rules following comment " Slovak"… Ignore rules following comment " Slovene"… Ignore rules following comment " Spanish"… Ignore rules following comment " Swedish"… Ignore rules following comment " Thai"… Ignore rules following comment " Turkish"… Ignore rules following comment " Ukranian"… Ignore rules following comment " Vietnamese"… Ignore rules following comment " German"… Ignore rules following comment " Danish"… Ignore rules following comment " French"… Ignore rules following comment " Indian"… Ignore rules following comment " Arabic"… Ignore rules following comment " Persian / Farsi"… Ignore rules following comment " Bulgarian"… Ignore rules following comment " Chinese"… Ignore rules following comment " Croatian"… Ignore rules following comment " Czech"… Ignore rules following comment " Dutch"… Ignore rules following comment " Finnish"… Ignore rules following comment " Greek"… Ignore rules following comment " Hebrew"… Ignore rules following comment " Hungarian"… Ignore rules following comment " Italian"… Ignore rules following comment " Japanese"… Ignore rules following comment " Korean"… Ignore rules following comment " Latvian"… Ignore rules following comment " Norwegian"… Ignore rules following comment " Polish"… Ignore rules following comment " Portuguese"… Ignore rules following comment " Russian"… Ignore rules following comment " Serbian"… Ignore rules following comment " Slovene"… Ignore rules following comment " Spanish"… Ignore rules following comment " Swedish"… Ignore rules following comment " Thai"… Ignore rules following comment " Turkish"… Ignore rules following comment " Ukrainian"… Ignore rules following comment " Vietnamese"… Ignore rules following comment " Indonesian"… Ignore rules following comment " Gamestar.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Focus.de"… Ignore rules following comment " tvspielfilm.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Prosieben"… Ignore rules following comment " Wetter.com"… Ignore rules following comment " Woxikon.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Fanfiktion.de"… Ignore rules following comment " boote-forum.de"… Ignore rules following comment " comunio.de"… Ignore rules following comment " planetsnow.de"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- German ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- French ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Arabic ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Bulgarian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Chinese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Czech ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Danish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Dutch ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Finnish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hebrew ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Hungarian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Italian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Indonesian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Japanese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Korean ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Latvian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Norwegian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Polish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Portuguese ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Romanian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Russian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Spanish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Swedish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Thai ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Turkish ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " ---------- Ukrainian ----------"… Ignore rules following comment " adinsertion used on gizmodo.in lifehacker.co.in"… Ignore rules following comment " vshare.eu"… Ignore rules following comment " filmlinks4u.is"… Ignore rules following comment " Spiegel.de"… Ignore rules following comment " bento.de"… Ignore rules following comment " Healthy Advertising (Spanish)"… Performing logistic regression on rule sets. This will take a few minutes… done.

Warning (from warnings module): File "C:/Users/me/Documents/WPy64-3830/notebooks/easylist_pac.py", line 1202 warnings.warn("Truncating regex alternatives rule set '{}' from {:d} to {:d}.".format(array_name,len(arr),self.truncate_alternatives_max)) UserWarning: Truncating regex alternatives rule set 'bad_da_hostpath_regex' from 1548 to 499.

Warning (from warnings module): File "C:/Users/me/Documents/WPy64-3830/notebooks/easylist_pac.py", line 1202 warnings.warn("Truncating regex alternatives rule set '{}' from {:d} to {:d}.".format(array_name,len(arr),self.truncate_alternatives_max)) UserWarning: Truncating regex alternatives rule set 'bad_url_parts' from 7669 to 499. good_da_host_exact: 110 rules good_da_host_regex: 4 rules good_da_hostpath_exact: 0 rules good_da_hostpath_regex: 0 rules good_da_regex: 0 rules good_da_host_exceptions_exact: 39 rules bad_da_host_exact: 3474 rules bad_da_host_regex: 12 rules bad_da_hostpath_exact: 551 rules bad_da_hostpath_regex: 1549 rules bad_da_regex: 150 rules good_url_parts: 0 rules bad_url_parts: 7670 rules good_url_regex: 0 rules bad_url_regex: 9 rules

for comparison it generated a 175 KB (179,762 bytes) file.....but one of the "original" ad blok pac files, is merely 51.8KB....seems this pac file primarily blocks exact domains? where the no ads pac relies heavily on regex (at http://www.schooner.com/~loverso/no-ads/) and FWIW hasn;t been updated sinceNovember of lastyear....

Just figured I'd give some constructive critisicm and was kind ofconfused with the "warnings" and"exceptions"

ahoier avatar Feb 15 '21 15:02 ahoier