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Problems connecting to Insecure server while also connecting to a secure mqtt broker (with a certificate)

Open ahmetcemturan opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Hi All, My problem is this: I am connecting to an MQTT broker with a certificate.. That works ok. But then further down I have to send data to a few weather services, they accept https and http requests. The code that is sent is correct. It worked before I added the certificate and it works when I copy and paste it int chrome.

I really dont know what to do. I have found a few similar things but none have worked or I was unsuccessful implementing them...

the sending part is basically this:

    Link = "";
    getData = Link + getData + "uid=" + String(Station_1_uid); // WindGuru ID
    getData = getData + "&salt=" + String(time);               // Time
    getData = getData + "&hash=" + md5.toString();             // Identification
    getData = getData + "&wind_min=" + String(WindMin1ms * kKnots, 2);
    if (!isnan(bmpT))
      getData = getData + "&temperature=" + String(bmpT, 1); // temperature
#ifdef DataDEBUG
    std::unique_ptr<BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure> client(new BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure);
    HTTPClient https;              // must be declared after WiFiClient for correct destruction order, because used by http.begin(client,...)
    https.begin(*client, getData); // Specify request destination
    int httpCode = https.GET();    // Send the request
#ifdef DataDEBUG
    Serial.println(httpCode); // ACT!
                              // Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET failed, error: %s\n", https.errorToString(httpCode).c_str());
    if (httpCode > 0)
    {                                     // Check the returning code
      String payload = https.getString(); // Get the request response payload
#ifdef DataDEBUG
      Serial.println(payload); // Print the response payload
      if (mqttClient.connected() && (payload != "OK"))
        mqttClient.publish((MQTT_TOPIC + "/debug").c_str(), payload.c_str());
    https.end(); // Close connection
    Serial.println("No wind data available");
    return false; // fail
  return true; // done

Thanks for any help. (board ESP8266 07s)

ahmetcemturan avatar Dec 17 '23 13:12 ahmetcemturan