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Add the possibility of prepayment for regions.
Добавить возможность предоплаты за регионы. Если это возможно, то поясните как правильно. Игрок знает, что не сможет играть несколько дней и хочет сделать предоплату за свои регионы. /ps prepayment region 1d / 1w / 1m Плагин версия: 2.8.5 Minecraft версия 1.16.5
If possible, then explain how it is correct. The player knows that he will not be able to play for several days and wants to make a prepayment for his regions. /ps prepayment region 1d / 1w / 1m Plugin version: 2.8.5 Minecraft version 1.16.5
Surely it should keep taking money from the users bank account, you know, if they have money to do so.
Otherwise, up for sale
Какой командой можно сделать предоплату за 1 день / 1 неделю / 1 месяц?
Which command can prepay for 1 day / 1 week / 1 month?
I'm sorry, I haven't yet looked at this issue