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What do I do when I always return '-170' when using wc_ecc_shared_secret?

Open zhy2020 opened this issue 1 year ago • 15 comments

My program receives an ephemeral_key (publickey) in the format ProtobufCBinaryData. I want to use my private key (private_key ECC_SECP256R1) and ephemeral_key to generate a shared key, What do I do when I always return '-170' when using wc_ecc_shared_secret?

ecc_key my_private_key; // ECC_SECP256R1 byte my_public_key[65]; // wc_ecc_export_x963_ex()

ecc_key other_pub_key[65]; int to_load_key(ProtobufCBinaryData ephemeral_key) { int ret = 0;

ret = wc_ecc_import_x963((byte *), (word32)ephemeral_key.len, &other_pub_key);

//int curve_idx = wc_ecc_get_curve_idx(ECC_SECP256R1);
//other_pub_key= wc_ecc_new_point(); // ecc_point *other_pub_key;
//ret = wc_ecc_import_point_der(, ephemeral_key.len, curve_idx, other_pub_key);

ret = wc_ecc_shared_secret(&my_private_key, &other_pub_key, shared_key, shared_key_len);
if (ret != 0)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "========= wc_ecc_shared_secret error %d", ret);
    return -4; // Error computing shared key
return 0;


zhy2020 avatar Mar 28 '23 13:03 zhy2020

somebody help me?

zhy2020 avatar Apr 07 '23 07:04 zhy2020

@zhy2020 my apologies for missing this. Have you made any progress? If not, I'll try to take a look this week.

In the meantime: you'll get a much quicker response by submitting your questions over on wolfSSL.

Additionally, as noted in, this repo has a somewhat old submodule of wolfssl. Using the most recent code may have even solved the problem you are encountering.

gojimmypi avatar Apr 13 '23 09:04 gojimmypi

@zhy2020 Error code that you posted points to incorrect arguments to the API. You may try the sample code from, probably it should help your use-case.

mahavirj avatar Apr 13 '23 09:04 mahavirj



此外,如#16中所述,此 repo 有一个有点旧的 wolfssl 子模块。使用最新的代码甚至可能已经解决了您遇到的问题。

So far there has been no progress

zhy2020 avatar Apr 13 '23 12:04 zhy2020

@zhy2020 is it possible for you to share your ecc_key my_private_key my_public_key[65] and other_pub_key values used in the example above?

If you don't want to post them here, perhaps you could send them to [email protected] for me to test?

gojimmypi avatar Apr 13 '23 12:04 gojimmypi


my_private_key is imported through the.pem file -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MHcCAQEEIGXOdeNRODqoWF2G1Pv5c/9606thVSgAR2b0MDRZErxwoAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAEJJOl0J2L60fM3o+sGHuGrQCZEMlBIv2N6uOYYE2JfllBg5OIYGsi jzV60X62bCasAXcLYOSGmyDHmdN2W1/BdA== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----

The hexadecimal value of my_public_key is 042493a5d09d8beb47ccde8fac187b86ad009910c94122fd8deae398604d897e5941839388606b228f357ad17eb66c26ac01770b60e4869b20c799d3 765b5fc174 is b'04f3476fb37270eef09966fd17ca7967ede63a2bb3d23b4aee6e8b459482aebd7a939a95cbbbd01a1ec46b1976509e1cb82990d8eec34c98d14b69c5d8f7cee21c'

int curveId = ECC_SECP256R1; ecc_key my_private_key ; // 私钥 byte my_public_key[65];

static void generate_private_key(void) { int ret; long fileSz = private_key_pem_end - private_key_pem_start; int inSz = (int)fileSz;

word32 idx = 0;

wc_ecc_init(&my_private_key ); // initialize key

byte der[ECC_BUFSIZE];

wc_KeyPemToDer(private_key_pem_start, (int)fileSz, &der, ECC_BUFSIZE, NULL); 

ret = wc_EccPrivateKeyDecode(&der, &idx, &my_private_key , (word32)inSz);
if (ret < 0)
    ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "error decoding ecc key "); // error decoding ecc key

int check_result;

check_result = wc_ecc_check_key(&my_private_key );

if (check_result == MP_OKAY)
    ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "check_private_key yes==============");
    ESP_LOGI(GATTC_TAG, "check_private_key no==============");


static void generate_public_key(void) { int ret; word32 buffSz = sizeof(my_public_key);

ret = wc_ecc_export_x963_ex(&my_private_key, (byte *)my_public_key, &buffSz, 0);
if (ret != 0)
    // error exporting key
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "error exporting public key");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "public key: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 65; i++)
     printf("%02x", (unsigned char)my_public_key[i]);


zhy2020 avatar Apr 13 '23 13:04 zhy2020

Hello @zhy2020 and thank you for the additional details.

I've created a sample app and have confirmed the -170 error you are seeing:


It appears the value being passed for private_key->type is zero, and should otherwise be a valid type. (see ecc.c - the type needs to be either ECC_PRIVATEKEY or ECC_PRIVATEKEY_ONLY)

I will next work on providing a working example.

gojimmypi avatar Apr 13 '23 14:04 gojimmypi

Hi @zhy2020 - I've updated my demo app that seems to be working a bit better.

I found the key to success is to use the wc_ecc_check_key.

The demo app is not quite as polished as I'd like, as I used the openssl commandline tool on your example private key file, provided above:

openssl ec -in my_private_key_example.pem.txt  -text -noout

It generated this text:

        read EC key
        Private-Key: (256 bit)
        ASN1 OID: prime256v1
        NIST CURVE: P-256

That text, you'll see I assigned to unsigned char private_key[] and unsigned char public_key[] that were used as parameters to wc_ecc_import_private_key.

Ideally, I would have liked to read your PEM-encoded ANSI X9.62 private key directly in the ESP32 without needing the openssl tool. I'm confident that's possible; I just need to do a bit more homework.

gojimmypi avatar Apr 14 '23 10:04 gojimmypi

Hi @zhy2020 - I've updated my demo app that seems to be working a bit better.

I found the key to success is to use the wc_ecc_check_key.

The demo app is not quite as polished as I'd like, as I used the openssl commandline tool on your example private key file, provided above:

openssl ec -in my_private_key_example.pem.txt  -text -noout

It generated this text:

        read EC key
        Private-Key: (256 bit)
        ASN1 OID: prime256v1
        NIST CURVE: P-256

That text, you'll see I assigned to unsigned char private_key[] and unsigned char public_key[] that were used as parameters to wc_ecc_import_private_key.

Ideally, I would have liked to read your PEM-encoded ANSI X9.62 private key directly in the ESP32 without needing the openssl tool. I'm confident that's possible; I just need to do a bit more homework.

Thank you very much for your help. The program has been running normally.

zhy2020 avatar Apr 16 '23 13:04 zhy2020

sorry, I was too anxious and neglected the correctness of the value. I have been able to generate shared_key by using the wc_ecc_set_rng and wc_ecc_check_key methods. It is not the same as the shared_key generated by python code.

python code :



from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESGCM from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

def getSharedKey(self): # creates sha1 hasher for creating shared key hasher = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA1()) # exchange own private key with car's ephemeral key to create an intermediate shared key shared_key = ec.ECDH(), self.vehicle_key) # intermediate shared key is then inserted into the hasher hasher.update(shared_key) # and the first 16 bytes of the hash will be our final shared key return hasher.finalize()[:16]` python sharedkey: 1681879233373

esp32 sharedkey: (29677) btn_target: Successfully called wc_ecc_shared_secret for my_ecc_private_key and my_ecc_public_key 03 89 f7 75 81 8a b0 ef 9a e3 7d 8a 46 34 e3 a9 df e1 b3 1c f8 c3 b1 6f b2 59 98 85 7a e2 d4 77

zhy2020 avatar Apr 19 '23 04:04 zhy2020

Hi @zhy2020 I've continued to work on a working example, but I don't quite have it completed yet.

Are you still getting the same ECC_BAD_ARG_E = -170, /* ECC input argument of wrong type */ error?

I'd be interested in seeing all of your latest code if you can share it.

gojimmypi avatar Apr 22 '23 08:04 gojimmypi

Sorry I forgot to synchronize my progress, the program has not returned -170, I was mistaken private_key.pem file, I can get the correct shared_key. But when I used the generated shared_key to encrypt aec gcm, I got the wrong data

` int counter = 1; byte shared_key_hash[16]; static void generate_shared_key(void) { Sha sha[1]; byte shared_key[1024] = {0}; word32 shared_key_len = sizeof(shared_key); RNG rng; int ret = 0;

// private_key set rng

ret = wc_ecc_set_rng(&private_key, &rng);
if (ret == 0)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Successfully called wc_ecc_set_rng for a_private_key");
    ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed wc_ecc_set_rng for a_private_key. Error = %d", ret);

// create shared
ret = wc_ecc_shared_secret(&private_key, &vehicle_key, shared_key, &shared_key_len);
if (ret != 0)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "========= wc_ecc_shared_secret error %d", ret);
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Successfully called wc_ecc_shared_secret for my_ecc_private_key and my_ecc_public_key");
    ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX_LEVEL(TAG, shared_key, shared_key_len, ESP_LOG_INFO);

if ((wc_InitSha(sha)) != 0)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wc_InitSha failed");
    wc_ShaUpdate(sha, (byte *)shared_key, shared_key_len);
    wc_ShaFinal(sha, shared_key_hash);

ESP_LOGI(TAG, "shared_key_hash");
dump_bytes_stderr(16, (uint8_t *)shared_key_hash); 


generate_shared_key(); // shared_key_hash : hex=> e0 44 b6 42 34 95 32 80 c5 34 a5 dc d9 7f ac de

nonce[0] = (counter >> 24) & 255;
nonce[1] = (counter >> 16) & 255;
nonce[2] = (counter >> 8) & 255;
nonce[3] = counter & 255;

uint8_t _to_vcsecmessage_pack; // hex=> 12 04 1a 02 08 02 / Create and initialize AES key */ Aes aes;

/* Create and initialize GCM context */
wc_AesInit(&aes, NULL, 0);

int ret = wc_AesGcmSetKey(&aes, (const byte*)shared_key_hash, 16);
if (ret != 0) {
    printf("Failed to set GCM key, error %d\n", ret);


ret = wc_AesGcmEncrypt(&aes, (byte*)ciphertext, (const byte*)_to_vcsecmessage_pack, 22, (const byte* )nonce, 4, NULL, 16, NULL, 16);
if (ret != 0) {
    printf("Failed to encrypt, error %d\n", ret);

dump_bytes_stderr(22, ciphertext);  // hex => 9f 7b 96 df a7 c5 d6 35 26 ea e4 9b a5 ea 38 5d 3c b6 e9 ce d7 3b


but by python3 code:

` encryptor = AESGCM(shared_key_hash) nonce = bytearray() nonce.append((1 >> 24) & 255) nonce.append((1 >> 16) & 255) nonce.append((1 >> 8) & 255) nonce.append(1 & 255)

encrypted_msg = encryptor.encrypt( nonce, _to_vcsecmessage_pack, None ) print("encrypted_msg", encrypted_msg.hex(" "))

// 9f 7b 96 df a7 c5 3e b0 9d 0d c8 6e c3 5b 12 01 bf 05 d4 dd 17 e4 ` Where does the program need to be modified?

zhy2020 avatar Apr 22 '23 09:04 zhy2020

Hi @zhy2020 I've not had a chance to look at this, but I'm wondering about your memory utilization? Have you checked heap & stack and available memory? For instance, an app I'm working on now... just changing from "no optimization debug" to "optimize for size" had this impact on memory:

Used DATA_FLASH: 143KB out of 8192KB (1%) [-23K]
Used INSTR_FLASH: 465KB out of 3264KB (14%) [-284K]
Used INSTR_RAM: 53KB out of 128KB (42%) [-43K]
Used DATA_RAM: 26KB out of 320KB (8%) [-1824]

Notice in particular the whopping 43K just by changing an optimization setting.

Have you tried turning on "stack smashing" and "heap poisoning" to determine if the failure is memory-related?

gojimmypi avatar Apr 22 '23 18:04 gojimmypi

Sorry, I am an amateur developer on esp32 platform, I don't know how to test as you said, do you have time to help me solve this problem? thank you

zhy2020 avatar Apr 26 '23 09:04 zhy2020

Hi @zhy2020 - if using the VisualGDB extension, the heap and stack terms can be searched:



If using the command-line ( menuconfig), the heap settings can be found under component config:


Stack settings under component config - system settings:


Stack smashing under compiler options:


Also, I've been working on a similar and possibly related issue in - I'd be interested in seeing if the above stack and heap issues are not causing a problem, then perhaps try turning off hardware acceleration to see if it makes any difference.

I've had limited available time, but indeed I do plan on resolving this problem and creating a robust example.

gojimmypi avatar Apr 28 '23 16:04 gojimmypi