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Logistic (sigmoid) activation (AIV-481)
Hi Is it possible to have logistic (sigmoid) function activation in esp-dl?
Can't find it in layers or nn folders. It is quite popular activation function, so I guess you must have some recipe how to implement it.
Sure, We will add the related nonlinear functions recently
I want it too! used to solve a multi-label image classification problem.
Hi All, I need to convert a model which contains the following layers: Sigmoid, Resize, Pow in order to run it on esp32-s3-eye. Those layers currently aren't supported on esp-dl. How do one add new layer types so that the calibrator in the quantization tool will support the above layers? I've tried but got to this "calibrator.pyd" file which I can't edit. Any workarounds?
Thx in advance, Jonathan