feature-requests copied to clipboard
FastLED color temperature / WWA strip support
Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like
Be able to set color temperature instead of RGB values for RGB LED chip
Be able to control WWA LED chip (white+ warm white + amber) in the same way the cwww light platform do to control SK6812 chip for instance (basically the same as ws2812) that have the 3 white channel instead of 3 color channel.
Please describe your use case for this integration and alternatives you've tried:
To control the RGB LED strip with temperatures values I'm using a conversion table + node-red.
For the SK6812 I'm using it as a regular RGB LED strip. Just mapping the RGB value to the corresponding temperature :
color1800k = {cw: 0, ww: 0, a: 255}
color3000k = {cw: 0, ww: 255, a: 0}
color7000k = {cw: 255, ww: 0, a: 0}
cw = cold white, ww = warm white, a = amber
Additional context
My final goal with those SK6812 is to be able to simulate indoor sunlight.
I'm actually using node-red + Arduino sketch + MQTT to achieve that, but it's really messy and over complicated.
I'm checking the actual date / location with a random API on internet to get the exact time of sunrise, sunset, solarnoon, twilight begin / end, then I'm fixing some arbitrary temperatures for those events, and I'm just sending every minute via MQTT a different light temperature, with a nice and soft transition during the day.
But I'm looking for a better way to implement that since again my actual setup is really messy and hard to deploy / maintain.
maybe in a future release we can have a light platform that automatically light up with an automatically calculated temperature according to a set location and timezone, that would be really great, but until then, being able to just set temperature on RGB LED and control WWA LED would be really helpful.