espeak-ng copied to clipboard
number 1932 becomes 19 hundred 32, while 1832 sounds as 1 thousand 8 hundred 32
I'd like to have all numbers between 1001 and 1999 pronounced in the same manner. For 1932 the trace (from the online test page) is: 1932 Found: '_0C' [h'Vndr@d] Found: '_19' [n'aInti:n] Found: '_0and' [@n] Found: '3X' [T'3:ti] Found: '2' [t'u:] n'aInti:nh'Vndr@d@n T'3:tit'u: sounds nineteen hundred thirty two
while 1832 gets: Found: '_0C' [h'Vndr@d] Found: '_0M1' [T'aUz@nd] Found: '_1' [w'02n] Found: '8' ['eIt] Found: '0and' [@n] Found: '3X' [T'3:ti] Found: '2' [t'u:] w'0n T'aUz@nd 'eIth'Vndr@d@n T'3:tit'u: sounds one thousand eight hundred thirty two
I discovered it in Dutch but it goes wrong in English too. Is a line in the list-file missing , or too much or in error? Or is it the number-routine?