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Version 3.0.0 up break my92xx library

Open CBMalloch opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Basic Infos

  • [x] This issue complies with the issue POLICY doc.
  • [x] I have read the documentation at readthedocs and the issue is not addressed there.
  • [x] I have tested that the issue is present in current master branch (aka latest git).
  • [x] I have searched the issue tracker for a similar issue.
  • [x] If there is a stack dump, I have decoded it.
  • [x] I have filled out all fields below.


  • Hardware: ESP8266
  • Core Version: 3.0.2
  • Development Env: Arduino IDE
  • Operating System: MacOS

Settings in IDE

  • Module: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Flash Mode: dout
  • Flash Size: 1MB
  • lwip Variant: v2 Lower Memory
  • Reset Method: nodemcu
  • Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
  • CPU Frequency: 80Mhz
  • Upload Using: OTA or serial
  • Upload Speed: 115200 when serial

Problem Description

Sending code to an Itead SONOFF B1 light bulb, which uses a my9231 chip to control the 5 channels of LED. When I use ESP8266 board definitions 2.7.4, everything works as planned. If I update to 3.0.0 or above, the bulb flashes more or less at random as I adjust values. The brightnesses no longer scale smoothly with the commands, nor go to the proper channels. Seems funny, since the my92xx library isn't using much - only digitalWrites and the c code for os_delay_us. I tried replacing the os_delay_us definition with delayMicroseconds, without any better luck.

MCVE Sketch

#define PROGNAME "ESP8266_B1_bulb"
#define VERSION  "1.1.0"
#define VERDATE  "2021-12-06"

    Charles B. Malloch, PhD
    Program to control a Sonoff B1 Bulb
    Target hardware: ESP8266 on a Sonoff B1 RGB WW CW LED light bulb on Edison base
    v0.0.1  2021-02-13 cloned from ESP8266_Sonoff v1.1.1
    v1.2.1  2021-02-16 cbm repaired timer
    v0.2.4  2021-04-06 cbm ready for production test
    v0.2.15 2021-04-27 cbm added veil of indication
    v0.3.0  2021-11-29 cbm modified to alternately start up with red or white
    v0.3.7  2021-12-02 cbm removed timed auto-reboot, 'cause we don't retain color over
                           a soft restart. Could, with work, retrieve it from MQTT "status"
    v0.4.0  2021-12-02 cbm now fixed; writing and reading soft-restart file
    v1.0.0  2021-12-02 cbm calling it production!
    v1.1.0  2021-12-06 cbm substituting on-time for reset reason to keep old color
    Sonoff B1 Bulb Pinout, CW from CCW, for wiring to an ESP-01 programming adapter:
      1 Vcc (3.3) red
      2 RX        yellow NOTE this is the RX of the ESP, so RX header hole ( next to 3V3 )
      3 TX        green
      4 GND       black
      5 GPIO0     purple
    Use adapter from Sonoff box
      3-color LEDs are controlled by my9231 chip
      has picture of my9231 setup (colors not right, though)
    MQTT: can send messages like home/bulb/b01/command -> {"color":[32,0,0,0,0]}
      [ R, G, B, WW, CW ]
    The current two bulbs are designated b01 (hall), b02 (office)
      Turn on full warm white, alternately non-max red
        thus acting like a little-bit-smart bulb
      MQTT changes: send timeout_ms only if testing
                    send reset, on, off messages
      Appears to work using upstairs computer and a05 with VERBOSE set to 12
      and looking at MQTT telemetry.
      When compiled and sent from pro2, IT DOESN'T WORK RIGHT - the colors are screwed
      up. When compiled and sent from Hack, it work(ed) OK.
      Checked the my92xx library revisions - identical Hack and pro2.
      Testing with board revisions; broken ones are at 3.0.2; office OK at 2.7.x
      broken at 3.0.1, trying 3.0.0; still NG
      tried using delayMicroseconds instead of os_delay_us; still NG
      trying 2.7.4, just prior to 3.0.0: WORKS!!!


#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>          //

#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
// mDNS is now furnished by ArduinoOTA
// see
// ESP8266mDNS is multicast DNS - responds to <whatever>.local
// #include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
// ESP8266WiFiMulti looks at multiple access points and chooses the strongest
// #include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>
#include <WiFiUDP.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>

#include <LittleFS.h>

#define ALLOW_OTA
#ifdef ALLOW_OTA
  #include <ArduinoOTA.h>

#include <my92xx.h>

#include <cbmNetworkInfo.h>

#define SECOND_ms  ( 1000UL )
#define MINUTE_ms  ( 60UL * SECOND_ms )
#define HOUR_ms    ( 60UL * MINUTE_ms )

// R, G, B,  WW, CW
#define RED_color    0x80, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00
#define WHITE_color  0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x80, 0x80

// ***************************************
// ***************************************
#pragma mark -> vars MAIN PARAMETERS

#define mqtt_baseTopic "home/bulb"

#define BAUDRATE    115200
#define VERBOSE          2 

// auto reboot will have side effect of turning bulb off! <- now fixed
const unsigned long rebootInterval_ms         = 24UL * HOUR_ms;

#define TESTING 0

// ***************************************
// ***************************************

/********************************** GPIO **************************************/
#pragma mark -> vars GPIO

  I2C cbm standard colors: yellow for SDA, blue for SCL
  Blue onboard LED is inverse logic, connected as:
      GPIO0 for SDA
      GPIO1 ( TX ) is blue, inverse logic
      GPIO2 (next to GND) for SCL; 1K pullup on my boards
      GPIO3 ( RX ) is red
    Adafruit Huzzah: 
      GPIO0 is red
      GPIO2 is blue, inverse logic
      GPIO4 is SDA; GPIO5 is SCL
    Amica NodeMCU
      GPIO4 (D2) is SDA; GPIO5 (D1) is SCL
      GPIO16 (D0) is red but this is usually used to drive reset 
        LOW to pin RST (CH_PD / chip_enable)
      blue is GPIO1 TX conflicts with the use of Serial
    WeMos-WROOM-02: D16
        GPIO4 is red (after board modification) (inverse logic, hardware PWM)
        GPIO13 is green (inverse logic, no PWM)
      switch block:
        red LED associated with relay
        GPIO13 is blue (inverse logic, PWM)
      GPIO0 is the pushbutton (has pullup resistor)
      GPIO12 is the relay output
      GPIO14 is J1 Pin 5 (not used in this program)
    ITEAD Sonoff S31:
      GPIO0 is the pushbutton (has pullup resistor)
      GPIO12 is the relay output
      GPIO13 is green
    Sonoff Bulb
      GPIO12 (SDA) and GPIO14 (SCL) to two cascaded MY9231
      controlling Blue Red Green | Warm NC Cool

#define INVERSE_LOGIC_ON    0

const int pd_LED_white   =  4;  // hardware PWM

/********************************* Network ************************************/
#pragma mark -> vars Network

// need to use CBMDDWRT3 for my own network access
// can use CBMIoT or CBMDDWRT3GUEST for Sparkfun etc.

const unsigned int port_UDP = 9250;

  The cbmNetworkInfo object has (at least) the following instance variables:
    .chipID    ( GUID assigned by manufacturer, often the last three octets
                 of the MAC address, e.g. 5c:cf:7f:xx:xx:xx )
    .chipName  ( globally-unique name assigned by cbm and marked on PCB

cbmNetworkInfo Network;

// Create an ESP8266 WiFiClient class to connect to the MQTT server.
WiFiClient conn_TCP;
WiFiUDP conn_UDP;
PubSubClient conn_MQTT ( conn_TCP );
ESP8266WebServer htmlServer ( 80 );
WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(81);

/************************************ mDNS ************************************/
#pragma mark -> vars mDNS

const int mdnsOtaIdLen = 40;
char mdnsOtaId [ mdnsOtaIdLen ];

/************************************ MQTT ************************************/
#pragma mark -> vars MQTT

const int mqttClientIDLen = 50;
char mqtt_clientID [ mqttClientIDLen ] = "whatever";

const int mqttTopicLen = 50;
char mqttCmdTopic [ mqttTopicLen ];
char mqttStatusTopic [ mqttTopicLen ];
char mqttTimeoutTopic [ mqttTopicLen ];
char mqttResetReasonTopic [ mqttTopicLen ];

/********************************** NTP ***************************************/
#pragma mark -> vars NTP

IPAddress timeServer ( 17, 253, 14, 253 );
const char* NTPServerName = "";

const int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48;   // NTP time stamp is in the first 48 bytes of the message
byte NTPBuffer [NTP_PACKET_SIZE]; // buffer to hold incoming and outgoing packets
const int timeZone = 0;   // GMT
// const int timeZone = -5;  // Eastern Standard Time (USA)
// const int timeZone = -4;  // Eastern Daylight Time (USA)
unsigned long lastNTPResponseAt_ms = millis();
// uint32_t time_unix_s               = 0;
bool ntpTimeGoodP = false;

/********************************** bulb **************************************/
#pragma mark -> vars bulb

#define MY92XX_MODEL        MY92XX_MODEL_MY9231
#define MY92XX_CHIPS        2
#define MY92XX_DI_PIN       12
#define MY92XX_DCKI_PIN     14

#define MY92XX_COLD         0
#define MY92XX_WARM         1
#define MY92XX_RED          4
#define MY92XX_GREEN        3
#define MY92XX_BLUE         5

my92xx * _my92xx;

byte currentR, currentG, currentB, currentW, currentC;
// output states: 0 -> off; 1 -> on; 2 -> on timer;
int outputState = 0;

const char * outputStateString [3] = { "OFF", "ON", "TIMER" };
  const unsigned long turnOffTimerDuration_ms = 6UL * SECOND_ms;
  const unsigned long turnOffTimerDuration_ms =        30UL * MINUTE_ms;

unsigned long timerStartedAt_ms = 0UL;
unsigned long timeoutValue_ms = 0UL;
unsigned long settingsDirtyAt_ms = 0UL;

/******************************* Global Vars **********************************/
#pragma mark -> vars global

char uniqueToken [ 9 ];
unsigned long lastRebootAt_nts                 = 0UL;

const size_t pBufLen = 128;
char pBuf [ pBufLen ];
const int htmlMessageLen = 3072;
char htmlMessage [htmlMessageLen];
const int timeStringLen = 32;
char timeString [ timeStringLen ] = "<unset>";
char bootTimeString [ timeStringLen ] = "<unset>";

const size_t jsonStrSize = 1000; 
char jsonString [ jsonStrSize ];  // needs to be global to be on heap!

bool forceWSUpdate = false;

/**************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/
#pragma mark -> function prototypes

void POST ();

void initializeGPIO ();
void initializeBulb ();
void initializeLittleFS ();
void initializeLampColor ();
void lampColorInitialize_powercycle ();
void lampColorInitialize_restorePrevious ();
void initializeWebServer ();

bool connect_WiFi ();
bool connect_MQTT ();
void handleReceivedMQTTMessage ( char * topic, byte * payload, unsigned int length );
void sendSettingsToMQTT ( bool force = false );
int sendValueToMQTT ( const char * topic, int value, const char * name, bool retainP = false );
int sendValueToMQTT ( const char * topic, const char * value, const char * name, bool retainP = false );

void interpretNewCommandString ( char * theTopic, char * thePayload );

void htmlResponse_root ();
void webSocketEvent ( uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length );
void update_WebSocket ();

time_t getUnixTime();
void sendNTPpacket ( IPAddress& address );
void formatTimeString ( char * result, int resultLen, unsigned long time );
void formatIntervalString ( char * result, int resultLen, unsigned long time );

void saveSettingsToFile ();

int setOutputState ( int state, bool force = false );
void sendOutput ();
void setOutput ( byte R, byte G, byte B, byte W, byte C );
void toggleOutput ();
void setTimer ( unsigned long p_timeoutValue_ms = turnOffTimerDuration_ms );
unsigned long timeRemaining_ms ();

// magic juju to return array size
// see
template< typename T, size_t N > size_t ArraySize (T (&) [N]){ return N; }


void setup ( void ) {

  if ( VERBOSE >= 12 ) delay ( 10000 );
  initializeGPIO ();
  initializeBulb ();

    Serial.printf ( "\n\nTESTING mode %d\n", TESTING );

  /*********************** LittleFS File System Setup *************************/
  initializeLittleFS ();
  lampColorInitialize_restorePrevious ();

  /****************************** WiFi Setup **********************************/
  // for security reasons, the network settings are stored in a private library
  Network.init ( WIFI_LOCALE );
  if ( ! strncmp ( Network.chipName, "unknown", 12 ) ) {
    Network.describeESP ( Network.chipName );

  // Connect to WiFi access point.
  Serial.printf ( "\nESP8266 device '%s' connecting to %s\n", Network.chipName, Network.ssid );
  yield ();
  WiFi.config ( Network.ip,, Network.mask, Network.dns );
  // for exception 3 problem, use erase wifi parameters once
  WiFi.begin ( Network.ssid, Network.password );
Serial.println ( F ( "about to connect_WiFi" ) );
  connect_WiFi ();

  // while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
  //   Serial.print ( F ( "v" ) );
  //   delay ( 500 );  // implicitly yields but may not pet the nice doggy
  // }
  // Serial.println ();
  if ( VERBOSE >= 15 ) WiFi.printDiag ( Serial );
  if ( VERBOSE >= 4 ) {
    Serial.println ( F ( "WiFi connected with IP address: " ) );
    Serial.println ( WiFi.localIP() );

  /************************** Random Token Setup ******************************/
  // create a hopefully-unique string to identify this program instance
  // REQUIREMENT: must have initialized the network for chipName
  #ifdef cbmnetworkinfo_h
    // Chuck-only
    strncpy ( uniqueToken, Network.chipName, 9 );
    snprintf ( uniqueToken, 9, "%08x", ESP.getChipId() );

  snprintf ( mdnsOtaId, mdnsOtaIdLen, "esp8266-%s", uniqueToken );
  Serial.printf ( "mDNS host name: %s.local\n", mdnsOtaId );

  /******************************* UDP Setup **********************************/
  conn_UDP.begin ( port_UDP );
  if ( VERBOSE >= 4 ) Serial.println ( F ( "UDP connected" ) );
  delay ( 50 );

  /****************************** MQTT Setup **********************************/

  snprintf ( mqtt_clientID, mqttClientIDLen, "%s_%s", PROGNAME, uniqueToken );
  snprintf ( mqttCmdTopic, mqttTopicLen, "%s/%s/%s", mqtt_baseTopic, uniqueToken, "command" );
  snprintf ( mqttStatusTopic, mqttTopicLen, "%s/%s/%s", mqtt_baseTopic, uniqueToken, "status" );
  snprintf ( mqttTimeoutTopic, mqttTopicLen, "%s/%s/%s", mqtt_baseTopic, uniqueToken, "timeout_ms" );
  snprintf ( mqttResetReasonTopic, mqttTopicLen, "%s/%s/%s", mqtt_baseTopic, uniqueToken, "reset_reason" );
  conn_MQTT.setCallback ( handleReceivedMQTTMessage );
  // testing because it wouldn't find the DNS -- it needs the Network.dns arg
  // when we connect!!! See above:
  // WiFi.config ( Network.ip,, Network.mask, Network.dns );
  IPAddress mosq;
  WiFi.hostByName( CBM_MQTT_SERVER, mosq );
  Serial.print ( F ( "Here's what we found for the IP of '" ) );
  Serial.print ( CBM_MQTT_SERVER );
  Serial.print ( F ( "': " ) );
  Serial.println ( mosq );
  if ( VERBOSE >= 5 ) {
    Serial.print ( F ( "Connecting to MQTT at " ) );
    Serial.println ( CBM_MQTT_SERVER );
  connect_MQTT ();
  yield ();
  /******************************* NTP Setup **********************************/
  setSyncProvider ( getUnixTime );
  setSyncInterval ( 300 );          // seconds
  unsigned long beganWaitingAt_ms = millis();
  while ( ( timeStatus() != timeSet ) && ( ( millis () - beganWaitingAt_ms ) < 10000UL ) ) {
    now ();
    Serial.print ( F ( "t" ) );
    delay ( 100 );
  snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s/time/startup", PROGNAME, uniqueToken );
  if ( timeStatus() == timeSet ) {
    lastRebootAt_nts = now();
    formatTimeString ( bootTimeString, timeStringLen, now () );
    sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, bootTimeString, "Startup Time" );
    Serial.printf ( "Starting at %s\n", bootTimeString );
  } else {
    Serial.println ( F ( "WARNING: No NTP response within 10 seconds..." ) );
    sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, "WARNING no NTP within 10 seconds", "Startup Time" );
  /***************************** OTA Update Setup *****************************/
  #ifdef ALLOW_OTA
    // Port defaults to 8266
    // ArduinoOTA.setPort(8266);

    // Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID]
    ArduinoOTA.setHostname ( (const char *) mdnsOtaId );

    // No authentication by default
    ArduinoOTA.setPassword ( (const char *) CBM_OTA_KEY );

    ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
      Serial.println ( F ( "Start" ) );
    ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
      Serial.println ( F ( "\nEnd" ) );
    ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
      Serial.printf ( "Progress: %u%%\r", ( progress / ( total / 100 ) ) );
    ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
      Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
      if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println ( F ( "Auth Failed" ) );
      else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println ( F ( "Begin Failed" ) );
      else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println ( F ( "Connect Failed" ) );
      else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println ( F ( "Receive Failed" ) );
      else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println ( F ( "End Failed" ) );
    Serial.println ( F ( "ArduinoOTA running" ) );

  /**************************** HTML Server Setup *****************************/

  initializeWebServer ();

  // /**************************** mDNS Server Setup *****************************/
  // snprintf ( mdnsOtaId, mdnsOtaIdLen, "%s_%s", PROGNAME, uniqueToken );
  // if (!MDNS.begin ( mdnsOtaId ) ) {             // Start the mDNS responder for <PROGNAME>.local
  //   Serial.println ( F ( "Error setting up MDNS responder!" ) );
  // }
  // Serial.printf ( "mDNS responder '%s.local' started", mdnsOtaId );
  /************************* Power-on Color Setting ***************************/
  initializeLampColor ();
  /************************** Report successful init **************************/

  Serial.printf ( "\n%s v%s %s cbm", PROGNAME, VERSION, VERDATE );
  #ifdef TESTING
    Serial.printf ( " TESTING level %d\n", TESTING );
    Serial.println ();

void loop ( void ) {
  const unsigned long wsSendInterval_ms       =   5UL * SECOND_ms;
  static unsigned long lastWSSendAt_ms        =      0UL;


  if ( ! connect_WiFi () ) return;

  #ifdef ALLOW_OTA
    yield ();

  // Ensure the connection to the MQTT server is alive (this will make the first
  // connection and automatically reconnect when disconnected).  See the MQTT_connect
  // function definition below.
  if ( ! connect_MQTT () ) return;

  delay ( 10 );  // fix some issues with WiFi stability


  yield ();
  if ( ( forceWSUpdate ) 
      || ( lastWSSendAt_ms == 0UL )                                       // initial update
      || ( ( millis() - lastWSSendAt_ms ) > wsSendInterval_ms )           // regular update
      || ( timerStartedAt_ms && ( ( millis() - lastWSSendAt_ms ) > 1000UL ) )  // update faster while counting down
     ) {
    if ( ( VERBOSE >= 15 ) && forceWSUpdate ) Serial.println ( F ( "forced WS update" ) );

    // dtostrf ( temperature_degC, 0, 1, fBuf );
    // snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s", "raw/temperature_degC/air", sensorId );
    // sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, fBuf, "Temperature" );
    if ( timerStartedAt_ms ) {
      // update if clock is ticking
      sendValueToMQTT ( mqttTimeoutTopic, timeRemaining_ms(), "time remaining" );
    update_WebSocket ();
    lastWSSendAt_ms = millis();

  yield ();
  // if settings have changed, send them to MQTT?
  // if changed by web page, yes
  // if changed by power-on, yes
  // if soft reset, it screws up the settings?
  sendSettingsToMQTT ();  

  if ( rebootInterval_ms && ( millis() > rebootInterval_ms ) ) {
    snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s/time/restart", PROGNAME, uniqueToken );
    sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, bootTimeString, "Restart Time" );
    Serial.printf ( "Rebooting at %s\n", bootTimeString );
    delay ( 1000 );
    ESP.restart();  // soft reset;  ESP.reset() is a hard reset leaving regs unknown...
  if ( outputState ) {
    // on
    if ( timerStartedAt_ms != 0UL ) {
      // timer is running
      if ( timeRemaining_ms() == 0UL ) {
        // timed out
        Serial.printf ( "Timeout!\n" );
        setOutputState ( 0 );
        timerStartedAt_ms = 0UL;
  yield ();


// *****************************************************************************
// ***************************** Initializations *******************************
// *****************************************************************************

void POST () {

  Serial.print ( F ( "\n\nPOST\n\n" ) );
  int oldVal = setOutputState ( 1 );

  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 100 );
  sendOutput ( 0x80, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 100 );
  sendOutput ( 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 250 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 10 ); yield();

  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x80, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 100 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0xff, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 250 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 10 ); yield();

  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 100 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 250 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 10 ); yield();

  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x80, 0x00 );
  delay ( 100 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0xff, 0x00 );
  delay ( 250 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  delay ( 10 ); yield();

  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x80 );
  delay ( 100 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0xff );
  delay ( 250 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
  for ( int i = 0; i < 2 * 5; i++ ) {
    for ( int j = 0; j < 256; j += 10 ) {
      int b = ( i % 2 ) ? 255 - j : j;
      sendOutput ( i * 20, 0x00, 0x00,  j, j );
      delay ( 20 );
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x80, 0x80 );
  for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
    setOutputState ( 1 );
    delay ( 100 );
    setOutputState ( 0 );
    delay ( 100 );
  // restore bulb settings
  setOutput ( currentR, currentG, currentB, currentW, currentC );
  setOutputState ( oldVal );



void initializeGPIO () {

  pinMode ( pd_LED_green, OUTPUT ); digitalWrite ( pd_LED_green, INVERSE_LOGIC_OFF );
  pinMode ( pd_LED_red,   OUTPUT ); digitalWrite ( pd_LED_red,   INVERSE_LOGIC_OFF );
  pinMode ( pdOutput,     OUTPUT ); digitalWrite ( pdOutput,     LOW  );
  pinMode ( pdC5,         OUTPUT ); digitalWrite ( pdC5,         LOW  );
  pinMode ( pdButton,      INPUT );  // has built-in pullup
  Serial.begin ( BAUDRATE );
  while ( ! Serial && ( millis() < 2000 ) ) {
    // int newStatus = 1 - digitalRead ( pd_LED_red );
    // digitalWrite ( pd_LED_green, newStatus );
    // digitalWrite ( pd_LED_red,   newStatus );
    // #ifdef TESTING
    //   digitalWrite ( pdOutput, newStatus );
    // #endif
    delay ( 200 );  // wait a little more, if necessary, for serial to come up
    yield ();
  if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) while ( ! Serial && ( millis() < 20000 ) );
  Serial.print ( F ( "\n\n" ) );
  // digitalWrite ( pd_LED_green, INVERSE_LOGIC_OFF );
  // digitalWrite ( pd_LED_red,   INVERSE_LOGIC_OFF );


void initializeBulb () {

//  _my92xx = new my92xx ( MY92XX_MODEL, MY92XX_CHIPS, 
//                         MY92XX_DI_PIN, MY92XX_DCKI_PIN, 
//                         MY92XX_COMMAND_DEFAULT );
  freq divide 4 breaks
  one shot enable no diff
  bit width 16 breaks
  cmd reaction slow breaks
  _my92xx = new my92xx ( MY92XX_MODEL, MY92XX_CHIPS, 
                         MY92XX_DI_PIN, MY92XX_DCKI_PIN, 
                         { \
                            .scatter = MY92XX_CMD_SCATTER_APDM, \
                            .frequency = MY92XX_CMD_FREQUENCY_DIVIDE_1, \
                            .bit_width = MY92XX_CMD_BIT_WIDTH_8, \
                            .reaction = MY92XX_CMD_REACTION_FAST, \
                            .one_shot = MY92XX_CMD_ONE_SHOT_DISABLE, \
                            .resv = 0 \
  currentR = 0;
  currentG = 0;
  currentB = 0;
  currentW = 0;
  currentC = 0;

void initializeLittleFS () {

  if ( ! LittleFS.begin() ) {
    Serial.println ( F ( "INFO: LittleFS.begin() failed" ) );
    Serial.print ( F ("  formatting...") );
    if ( LittleFS.format() ) {
      Serial.println ( F (" ok") );
    } else {
      Serial.println ( F (" FAILED") );

void initializeLampColor () {

//   enum rst_reason {
//     REASON_DEFAULT_RST      = 0, // normal startup by power on
//     REASON_WDT_RST          = 1, // hardware watch dog reset
//     REASON_EXCEPTION_RST    = 2, // exception reset, GPIO status won’t change
//     REASON_SOFT_WDT_RST     = 3, // software watch dog reset, GPIO status won’t change
//     REASON_SOFT_RESTART     = 4, // software restart ,system_restart , GPIO status won’t change
//     REASON_DEEP_SLEEP_AWAKE = 5, // wake up from deep-sleep
//     REASON_EXT_SYS_RST      = 6  // external system reset
//   };
//   char * reasons [    ]      = { "REASON_DEFAULT",
//                                  "REASON_WDT",
//                                  "REASON_EXCEPTION",
//                                  "REASON_SOFT_WDT",
//                                  "REASON_SOFT_RESTART",
//                                  "REASON_DEEP_SLEEP_AWAKE",
//                                  "REASON_EXT_SYS_RST "
//                                };
//   // byte reset_reason_0 = rtc_get_reset_reason ( 0 );
//   // Serial.print ( F ( "Reset reason 0: " ) ); Serial.println ( reset_reason_0, HEX );
//   // byte reset_reason_1 = rtc_get_reset_reason ( 1 );
//   // Serial.print ( F ( "Reset reason 1: " ) ); Serial.println ( reset_reason_1, HEX );
//   rst_info *resetInfo;
//   resetInfo = ESP.getResetInfoPtr();
//   byte reset_reason = resetInfo->reason;
//   Serial.print ( F ( "Reset reason: " ) ); Serial.println ( reasons [ reset_reason ] );
//   sendValueToMQTT ( mqttResetReasonTopic, reasons [ reset_reason ], "Reset reason", true );

  // calculate time since previous power-on
  // read previous power-on time 
  //   in UNIX time, seconds since 12:00 AM Jan 1, 1970 as time_t
  // note: time_t is defined as unsigned long
  while ( ! ntpTimeGoodP && ( millis() < 30000UL ) ) {
    Serial.println ( F ( "Trying to get a goot time from NTP" ) );
    getUnixTime ();
    delay ( 5000 );
  time_t interval_secs = 1000000UL;
  if ( ntpTimeGoodP ) {
    File f;

    f = ( "/start_UNIX_time.txt", "r" );
    if ( VERBOSE >= 4 ) Serial.printf ( "INFO: LittleFS file%s opened\n", f ? "" : " not" );

    unsigned long lastStartAt_unixtime;
    if  ( f ) {
      // file will contain one line, with either "white" or "red"
      // to identify the color it will next start with
      lastStartAt_unixtime = f.parseInt ();
      if ( VERBOSE >= 5 ) {
        Serial.print ( F ( "  ... file contained: " ) );
        Serial.println ( lastStartAt_unixtime );
    } else {
      Serial.println ( F ( "WARNING: start_UNIX_time.txt file not available" ) );

    // now rewrite that file with the current time
    f = ( "/start_UNIX_time.txt", "w" );
    f.print ( now() );

    interval_secs = now() - lastStartAt_unixtime;
    if ( VERBOSE >= 3 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "Seconds since last startup: " ) );
      Serial.println ( interval_secs );
  } else {
    // don't have a good time from NTP

  // if ( true || reset_reason == ESP_RST_POWERON ) {
  // if (    ( reset_reason == REASON_DEFAULT_RST ) 
  //      || ( reset_reason == REASON_EXT_SYS_RST ) ) {
  if ( interval_secs < 60UL ) {
    lampColorInitialize_powercycle ();
  } else {
    // reboot interval restart -- probably leave settings to what's in MQTT
    // but MQTT doesn't provide a "color" command - colors individually stored, under "status"
    // so no "command"
    lampColorInitialize_restorePrevious ();
  sendSettingsToMQTT ( 1 );

void lampColorInitialize_powercycle () {

  File f;

  // power on, but not soft reset
  f = ( "/power_on_color.txt", "r" );
  Serial.printf ( "INFO: LittleFS file%s opened\n", f ? "" : " not" );

  #define colorStringLen 10
  char colorString [ colorStringLen ];
  if  ( f && f.available() ) {
    // file will contain one line, with either "white" or "red"
    // to identify the color it will next start with
    f.readString().toCharArray( colorString, colorStringLen );
    if ( VERBOSE >= 5 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "  ... file contained: " ) );
      Serial.println ( colorString );
  } else {
    Serial.println ( F ( "WARNING: power_on_color.txt file not available" ) );

  // regardless of read status, try to write a file
  f = ( "/power_on_color.txt", "w" );
  if ( ! strncmp ( colorString, "red", 6 ) ) {
    if ( VERBOSE >= 5 ) Serial.println ( F ( "was red; make white" ) );
    f.print ( F ( "white" ) );
    setOutput ( WHITE_color );  // white
  } else {
    if ( VERBOSE >= 5 ) Serial.println ( F ( "was white; make red" ) );
    f.print ( F ( "red" ) );
    setOutput ( RED_color );  // red
  setOutputState ( 1 );

void lampColorInitialize_restorePrevious () {

  File f;

  // soft reset
  f = ( "/soft_reset_color.txt", "r" );
  Serial.printf ( "INFO: LittleFS file%s opened\n", f ? "" : " not" );

  int stateVector [ 6 ] = { -1, -1, -1,  -1, -1,  -1 } ;
  if  ( f && f.available() ) {
      file will contain a comma-separated list of 6 items:
        5 color values
        1 0-or-1 "on" value
    Serial.print ( F ( "  ... file contained: " ) );
    for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
      stateVector [ i ] = f.parseInt();
      Serial.print ( stateVector [ i ] );
      Serial.print ( ( i < 5 ) ? ", " : "\n" );
    // set stateVector if we got a valid line
    if ( stateVector [ 5 ] >= 0 ) {
      // these values should never all be zero
      setOutput ( stateVector [ 0 ], 
                  stateVector [ 1 ], 
                  stateVector [ 2 ], 
                  stateVector [ 3 ], 
                  stateVector [ 4 ] );
      // this value will be zero of lamp was off
      setOutputState ( stateVector [ 5 ], 1 );
    } else {
      Serial.println ( F ( "Incomplete data from soft-restart file" ) );
  } else {
    Serial.println ( F ( "WARNING: soft_reset_color.txt file not available" ) );

void initializeWebServer () {

  /**************************** HTML Server Setup *****************************/

  // for html, do the on's before server begin

  htmlServer.on ( "/", htmlResponse_root );
    htmlServer.send(404, "text/plain", "404: Not found");
  webSocket.onEvent ( webSocketEvent );
  // the below are applicable to a WebSocket CLIENT...
  // webSocket.setReconnectInterval ( 15000 );  // ms to reconnect after failure
  // ms; <ping interval> <response timeout> <disconnect if n failures>
  // webSocket.enableHeartbeat ( 30000, 3000, 2 );

// *****************************************************************************
// ********************************** WiFi *************************************
// *****************************************************************************

bool connect_WiFi () {

  if ( WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED ) return true;
  const unsigned long oldConnectionTimeout_ms = 10UL * SECOND_ms;
  unsigned long startTime_ms   = millis();
  unsigned long lastDotAt_ms   = millis();
  unsigned long lastBlinkAt_ms = millis();
  static bool newConnection = true;
  const int bufLen = 25;
  char strBuf [ bufLen ];
  bool printed = false;
  sendOutput ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x40,  0x00, 0x00 );  // blue while connecting

  while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
    if ( VERBOSE > 4 && ! printed ) { 
      Serial.print ( F ( "\nChecking wifi..." ) );
      printed = true;
      newConnection = true;
    if ( ( millis() - lastDotAt_ms ) > 1000 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "." ) );
      lastDotAt_ms = millis();

    if ( ( millis() - startTime_ms ) > oldConnectionTimeout_ms ) {
      Serial.printf ( "About to smart config...\n" );

      while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
        Serial.print ( WiFi.smartConfigDone() );
      Serial.printf ( "Done smart config.\n" );
    delay ( 1000 );
  if ( newConnection && VERBOSE > 4 ) {
    Serial.print ( F ( "\n  WiFi connected as " ) ); 
    Serial.print ( WiFi.localIP() );
    Serial.print ( F ( " in " ) );
    Serial.print ( millis() - startTime_ms );
    Serial.println ( F ( " ms" ) );    
  startTime_ms = millis();
  printed = false;
  newConnection = false;
  sendOutput  ( currentR, currentG, currentB,  currentW, currentC );  // restore

  return true;

bool connect_MQTT () { 
  if ( conn_MQTT.connected() ) return true;

  unsigned long startTime_ms   = millis();
  unsigned long lastDotAt_ms   = millis();
  unsigned long lastBlinkAt_ms = millis();
  static bool newConnection = true;
  const int bufLen = 25;
  char strBuf [ bufLen ];
  bool printed = false;
  sendOutput ( 0x40, 0x00, 0x40,  0x00, 0x00 );  // violet while connecting

  while ( ! conn_MQTT.connected () ) {
    conn_MQTT.connect ( mqtt_clientID );
    if ( VERBOSE > 4 && ! printed ) { 
      Serial.print ( F ( "  Connecting to MQTT as '" ) ); Serial.print ( mqtt_clientID );
      Serial.print ( F ( "'; status: " ) );
      Serial.print ( conn_MQTT.state () );
      Serial.print ( F ( "..." ) );
        -4 : MQTT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - the server didn't respond within the keepalive time
        -3 : MQTT_CONNECTION_LOST - the network connection was broken
        -2 : MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED - the network connection failed - perhaps the IP is bad!!!
        -1 : MQTT_DISCONNECTED - the client is disconnected cleanly
         0 : MQTT_CONNECTED - the cient is connected
         1 : MQTT_CONNECT_BAD_PROTOCOL - the server doesn't support the requested version of MQTT
         2 : MQTT_CONNECT_BAD_CLIENT_ID - the server rejected the client identifier
         3 : MQTT_CONNECT_UNAVAILABLE - the server was unable to accept the connection
         4 : MQTT_CONNECT_BAD_CREDENTIALS - the username/password were rejected
         5 : MQTT_CONNECT_UNAUTHORIZED - the client was not authorized to connect_WiFi
      printed = true;
      newConnection = true;
    if ( ( millis() - lastDotAt_ms ) > 1000 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "." ) );
      lastDotAt_ms = millis();
    delay ( 50 );
  if ( newConnection ) {
    if ( VERBOSE > 4 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "\n  MQTT connected in " ) );
      Serial.print ( millis() - startTime_ms );
      Serial.println ( F ( " ms" ) );
    conn_MQTT.subscribe ( mqttCmdTopic, 1 );  // topic[, QoS]
    // it looks like trying to subscribe with QoS 2 silently fails!
    if ( VERBOSE > 4 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "  Subscribed to MQTT feed '" ) );
      Serial.print ( mqttCmdTopic );
      Serial.println ( F ( "'" ) );
  // client.unsubscribe("/example");
  newConnection = false;
  sendOutput  ( currentR, currentG, currentB,  currentW, currentC );  // restore

  return true;

// *****************************************************************************
// ********************************** MQTT *************************************
// *****************************************************************************

void sendSettingsToMQTT ( bool force ) {

  const unsigned long sendSettingsDelay_ms = 2UL * SECOND_ms;
  static byte oldR = 0x00;
  static byte oldG = 0x00;
  static byte oldB = 0x00;
  static byte oldW = 0x00;
  static byte oldC = 0x00;
  static int oldState = -99;

  if (    force
       || (    settingsDirtyAt_ms 
            && ( millis() - settingsDirtyAt_ms ) > sendSettingsDelay_ms 
     ) {

    if ( currentR != oldR ) {
      snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s", mqttStatusTopic, "red" );
      sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, currentR, "red", true );
      oldR = currentR;
    if ( currentG != oldG ) {
      snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s", mqttStatusTopic, "green" );
      sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, currentG, "green", true );
      oldG = currentG;
    if ( currentB != oldB ) {
      snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s", mqttStatusTopic, "blue" );
      sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, currentB, "blue", true );
      oldB = currentB;
    if ( currentW != oldW ) {
      snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s", mqttStatusTopic, "warm" );
      sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, currentW, "warm", true );
      oldW = currentW;
    if ( currentC != oldC ) {
      snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s", mqttStatusTopic, "cool" );
      sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, currentC, "cool", true );
      oldC = currentC;
    if ( outputState != oldState ) {
      snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s", mqttStatusTopic, "state" );
      sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, outputState, "Output state", true );
      oldState = outputState;
    saveSettingsToFile ();    
    settingsDirtyAt_ms = 0UL;

int sendValueToMQTT ( const char * topic, int value, const char * name, bool retainP ) {
  const int valLen = 10;
  char val [ valLen ];
  snprintf ( val, valLen, "%d", value );
  return sendValueToMQTT ( topic,  val,  name, retainP );

int sendValueToMQTT ( const char * topic, const char * value, const char * name, bool retainP ) {

    Send data via MQTT to Mosquitto
  int tLen = strlen ( topic );
  int vLen = strlen ( value );
  if ( vLen < 1 ) {
    if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "\nNot sending null payload " ) );
      Serial.println ( name );
    return 0;
  if ( ( tLen + vLen ) > MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE ) {
    if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) {
      Serial.print ( F ( "\nNot sending oversized ( " ) );
      Serial.print ( tLen + vLen );
      Serial.print ( F ( " > 128 ) packet " ) );
      Serial.println ( name );
    return 0;
  if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) {
    Serial.print ( F ( "Sending " ) );
    Serial.print ( topic );
    Serial.print ( F ( " ( name = " ) );
    Serial.print ( name );
    Serial.print ( F ( ", len = " ) );
    Serial.print ( tLen + vLen );
    Serial.print ( F ( " ): " ) );
    Serial.print ( value );
    Serial.print ( F ( " ... " ) );
    Note: each publish call seems to take about a second
    Even though connection remains good
    But only when the MQTT server is overtaxed - probably in need of restart!

  bool success = conn_MQTT.publish ( topic, value, retainP );
  if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.println ( success ? "OK!" : "Failed" );
  return success ? ( tLen + vLen ) : -1;

void handleReceivedMQTTMessage ( char * topic, byte * payload, unsigned int length ) {

  const size_t pBufLen = 512;
  char pBuf [ pBufLen ];
  memcpy ( pBuf, payload, length );
  pBuf [ length ] = '\0';
  if ( VERBOSE >= 8 ) {
    Serial.print ( F ( "Got: " ) );
    Serial.print ( topic );
    Serial.print ( F ( ": " ) );
    Serial.print ( pBuf );
    Serial.println ();
  interpretNewCommandString ( topic, pBuf );

void interpretNewCommandString ( char * theTopic, char * thePayload ) {
  DynamicJsonDocument doc ( 400 );
  if ( VERBOSE >= 4 ) {
    Serial.print ( F ( "thePayload: '" ) ); 
    Serial.print ( thePayload ); 
    Serial.println ( F ( "'" ) );

  DeserializationError error = deserializeJson ( doc, thePayload );

  // Test if parsing succeeds.
  if ( error ) {
    Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed: "));

  // Most of the time, you can rely on the implicit casts.
  // In other case, you can do doc["time"].as<long>();
  if ( doc.containsKey ( "color" ) ) {
    byte R, G, B,  W, C;
    R = doc["color"][0]; // || 0x00;
    G = doc["color"][1]; // || 0x00;
    B = doc["color"][2]; // || 0x00;
    W = doc["color"][3]; // || 0x00;
    C = doc["color"][4]; // || 0x00;
    setOutput ( R, G, B,  W, C );
    setOutputState ( 1 );
  if ( doc.containsKey ( "state" ) ) {
    setOutputState ( doc["state"].as<int>() );
  if ( doc.containsKey ( "timer" ) ) {
    setTimer ();

// *****************************************************************************
// ********************************* output *************************************
// *****************************************************************************

void toggleOutput () {
  setOutputState ( ! outputState );

int setOutputState ( int newSetting, bool force ) {

  // turn on/off without losing settings...
  // force resets the output state and resends the retained brightness values

  if ( VERBOSE >= 4 ) {
    Serial.printf ( "State: %s\n", newSetting ? "ON" : "OFF" );
  int oldVal = outputState;
  if ( ( newSetting != outputState ) || force ) {
    // if not force, then newSetting must be unequal to outputState
    // if force, can't assume anything about the equality
    if ( newSetting >= 0 ) outputState = newSetting;
    if ( outputState ) {
      // turn on; could be timer or just "on"
      if ( ! currentR && ! currentG && ! currentB && ! currentW && ! currentC ) {
        // everything's set to zero brightness
        if ( VERBOSE >= 12 ) Serial.println ( F ( "Setting default nonzero values" ) );
        currentW = 0x80;
        currentC = 0x80;
      sendOutput  ( currentR, currentG, currentB,  currentW, currentC );
    } else {
      // turn off, leaving settings alone
      if ( VERBOSE >= 12 ) Serial.println ( F ( "Turning off, leaving settings" ) );
      sendOutput  ( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );
    if ( VERBOSE > 10 ) Serial.printf ( "  -> output is %s\n", outputStateString [ outputState ] );
    settingsDirtyAt_ms = millis();
    timerStartedAt_ms = 0UL;  // cancel timer on any interaction
  forceWSUpdate = true;
  return ( oldVal );


void setOutput ( byte R, byte G, byte B, byte W, byte C ) {

  // turning off doesn't call this routine, so current values should never be 0

  currentR = R;
  currentG = G;
  currentB = B;
  currentW = W;
  currentC = C;
  sendOutput  ( currentR, currentG, currentB,  currentW, currentC );
  settingsDirtyAt_ms = millis();
  forceWSUpdate = true;

void sendOutput ( byte R, byte G, byte B, byte W, byte C ) {

  // lowest level send - just send these values, without side effects
  if ( VERBOSE >= 4 ) {
    Serial.printf ( "Color settings: 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x,  0x%02x, 0x%02x\n",
      R, G, B,  W, C );
  _my92xx->setChannel ( MY92XX_RED,   (unsigned int) R );
  _my92xx->setChannel ( MY92XX_GREEN, (unsigned int) G );
  _my92xx->setChannel ( MY92XX_BLUE , (unsigned int) B );
  _my92xx->setChannel ( MY92XX_WARM,  (unsigned int) W );
  _my92xx->setChannel ( MY92XX_COLD,  (unsigned int) C );

void setTimer ( unsigned long p_timeoutValue_ms ) {

  if ( VERBOSE >= 4 ) {
    Serial.printf ( "Timer enabled\n" );
  setOutputState ( 2 );
  timerStartedAt_ms = millis();
  timeoutValue_ms = p_timeoutValue_ms;
  // Serial.printf ( "setTimer: setting %ul ms; turnoff at: %ul ms\n", timeoutValue_ms, turnOffAt_ms );
  sendValueToMQTT ( mqttTimeoutTopic, timeoutValue_ms, "Timeout value" );

unsigned long timeRemaining_ms () {
  if ( timerStartedAt_ms == 0 ) return 0UL;
  bool timedOut = ( millis() - timerStartedAt_ms ) > timeoutValue_ms;
  return ( timedOut ? 0UL : ( timerStartedAt_ms + timeoutValue_ms ) - millis() );

// *****************************************************************************
// ********************************** HTML *************************************
// *****************************************************************************
// { "color": [ 0, 0, 0,  128, 255 ] }
// { "timer": 1 }
// { "state": 1 }

void htmlResponse_root () {

  sendOutput ( 0x40, 0x40, 0x00,  0x00, 0x00 );

  const char * htmlMessage = R"HTML(

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <link referrerpolicy="no-referrer" rel="icon" href="http://miniTunes.cbmHome/favicon.ico">
          p{} .data { font-weight: bold; }
          .right { text-align: right; }
          .myButton {
            -moz-box-shadow: 3px 4px 0px 0px #899599;
            -webkit-box-shadow: 3px 4px 0px 0px #899599;
            box-shadow: 3px 4px 0px 0px #899599;
            background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #ededed), color-stop(1, #bab1ba));
            background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #ededed 5%, #bab1ba 100%);
            background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ededed 5%, #bab1ba 100%);
            background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #ededed 5%, #bab1ba 100%);
            background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #ededed 5%, #bab1ba 100%);
            background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #ededed 5%, #bab1ba 100%);
            filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ededed', endColorstr='#bab1ba',GradientType=0);
            border:1px solid #d6bcd6;
            padding:7px 25px;
            text-shadow:0px 1px 0px #e1e2ed;
          .myButton .willBe { display:none; }
          .myButton:hover {
            background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #bab1ba), color-stop(1, #ededed));
            background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #bab1ba 5%, #ededed 100%);
            background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #bab1ba 5%, #ededed 100%);
            background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #bab1ba 5%, #ededed 100%);
            background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #bab1ba 5%, #ededed 100%);
            background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #bab1ba 5%, #ededed 100%);
            filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#bab1ba', endColorstr='#ededed',GradientType=0);
          .myButton:hover .is { display:none; }
          .myButton:hover .willBe { display:inline-block; }
          .myButton:active {
          .timerSliderContainer {
            position: relative;
            top: 20px;
            width: 50%;
          .timerSlider,.rSlider,.gSlider,.bSlider,.wSlider,.cSlider {
            -webkit-appearance: none;
            width: 300px;
            height: 25px;
            background: #d3d3d3;
            outline: none;
            opacity: 0.7;
            -webkit-transition: .2s;
            transition: opacity .2s;

          .timerSlider {
            width: 500px;

          .cSlider:hover {
            opacity: 1;
          .cSlider::-moz-range-thumb {
            width: 25px;
            height: 25px;
            cursor: pointer;
          .cSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            -webkit-appearance: none;
            appearance: none;
            width: 25px;
            height: 25px;
            cursor: pointer;

          .timerSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            background: #4CAF50;
          .rSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            background: #FF0000;
          .gSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            background: #00FF00;
          .bSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            background: #0000FF;
          .wSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            background: #ffc0c0;
          .cSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            background: #c0c0ff;
          .timerSliderinfo {
            position: absolute;
            top: -45px;
            left: 150px;
            background: #80d880;
        <script type="text/javascript">
          var ws;
          var wsUri = "ws:";
          var loc = window.location;
          if (loc.protocol === "https:") { wsUri = "wss:"; }
          // wsUri += "//" + + loc.pathname.replace("simple","ws/simple");
          wsUri += "//" + + ":81/";
          ws = new WebSocket ( wsUri );
          window.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
          function wsConnect() {
            ws.onerror = function (error) {
              document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).innerHTML = "ERROR!!";
              document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).style = "background:pink; color:red";
              document.getElementById ("overlay").style.display = "block";
            ws.onclose = function() {
              document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).innerHTML = "<b>not</b> connected";
              document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).style = "background:none; color:red";
              document.getElementById ("overlay").style.display = "block";
              // in case of lost connection tries to reconnect every 3 secs
              setTimeout ( wsConnect, 3000 );
            ws.onopen = function () {
              document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).innerHTML = "connected";
              document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).style = "background:none; color:black";
              ws.send ( "Open for data" );
              document.getElementById ( 'OUTPUT_CURRENT' ).innerHTML = "..yet unknown..";
              document.getElementById ( 'OUTPUT_ONCHANGE' ).innerHTML = "..yet unknown tobe..";
            ws.onmessage = function ( msg ) {
              var data =;

              document.getElementById ("overlay").style.display = "none";

              var jsonObj = JSON.parse(data);
              document.getElementById ( 'PROGNAME' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.PROGNAME;
              document.getElementById ( 'VERSION' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.VERSION;
              document.getElementById ( 'VERDATE' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.VERDATE;
              document.getElementById ( 'UNIQUE_TOKEN' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.UNIQUE_TOKEN;
              document.getElementById ( 'IP_STRING' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.IP_STRING;
              var temp = jsonObj.MDNS_ID;
              document.getElementById("MDNS_ID").innerHTML = 
                ( temp == "<failure>" ) ? "<em>mDns failed</em>" : temp.concat ( ".local" );
              document.getElementById ( 'TIME' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.TIME;
              document.getElementById ( 'MQTT_CMD_TOPIC' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.MQTT_CMD_TOPIC;
              document.getElementById ( 'MQTT_STATUS_TOPIC' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.MQTT_STATUS_TOPIC;
              document.getElementById ( 'MQTT_TIMEOUT_TOPIC' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.MQTT_TIMEOUT_TOPIC;
              document.getElementById ( 'R_VALUE' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.R_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'G_VALUE' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.G_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'B_VALUE' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.B_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'W_VALUE' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.W_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'C_VALUE' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.C_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'R_SLIDER' ).value = jsonObj.R_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'G_SLIDER' ).value = jsonObj.G_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'B_SLIDER' ).value = jsonObj.B_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'W_SLIDER' ).value = jsonObj.W_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'C_SLIDER' ).value = jsonObj.C_VALUE;
              document.getElementById ( 'OUTPUT_CURRENT' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.OUTPUT_STATUS;
              document.getElementById ( 'OUTPUT_ONCHANGE' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.OUTPUT_CHANGE_STATUS;
              var secs = jsonObj.TIMER_SECONDS_REMAINING;
              document.getElementById ( "TIMER_SLIDER" ).value = secs;
              // var mins = Math.round ( secs / 6 ) / 10;
              // document.getElementById ( "TIMER_SLIDER_VALUE" ).innerHTML = "";  // jsonObj.TIMER_SECONDS_REMAINING ? ( mins + " minutes" ) : "";
              document.getElementById ( "TIMER_REMAINING" ).innerHTML = jsonObj.TIMER_REMAINING_STRING;
              document.getElementById ( 'LAST_BOOT_AT' ).innerHTML = jsonObj.LAST_BOOT_AT;
          function onLoad(event) {
          function initButtons() {
            document.getElementById('MAIN_BUTTON').addEventListener('click', toggle);
          function toggle(){
          function pageUnload () {
            document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).innerHTML = "page unloaded";
            document.getElementById ( 'STATUS' ).style = "background:none; color:red";
            document.getElementById ("overlay").style.display = "block";
          function initSliders() {
            var timerSlider = document.getElementById("TIMER_SLIDER");
            // document.getElementById("TIMER_SLIDER_VALUE").innerHTML = timerSlider.value;
            timerSlider.oninput = function() {
              // document.getElementById("TIMER_SLIDER_VALUE").innerHTML = this.value;
              ws.send ( 'timer_value:' + this.value );

            var rSlider = document.getElementById("R_SLIDER");
            rSlider.oninput = function() {
              ws.send ( 'red_value:' + this.value );
            var gSlider = document.getElementById("G_SLIDER");
            gSlider.oninput = function() {
              ws.send ( 'green_value:' + this.value );
            var bSlider = document.getElementById("B_SLIDER");
            bSlider.oninput = function() {
              ws.send ( 'blue_value:' + this.value );
            var wSlider = document.getElementById("W_SLIDER");
            wSlider.oninput = function() {
              ws.send ( 'warm_value:' + this.value );
            var cSlider = document.getElementById("C_SLIDER");
            cSlider.oninput = function() {
              ws.send ( 'cool_value:' + this.value );


        <title>Sonoff LED Bulb</title>
      <body onload="wsConnect()" onunload="pageUnload()">
        <div id="overlay" style="
            position: fixed; /* Sit on top of the page content */
            display: block; /* shown by default */
            width: 100%; /* Full width (cover the whole page) */
            height: 100%; /* Full height (cover the whole page) */
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            right: 0;
            bottom: 0;
            background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.25); /* background color, with opacity */
            z-index: 2; /* Specify a stack order in case you're using a different order for other elements */
            cursor: pointer; /* Add a pointer on hover */
          <span style="
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            font-size: 50px;
            background: none;
            color: red;
            transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
            -ms-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
            <span id="STATUS">uninitialized</span>

        <h2><span id="PROGNAME">..progname..
          </span>   v<span id="VERSION">..version..
          </span> <span id="VERDATE">..verdate..</span> cbm</h2>
        <h4>    Running on 
                  <span id="UNIQUE_TOKEN">..unique_token..</span> at 
                  <span id="IP_STRING">..ipstring..</span>
                  <span id="MDNS_ID">..mdns..</span>
        <h4>    MQTT command topic: 
                  <span id="MQTT_CMD_TOPIC">..mqtt_cmd_topic..</span> <br/>
                MQTT status topic:
                  <span id="MQTT_STATUS_TOPIC">..mqtt_status_topic..</span> <br/>
                MQTT timeout topic:
                  <span id="MQTT_TIMEOUT_TOPIC">..mqtt_timeout_topic..</span> <br/>
        <h4>As of <time id="TIME">..time..:</time></h4>
        <table id="COLOR_TABLE" border="1" style="width: 500px">
              <th colspan="3">Color Values</th>
             <td style="width: 150px">Red</td>
             <td class="right" id="R_VALUE" style="width: 50px">..R..</td>
             <td><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="rSlider" id="R_SLIDER"></td>
             <td class="right" id="G_VALUE">..G..</td>
             <td><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="gSlider" id="G_SLIDER"></td>
             <td class="right" id="B_VALUE">..B..</td>
             <td><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="bSlider" id="B_SLIDER"></td>
             <td>Warm White</td>
             <td class="right" id="W_VALUE">..W..</td>
             <td><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="wSlider" id="W_SLIDER"></td>
             <td>Cool White</td>
             <td class="right" id="C_VALUE">..C..</td>
             <td><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="cSlider" id="C_SLIDER"></td>

        <button id="MAIN_BUTTON" class="myButton">
          <span id="OUTPUT_CURRENT" class="is">..currently..</span>
          <span id="OUTPUT_ONCHANGE" class="willBe">..willbe..</span>
        <div class="timerSliderContainer">
          <input type="range" min="0" max="7200" value="0" class="timerSlider" id="TIMER_SLIDER">
          <span class="timerSliderinfo" id="TIMER_REMAINING"></span>
        <br><br>Last boot at <span id="LAST_BOOT_AT">..last_boot..</span><br>


  yield ();
  htmlServer.send ( 200, "text/html", htmlMessage );
  if ( VERBOSE >= 20 ) {
    Serial.print ( F ( "done\n" ) );
  setOutputState ( -1, true );  // revert output, canceling indicator
  forceWSUpdate = true;


void webSocketEvent ( uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length ) {

  // Serial.printf ( "Event %d received\n", type );
	switch ( type ) {
		case WStype_ERROR:  // 0
			if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf("[WSc] Error!\n");
		case WStype_DISCONNECTED:  // 1
			if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf("[WSc] Disconnected!\n");
		case WStype_CONNECTED:  // 2
		  if ( length > 1 ) {
			  if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf ( "[WSc] %s: Connected to url: %s\n", num, payload );
	    // bool sendTXT ( uint8_t num, uint8_t * payload, size_t length = 0, bool headerToPayload = false );
        webSocket.sendTXT ( num, "Connected", 9 );
      } else {
        if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf ( "[WSc] CONNECTED message length 1 (empty!)\n" );
		case WStype_TEXT:  // 3
		  if ( length > 1 ) {
			  if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf ( "[WSc] get text: %s\n", payload );
			  if ( ! strcmp ( (const char *) payload, "toggle" ) ) {
			  // if ( ! strcmp ( (const char *) payload, "initiate_timer" ) ) {
			  //   setTimer();
			  // }
			  if ( strstr ( (const char *) payload, "timer_value:" ) ) {
			    if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.println ( (const char *) payload );
			    // strstr returns NULL if string not found
          char * pch;
          pch = strtok ( (char *) payload, ":" );
          pch = strtok ( NULL, ":");  // skip the first token "timer_value"
          int seconds = atoi ( pch );
          setTimer ( seconds * 1000UL );
        } else {
          bool change = false;
          if ( strstr ( (const char *) payload, "red_value:" ) ) {
            if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.println ( (const char *) payload );
            // strstr returns NULL if string not found
            char * pch;
            pch = strtok ( (char *) payload, ":" );
            pch = strtok ( NULL, ":");  // skip the first token
            currentR = atoi ( pch );
            change = true;
          if ( strstr ( (const char *) payload, "green_value:" ) ) {
            if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.println ( (const char *) payload );
            // strstr returns NULL if string not found
            char * pch;
            pch = strtok ( (char *) payload, ":" );
            pch = strtok ( NULL, ":");  // skip the first token
            currentG = atoi ( pch );
            change = true;
          if ( strstr ( (const char *) payload, "blue_value:" ) ) {
            if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.println ( (const char *) payload );
            // strstr returns NULL if string not found
            char * pch;
            pch = strtok ( (char *) payload, ":" );
            pch = strtok ( NULL, ":");  // skip the first token
            currentB = atoi ( pch );
            change = true;
          if ( strstr ( (const char *) payload, "warm_value:" ) ) {
            if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.println ( (const char *) payload );
            // strstr returns NULL if string not found
            char * pch;
            pch = strtok ( (char *) payload, ":" );
            pch = strtok ( NULL, ":");  // skip the first token
            currentW = atoi ( pch );
            change = true;
          if ( strstr ( (const char *) payload, "cool_value:" ) ) {
            if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.println ( (const char *) payload );
            // strstr returns NULL if string not found
            char * pch;
            pch = strtok ( (char *) payload, ":" );
            pch = strtok ( NULL, ":");  // skip the first token
            currentC = atoi ( pch );
            change = true;
          if ( change && outputState ) {
            setOutput  ( currentR, currentG, currentB,  currentW, currentC );
            forceWSUpdate = true;
			  // send message to server
        // webSocket.sendTXT ( num, "message here", 12 );
      } else {
        if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf ( "[WSc] text message length 1 (empty!)\n" );
		case WStype_BIN:  // 4
			if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf("[WSc] get binary length: %u\n", length);
//      hexdump(payload, length);
			// send data to server
			// webSocket.sendBIN(payload, length);
    case WStype_PING:  // 9?
      // pong will be send automatically
      if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf("[WSc] get ping\n");
    case WStype_PONG:  // 10
      // answer to a ping we send
      if ( VERBOSE >= 10 ) Serial.printf("[WSc] get pong\n");
      Serial.printf ( "[WSc] got unexpected event type %d\n", type );
  // Serial.println ( F ( "Switch exited" ) );


void update_WebSocket () {

  // ArduinoJSON v.6.x

  DynamicJsonDocument doc ( 600 );

  doc["UNIQUE_TOKEN"] = uniqueToken;

  char ipString[25];
  snprintf ( ipString, 25, "%u.%u.%u.%u", Network.ip[0], Network.ip[1], Network.ip[2], Network.ip[3] );
  doc["IP_STRING"] = ipString;
  doc["MDNS_ID"] = mdnsOtaId;

  if ( timeStatus() == timeSet ) {
    formatTimeString ( timeString, timeStringLen, now() );
  } else {
    snprintf ( timeString, timeStringLen, "<time not set>" );

  doc["TIME"] = timeString;
  doc["MQTT_CMD_TOPIC"] = mqttCmdTopic;
  doc["MQTT_STATUS_TOPIC"] = mqttStatusTopic;
  doc["MQTT_TIMEOUT_TOPIC"] = mqttTimeoutTopic;
  doc["LAST_BOOT_AT"] = bootTimeString;

  // JsonArray dataArray = doc.createNestedArray("data");
  // const size_t pBufLen = 32;
  // char pBuf [ pBufLen ];
  doc["R_VALUE"] = currentR;
  doc["G_VALUE"] = currentG;
  doc["B_VALUE"] = currentB;
  doc["W_VALUE"] = currentW;
  doc["C_VALUE"] = currentC;
  doc["OUTPUT_STATUS"] = outputStateString [ outputState ];
  doc["OUTPUT_CHANGE_STATUS"] = outputState ? "turn OFF" : "turn ON";
  if ( timerStartedAt_ms == 0UL ) {
  } else {
    unsigned long timeRemaining_s = timeRemaining_ms() / SECOND_ms;
    formatIntervalString ( timeString, timeStringLen, timeRemaining_s );
    snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "Time remaining %s\n", timeString );
    doc["TIMER_SECONDS_REMAINING"] = timeRemaining_s;
    // Serial.printf ( "Timer pBuf: %s\n", pBuf );
  serializeJson ( doc, jsonString );
  #if 0 && defined ( TELEMETRY_ON )
      snprintf ( pBuf, pBufLen, "%s/%s/debug/update_Websocket_JSON_string_len", PROGNAME, uniqueToken );
      sendValueToMQTT ( pBuf, strlen ( jsonString ), "update_Websocket JSON string len", MQTT_RETAIN );

  if ( VERBOSE >= 20 )
    Serial.printf ( "doc size %d and JSON string length %d\n", doc.size(), measureJson ( doc ) );
  if ( VERBOSE >= 15 ) Serial.println ( jsonString );

  // webSocket.sendTXT ( 0, jsonString, strlen ( jsonString ) );  // both work
  webSocket.broadcastTXT ( jsonString, strlen ( jsonString ) );  // both work

  if ( VERBOSE >= 15 ) Serial.print ( F ("  ... sent\n" ) );
  if ( ( VERBOSE >= 15 ) && forceWSUpdate ) Serial.println ( F ( "forced WS update completing" ) );

  forceWSUpdate = false;


// *****************************************************************************
// ********************************** time *************************************
// *****************************************************************************

time_t getUnixTime() {
  while (conn_UDP.parsePacket() > 0) ; // discard any previously received packets
  if ( VERBOSE >= 16 ) Serial.println ( F ( "Transmit NTP Request" ) );
  uint32_t beginWait = millis();
  while (millis() - beginWait < 1500) {
   int size = conn_UDP.parsePacket();
    if (size >= NTP_PACKET_SIZE) {
      if ( VERBOSE >= 16 ) Serial.println ( F ( "Receive NTP Response" ) );
      ntpTimeGoodP = true;, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // read packet into the buffer
      unsigned long secsSince1900;
      // convert four bytes starting at location 40 to a long integer
      secsSince1900 =  (unsigned long)NTPBuffer[40] << 24;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)NTPBuffer[41] << 16;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)NTPBuffer[42] << 8;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)NTPBuffer[43];
      return secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL + timeZone * 1UL * 60UL * 60UL;
  Serial.println ( F ( "No NTP Response :-(" ) );
  return 0; // return 0 if unable to get the time

void sendNTPpacket ( IPAddress& address ) {
  if ( VERBOSE >= 16 ) Serial.printf ( "Sending NTP request to %2u.%2u.%2u.%2u\n", 
    address[0], address[1], address[2], address[3] );
  memset(NTPBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // set all bytes in the buffer to 0
  // Initialize values needed to form NTP request
  NTPBuffer[0] = 0b11100011;   // LI, Version, Mode
  NTPBuffer[1] = 0;     // Stratum, or type of clock
  NTPBuffer[2] = 6;     // Polling Interval
  NTPBuffer[3] = 0xEC;  // Peer Clock Precision
  // 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion
  NTPBuffer[12]  = 49;
  NTPBuffer[13]  = 0x4E;
  NTPBuffer[14]  = 49;
  NTPBuffer[15]  = 52;
  // all NTP fields have been given values, now
  // you can send a packet requesting a timestamp:                 
   // send a packet requesting a timestamp:
  conn_UDP.beginPacket ( address, 123 ); // NTP requests are to port 123
  conn_UDP.write ( NTPBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE );

void formatTimeString ( char * result, int resultLen, unsigned long time ) {
  snprintf ( result, resultLen, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02dZ",
    year ( time ), month ( time ), day ( time ), hour ( time ), minute ( time ), second ( time ) );

void formatIntervalString ( char * result, int resultLen, unsigned long time ) {
  snprintf ( result, resultLen, "%02d:%02d:%02d",
    hour ( time ), minute ( time ), second ( time ) );

// *****************************************************************************
// ********************************** util *************************************
// *****************************************************************************

void saveSettingsToFile () {

  // try to write status to LittleFS
  // unsigned long s = millis();

  File f;
  f = ( "/soft_reset_color.txt", "w" );
  f.printf ( "%d,%d,%d, %d,%d, %d", currentR, currentG, currentB,
                                    currentW, currentC,
                                    outputState );
  // unsigned long interval = millis() - s;
  // Serial.printf ( "LittleFS file write took %lu ms\n", interval );

// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************

Debug Messages

Debug messages go here

CBMalloch avatar Dec 06 '21 18:12 CBMalloch

You sure we are better served with the issue here instead of

Is this the actual MCVE, and channels don't properly adjust from 0 to 255?

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <my92xx.h>

#define MY92XX_MODEL        MY92XX_MODEL_MY9231
#define MY92XX_CHIPS        2
#define MY92XX_DI_PIN       12
#define MY92XX_DCKI_PIN     14

#define MY92XX_COLD         0
#define MY92XX_WARM         1
#define MY92XX_RED          4
#define MY92XX_GREEN        3
#define MY92XX_BLUE         5

static constexpr unsigned char MY92XX_CHANNELS[] {

static my92xx* _my92xx { nullptr };

void setup() {
    _my92xx = new my92xx ( MY92XX_MODEL, MY92XX_CHIPS,
            MY92XX_DI_PIN, MY92XX_DCKI_PIN,
            { \
            .scatter = MY92XX_CMD_SCATTER_APDM, \
            .frequency = MY92XX_CMD_FREQUENCY_DIVIDE_1, \
            .bit_width = MY92XX_CMD_BIT_WIDTH_8, \
            .reaction = MY92XX_CMD_REACTION_FAST, \
            .one_shot = MY92XX_CMD_ONE_SHOT_DISABLE, \
            .resv = 0 \


    for (;;) {
        for (unsigned char value = 0; value < 255; ++value) {
            for (auto channel : MY92XX_CHANNELS) {
                _my92xx->setChannel(channel, value);
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             void loop() {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                }

delayMicroseconds(...) is os_delay_us(...) so no surprise there :)

Since we are expected to digitalWrite in a tight sequence... Have you tried locking interrupts before doing _my92xx->update() in the sendOutput(), like the library source have tried originally (but commented out)? Something like


mcspr avatar Dec 06 '21 20:12 mcspr

I just tried locking interrupts before the update call. No change. :(

CBMalloch avatar Dec 24 '21 21:12 CBMalloch