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Problematic words in german
I have used espeak quite a lot in german recently. I noticed that a few words are not spoken correctly. Mostly because of the foreign origin. Here is a list I came up with so far:
obsolet Hypothese Hintergrundstrahlung Sandstrahlen Exponentiell Isotropie Quantencomputer Präzise biotechnologische Arzneimittelentwicklung Materialwissenschaft Chemie Klangvielfalt Tonarten Ballbesitzstrategien initiieren anthropogener Stranddünen Lagunen Maßgeblich Demokratiemodells biochemische Polyvinylchlorid Erfurt Cuxhaven Bochum Schwerin Tübingen Artischocke Aubergine Zucchini
I would be willing to fix these, but I probably need some help, especially to review my changes and to test it for side effects.
Btw. who is the german maintainer (if there is one?)
Oh, I forgot a few:
maladaptiv, Fundkontext, koscher, Nische, Mond, Eunuch, Kloster, Schuster, Buche, Gemach, Kuchen, Chile, Klimbim, Tibet, Rätsel, düster, Wust, Bratschen, Lok
I have created a few tools for automatic transcription based on the IPA representation on Wikitionary. However, either these are not perfectly correct, or the espeak-ng kirshenbaum dialect is too far off or my German is not the most profund (despite living in Hanover).
Anyway, here are a few words I am quite sure of.
Aubergine ,obEr'Zi:n@ Biotechnologie bi:otECnolo,gi: Bratschen br'a:tSn- Buche 'bu:x@ düster 'dy:st3 Eunuch OI'nu:x Gemach g@'ma:x Hypothese ,hypo'te:z@' Isotropie izotro'pi:' Kloster 'klo:st3 koscher 'ko:S3 Kuchen k'u:x@n Lagunen la'gu:n@n' Lok lOk maßgeblich 'ma:s,ge:plIC' Mond mo:nt' Nische 'ni:S@' obsolet 'Opzo'le:t' präzise prE'tsi:z@' Rätsel 'rE:tsl-' Wust vuu:st' Schuster 'Su:st3
I will create a pull request so that anyone can make use of it.
A few more problematic words, I just found:
Lebensgröße Desaster Espresso Mallorca Gnocci Ciabatta Regisseur Bruschetta Inbusschlüssel Serviette Koryphäe Bredouille Akquise Dekolleté Charisma essentiell Voigt Lache Maloche Wuchs Gemälde Pipi Kap