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[lcars] Temperature is just a black bar
Affected hardware version
Bangle 2
Your firmware version
The bug
I only get a black bar that spans all the way to the left side instead of a temperature reading from the watch face. Other weather related infos are working correctly. It was working for a short while after I reseted the watch to factory settings and installed only the needed apps, but an hour or so later it stopped working so I installed a bunch of other apps. Also to note, it works fine on something like the Weather Clock or the Weather App.
I use Tiny Weather Forecast as my source and the banglejs gadgetbridge as bridge.
Installed apps
Anton Clock About Lock Widget Bluetooth ID Widget Welcome Scheduler Alarms Widget Bootloader Bluetooth Widget Notifications (default) Health Tracking Settings Message Icons Message Widget Messages Android Integration Message List A Battery Widget (with percentage) App Manager Weather Desktop Launcher GPS Info Barometer Gadgetbridge Music Controls OpenStreetMap Thermometer GPS Time Languages Dice-n-Roll Weather Clock LCARS Clock Alarms & Timers Clockinfo Clock Clock Info Module Clock Info Widget
Looks like it might be a colour problem - @peerdavid anything like this ring a bell?
Its an issue with LCARS and the 2.19 firmware. I have the same problem. Downgrading to 2.18 fixes it. FWIW I'm using the "weather" app and its broken there too.
Thanks for checking - sounds like it's related to this espruino commit and #3144, so should be fixed when this commit makes it to firmware (v2.20 at a guess)
I'll report back whenever 2.20 comes out
2.20 still has the issue.
I guess the above commit wasn't the fix, looks like the bug would need some more scrutiny
Hi there -- I jsut updated and its working on my Bangle so I can't reproduce right now. But to search the bug, I honestly guess its the weather app and not LCARS as LCARS uses the json from the weather app. Especially as of the report that " FWIW I'm using the "weather" app and its broken there too."... but interestingly on the screenshot I can see the weather so its quite interesting ...
Sry that I can't provide more help right now -- if it occurs on my watch I will investigate :)
Hmm, wonder if I have some kind of corrupted setting/config file. I'll update again later this week and do a full factory reset to see if it still shows up. Maybe try a new weather app too.
See if it works for you now! I think I corrected that in June: #3461
@lawern confirmed working now!