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hardcoded sdcard spi pins (AUD-3833)
The problem
the SPI pin numbers hardcoded in "./components/esp_peripherals/lib/sdcard/sdcard.c" as it shown below.
#define PIN_NUM_MISO 2 #define PIN_NUM_MOSI 15 #define PIN_NUM_CLK 14 #define PIN_NUM_CS 13
should we make it configurable using Kconfig file?
also the sdcard_mount function not working when the mode==SD_MODE_SPI (runtime crash)
Hi @tacrazymage
The reason is that these sdcard pins are fixed on the official development board.
If you want to support spi mode, you need to modify the initialization function audio_board_sdcard_init
in your board hal.
Also, in sdcard_mount function , spi mode code is not working.
spi port is not initialized,and should use esp_vfs_fat_sdspi_mount but not esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount to mount.
you need to modify the initialization function
in your board hal.
as far as I know (and now I test it again) #define keyword is preprocessor and preprocessors instructs the compiler to do required pre-processing before the actual compilation (and also before linking)
so there is no way defining pin numbers in board hal overwrites ones defined here: ./components/esp_peripherals/lib/sdcard/sdcard.c
@HengYongChao if nobody assigned to this, I can make a PR (fixing #define and esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount) just let me know
@danny2jenny did you managed to play mp3 from sdcard in spi mode? I correct the sdcard_mount function code but when I run "pipeline play sdcard music" example, it panics due to dead lock ocured in spi master
@HengYongChao if nobody assigned to this, I can make a PR (fixing #define and esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount) just let me know
Yes please, if you can give the PR.
This question/feature request keeps popping up, and should be fixed. The module code should not be board related, and as such, is a bug. Why was this PR closed?