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rusty music server

This repository has been incorporated into the muse monorepo!

rusty music server

note: this is absolutely not done by any means. anything can and will change.



Done Path Description Queries/Notes
[ ] GET /system/info Get stats about the server N/A


Done Path Description Queries/Notes
[ ] GET /track Get information about a track ?skip=:int&limit:int - used for paging
[ ] GET /track/:id Get information about a track N/A
[ ] GET /track/:id/stream Stream a track ?transcode=:bool - transcode the song or not
[ ] GET /track/:id/like Get whether you liked the track ?liked=:bool - toggle song likage


Done Path Description Queries/Notes
[ ] GET /album/ Get all albums ?skip=:int/?index=:int - which index to start at (used for paging)
?limit=:int - the max albums the endpoint will return, defaults to 10
?artist=:string - self-explanatory
[x] GET /album/:id Get information about an album N/A
[ ] GET /album/:id/art Get an album's art N/A


Done Path Description Queries/Notes
[ ] GET /artist/ Get all artists ?skip=:int/?index=:int - which index to start at (used for paging)
?limit=:int - the max artists the endpoint will return, defaults to 10
[ ] GET /artist/:id Get information about an artist N/A


Done Path Description Queries/Notes
[ ] GET /search Get information about a track ?q=:string - search for your query!
Note: returns all categories


This software is released under the MIT licence.