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compiliation fails for raspberry pi pico after update

Open ausil opened this issue 6 months ago • 27 comments

The problem

A previously working device no longer compiles after updating to 2023.12.1

INFO ESPHome 2023.12.1
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/picow.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing picow (board: rpipicow; framework: arduino; platform:
HARDWARE: RP2040 133MHz, 264KB RAM, 2MB Flash
 - framework-arduinopico @ 1.30600.0 (3.6.0) 
 - tool-rp2040tools @ 1.0.2 
Flash size: 2.00MB
Sketch size: 1.00MB
Filesystem size: 1.00MB
Maximium Sketch size: 1044480 EEPROM start: 0x101ff000 Filesystem start: 0x100ff000 Filesystem end: 0x101ff000
Dependency Graph
|-- WiFi @ 1.0.0
|-- LEAmDNS @ 1.2
|-- Updater @ 1.0
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
|-- MD5Builder @ 1.0.0
|-- lwIP-Ethernet @ 1
|-- lwIP_CYW43 @ 1
|-- SPI @ 1.0
Linking .pioenvs/picow/firmware.elf
/data/cache/platformio/packages/toolchain-rp2040-earlephilhower/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: unrecognized option '--no-warn-rwx-segments'
/data/cache/platformio/packages/toolchain-rp2040-earlephilhower/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: use the --help option for usage information
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pioenvs/picow/firmware.elf] Error 1
========================= [FAILED] Took 23.62 seconds =========================

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

ausil avatar Dec 21 '23 16:12 ausil

I had the same problem updating to 2023.12.0, I rolled back to 2023.11.6 recompiled, installed 2023.12.0 again and was able to recompile with no issues. I have just updated to 2023.12.1 and the picow compiles with no issues. Hope this helps.

billmaterial avatar Dec 21 '23 17:12 billmaterial

Thanks for tip @billmaterial that worked find for me.

mava75 avatar Dec 21 '23 20:12 mava75

That worked here. I noticed that gcc was updated to a version 12 build when dropping esphome back to 2023.11.6 so seemingly the bug was not triggering an update of the toolchain correctly.

ausil avatar Dec 21 '23 23:12 ausil

I had the same problem updating to 2023.12.0, I rolled back to 2023.11.6 recompiled, installed 2023.12.0 again and was able to recompile with no issues. I have just updated to 2023.12.1 and the picow compiles with no issues. Hope this helps.

This process didn't work for me; what did work was removing the PlatformIO files (on my system it was ~/.platformio) and recompiling a configuration, which triggered a redownload of the toolchain. I'm not sure if this is an esphome bug, a PlatformIO bug, or a bug in maxgerhardt/platform-raspberrypi.

danielkent-net avatar Dec 22 '23 00:12 danielkent-net

Same issue here.

INFO ESPHome 2023.12.3
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/front-door.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing front-door (board: rpipicow; framework: arduino; platform:
HARDWARE: RP2040 133MHz, 264KB RAM, 2MB Flash
 - framework-arduinopico @ 1.30600.0 (3.6.0) 
 - tool-rp2040tools @ 1.0.2 
Flash size: 2.00MB
Sketch size: 1.00MB
Filesystem size: 1.00MB
Maximium Sketch size: 1044480 EEPROM start: 0x101ff000 Filesystem start: 0x100ff000 Filesystem end: 0x101ff000
Dependency Graph
|-- WiFi @ 1.0.0
|-- LEAmDNS @ 1.2
|-- Updater @ 1.0
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
|-- MD5Builder @ 1.0.0
|-- lwIP-Ethernet @ 1
|-- lwIP_CYW43 @ 1
|-- SPI @ 1.0
Linking .pioenvs/front-door/firmware.elf
/data/cache/platformio/packages/toolchain-rp2040-earlephilhower/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: unrecognized option '--no-warn-rwx-segments'
/data/cache/platformio/packages/toolchain-rp2040-earlephilhower/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: use the --help option for usage information
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pioenvs/front-door/firmware.elf] Error 1
========================= [FAILED] Took 22.97 seconds =========================

HarvsG avatar Dec 23 '23 19:12 HarvsG

If you're using the addon, then you need to ssh into the host or container to access the files. The easier method would be to re-install the addon.

ssieb avatar Dec 23 '23 20:12 ssieb

Assuming you are running HA OS and have the ssh addon installed and configured

ssh [email protected]
sudo docker ps

Made a note of the container ID of esp home bb1547142a11 I entered the shell of the container

docker exec -it bb1547142a11 /bin/bash
rm ~/.platformio/*

Then I re-tried the install from the UI and I had the same issue So then I did (still inside the esphome addon docker container)

rm -r /data/cache/platformio/*

I re-tried the firmware install/update, there was a long time downloading and unpacking software... And it worked, although it took 1033.84 seconds

HarvsG avatar Dec 23 '23 20:12 HarvsG

Yes, the /data location was the right place. And you deleted all the cached data, so it has to download again. Sounds like you need something a bit more powerful to compile on though. :-)

ssieb avatar Dec 23 '23 21:12 ssieb

Have the same issue, but am unable to see the docker containers. `mycomputer ~ % ssh [email protected] [email protected]'s password:

| | | | /\ () | | | | | |__| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ / \ ___ ___ _ | | __ _ _ __ | | | __ |/ _ | ' \ _ \ / _ \ / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __/ \ | ' | __| | | | | () | | | | | | / / ____ \ __ \ __ \ || (| | | | | | || ||_/|| || |_|_| // __//|/__,|| ||_|

Welcome to the Home Assistant command line.

System information IPv4 addresses for end0: IPv6 addresses for end0: fe80::300:6cab:c4f8:8124/64

OS Version: Home Assistant OS 11.2 Home Assistant Core: 2023.12.3

Home Assistant URL: http://homeassistant.local:8123 Observer URL: http://homeassistant.local:4357 [core-ssh ~]$ sudo docker ps -bash: sudo: command not found [core-ssh ~]$ docker ps -bash: docker: command not found [core-ssh ~]$`

This is the version I run: Core 2023.12.3 Supervisor 2023.12.0 Operating System 11.2 Frontend. 20231208.2

odinb avatar Dec 23 '23 21:12 odinb

Hmm possible that when you ssh you are directly entering the home assistant core container. Rather than the host OS machine running the containers...

HarvsG avatar Dec 23 '23 23:12 HarvsG

Prologue: 2023.12.5 did not fix this for me.

Ah... not in the core, it's in the addon's docker container. Makes sense.

I didn't touch the .platformio file, just deleted the raspberrypi files: rm -r /data/cache/platformio/raspberrypi*

And it worked for me.

Thanks @HarvsG & @danielkent-net

For anyone else on HA OS, here's how to enable this access:

jshep321 avatar Dec 25 '23 16:12 jshep321

@HarvsG you suggestion worked a treat for myself thank you!

si458 avatar Dec 25 '23 18:12 si458

Was unable to get the USB-method to work referenced in the developers URL. Tried formatting both in FAT and in ext4, and even made sure the privileges on the file "authorized_keys" were correct. No go! The command would look successful: [core-ssh .ssh]$ ha os import Command completed successfully. but still no login, just the "Connection refused" for port 22222. Reboot also did absolutely nothing but waste time!

Even tried to connect a monitor and a keyboard to my HA-blue, screen worked fine, but keyboard refused to work!

Eventually found out I could add the repo: Then installed the plugin: "HassOS SSH port 22222 Configurator" Configured the "": "ssh-rsa xxyywwzzz_etc" in the plugin. Made sure to turn off protection mode, then hit the start button and observe the logs. Rebooted HA, and port 22222 should now be accessible form the host. I uninstalled the Add-On at this point.

After logging in, ran "docker ps |grep esphome" and noted the CONTAINER ID of "". Then ran "docker exec -it 4ac1b0663a3b /bin/bash". Then instead of doing "rm -r /data/cache/platformio/raspberrypi*" I only removed "raspberrypi" with "rm -rf /data/cache/platformio/platforms/raspberrypi/".

All working now!

odinb avatar Dec 25 '23 21:12 odinb

2023.12.5 also did not fix this for me. But shutting down the regular install, running the dev version, and installing from there works fine. Virtualized Hassio, tried the remove directory and there was no match.

On Mon, Dec 25, 2023 at 4:55 PM Odin Brodersen @.***> wrote:

Was unable to get the USB-method to work referenced in the developers URL. Tried formatting both in FAT and in ext4, and even made sure the privileges on the file "authorized_keys" were correct. No go! The command would look successful: [core-ssh .ssh]$ ha os import Command completed successfully. but still no login, just the "Connection refused" for port 22222.

Even tried to connect a monitor and a keyboard to my HA-blue, screen worked fine, but keyboard refused to work!

Eventually found out I could add the repo: Then installed the plugin: "HassOS SSH port 22222 Configurator" Configured the "": "ssh-rsa xxyywwzzz_etc" in the plugin. Made sure to turn off protection mode, then hit the start button and observe the logs. Rebooted HA, and port 22222 should now be accessible form the host. I uninstalled the Add-On at this point.

After logging in, ran "docker ps |grep esphome" and noted the CONTAINER ID of "". Then ran "docker exec -it 4ac1b0663a3b /bin/bash". Then instead of doing "rm -r /data/cache/platformio/raspberrypi*" I only removed "raspberrypi" with "rm -rf /data/cache/platformio/platforms/raspberrypi/".

All working now!

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scottbob09 avatar Dec 25 '23 23:12 scottbob09

Unfortunately all of the above fail for me, including removing and reinstalling the extension. Same error as shown above

Callum6677 avatar Jan 06 '24 00:01 Callum6677

Luckily I had created a backup with my 2023.11.6 version, before I upgraded to 2023.12.5

So when I encountered the error, I clicked on my backup file -> Partial backup (restore) -> only selected ESPHome under Add-ons -> Restore

After the restore, I noticed logs weren't coming through, but then I rebooted Home Assistant, and now everything is working fine again.

source-creator avatar Jan 06 '24 09:01 source-creator

I'm running esphome/esphome in a Docker container

Removing the folder config/.esphome/platformio/ was my solution. rm -r /config/.esphome/platformio/. I can now compile on RP2040

DMartelly avatar Jan 06 '24 22:01 DMartelly

Can confirm removing /data/cache/platformio/* in the esp home docker container fixed the compilation

derkrasseleo avatar Jan 09 '24 20:01 derkrasseleo

We encountered the same issue when updating our GGreg20_V3 Geiger counter example for RPi Pico W. We have ESPHome deployed as a Home Assistant integration in a virtual machine.

The solution for us was to restore with a partial backup back to the version with which there was no problem (December 2023). And after that, without any other action, we immediately upgraded to the newest version using the update. At the same time, our ESPHome configuration files were not affected - all the latest versions of the files were saved with the changes made in recent days.

BR, Oleksii IoT-devices, LLC

iotdevicesdev avatar Jan 18 '24 12:01 iotdevicesdev

I used the beta version today, and it compiled and uploaded. Beta 2023.12.7

On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 1:38 PM jshep321 @.***> wrote:

Same issue here with 2023.12.3. I can't find the .platformio directory to save my life (even using sudo find ...)

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scottbob09 avatar Jan 18 '24 13:01 scottbob09

After talking with people on the discord, we found that uninstalling esphome and re-installing it fixed the issue. This has been tested on two instances so far.

Kiendeleo avatar Feb 09 '24 01:02 Kiendeleo

In my previous message, I got esphome working again by downgrading the version, from 2023.12.5 to 2023.11.6

Today, I upgraded esphome from the previous non-broken version I was using 2023.11.6, to 2023.12.9. Pi Pico compilation works on both these versions.

source-creator avatar Feb 11 '24 17:02 source-creator

Yes, everything went well with us too with the upgrade to the latest 2023.12.9 version of ESPHome for our repository Raspberry Pico W + GGreg20_V3 Geiger counter Everything is working fine now. But at first, as described earlier, we had to do a downgrade (2023.12.5 -> 2023.11.6) from backups.

iotdevicesdev avatar Feb 12 '24 18:02 iotdevicesdev

Still broken. 2023,12,9 I will not remove an existing install to make this work. You need to fix this

On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 1:38 PM jshep321 @.***> wrote:

Same issue here with 2023.12.3. I can't find the .platformio directory to save my life (even using sudo find ...)

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scottbob09 avatar Feb 21 '24 00:02 scottbob09

Then it will stay broken. There's nothing esphome can do about this. It's a platformio issue. Re-installing the addon is quick and easy, so I don't know what your problem is with that.

ssieb avatar Feb 21 '24 00:02 ssieb

Did it, and it didnt work. Hey... your windshield wipers dont work. Nothing that can be done about it. I want a solution where it just works. Where I dont need to play with it, uninstall it, all because someone didnt do their regression testing.

On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 7:32 PM Samuel Sieb @.***> wrote:

Then it will stay broken. There's nothing esphome can do about this. It's a platformio issue. Re-installing the addon is quick and easy, so I don't know what your problem is with that.

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scottbob09 avatar Feb 21 '24 00:02 scottbob09

I am getting this error using the esphome docker image. I've wiped everything I could find that appeared to be a cache, and it seems to work now. This issue isn't just limited to the HA plugin.

skandragon avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 skandragon