esp-at copied to clipboard is not building project
I have downloaded esp-at master. I already use esp-idf, which have paths defined in system variables. Now am trying to build esp-at project by using in windows command prompt, but it shows following error
**platform_name=ESP32,module_name=WROVER-32 old commit:5c0719aab633b69f1396230a1aa4c66987df1327
checkout commit:e7ac221b42517df8196c8b88cc9ac8dfb63db0f6 Please wait for the update to complete, which will take some time fatal: reference is not a tree: e7ac221b42517df8196c8b88cc9ac8dfb63db0f6 M Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Update completed 'export' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'cp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.**
i am not sure how to pass this error. need some help
do you have any luck with this issue? I am also facing same problem
Please follow the guide:
Windows OS?
yes i am using Windows 10 OS
Please compile it on linux or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
but it was working really fine in windows before without any error or flaw
Hi, I am with the same issue on Linux.
I was using a old version of esp at firmware. I've removed the old folder with rm -r /esp-at and cloned it again.
after that when I type ./ menuconfig I choose the module ESP32(1), module type WROOM-32(1) and silence mode off (0).
The error occur when it is cloning 'esp-idf'
Maybe someone forgot to push his commit?
Can someone help me with this?
@Piruthivi @felipepsilv @work4embedded esp-at v2.4 and master branch simplfied the compile workflow. just run python install
and python build
to build the esp-at project, could you please have a try?
see this doc for more details: