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AT application for ESP32/ESP32-C2/ESP32-C3/ESP32-C6/ESP8266
I follwed the[ guide ]( but I am unable to connect to AWS. It seems handshake is ok (without the certificates I did get a ssl handshake error) but still...
##Environment * Development Kit: [none] * Module or chip used: [ESP32-WROOM-32| * AT version: - ESP32 - May 20 2021 10:07:25) * SDK version:v4.2.2 * Bin version:2.1.0(WROOM-32) * Operating System:...
如何配置固定的PHY速率和MCS,esp_wifi_config_espnow_rate不起作用 How to configure PHY rate in WIFI_PHY_RATE_MCS0_LGI, 【esp_wifi_config_espnow_rate 】oesn't work
I am trying to pass a long querystring (actually a long string that will be around 330 characters long, but the AT+HTTPCLIENT generates an "ERROR" when the string is anything...
Issue: I am using esp-at SPI. I am acting as a BLE server and have a connected android client sending commands to retrieve data from the device. When using BLEGATTSNTFY...
## Environment - Development Kit: ESP32-DevKitC - Module or chip used: ESP32-WROOM-32 - ESP32-AT Release v2.2.0.0 - Operating System: Linux - Power Supply: external 3.3V ## Problem Description Using the...
Environment: Two ESP32 flashed with AT firmware with Bluetooth Classic enabled, connected to STM32 microcontrollers with UART on 115200 baudrate. Configured in SPP profile with following commands: Master: AT+BTINIT=1\r\n AT+BTSCANMODE=1\r\n...
## Environment BLE client: ESP32 WROOM BLE server: BLE RONGTA printer - Module or chip used: [ESP32-WROOM-32] - IDF version (run ``AT+GMR\r\n`` to find it): AT version: - ESP32 -...
Hello, I've been trying to connect the ESP32 using BT classic SPP profile to an RN-41 module. When using version, the AT+BTSPPCONN sometimes fails with ERROR, with 10 seconds...