ESP32_USB_Host_HID icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ESP32_USB_Host_HID copied to clipboard

ESP32 USB Host HID Keyboard for Arduino


Port of the ESP-IDF USB host HID example to the Arduino IDE with minimal changes. This is an Arduino library so install it in your Arduino library directory. The easiest way to do this is to download this repo as ZIP file. Then use the IDE "Add ZIP library" option to install this code into the correct directory.

Tested using Arduino IDE 1.8.19 and Espressif ESP32-BOX-S3-3 with USB host dock

USB Host Keyboard

In the picture above, the USB keyboard is plugged into the blue dock. The USB power bank powers the dock, the USB keyboard, and the ESP32 Box. The USB UART cable with the jumper wires connects to UART0 for Serial Console and IDE upload.

The code should work with other ESP32S2 or ESP32S3 boards but you must connect wires to the correct ESP32 pins to a USB Type A connector. And connect 5V power out to the Type A connector.

Serial Console

Since the USB OTG port is in host mode, it cannot be used for Serial Console. Set 'USB CDC on Boot: "Disabled"' so Serial Console and code upload are done using UART0.

UART0 Serial Console pins on dock

In the above picture, G43/U0TXD (UART0 transmit), G44/U0RXD (UART0 receive), and GND are connected to a USB TTL (3.3V) UART cable. UART0 is used for Serial Console and IDE upload. The USB Type C cable provides 5V to power the dock, the USB keyboard, and the ESP32 Box. In this case, power is provided by USB power bank capable of supplying 5V up to 2A. 2A is more than enough for the ESP32 Box and the USB keyboard.

Arduino IDE ESP32 build options

ESP32 Box build options

To get more details on how the code works, set the Core Debug Level to "Info".

Use the BOOT and RESET buttons on the side of the ESP32 Box to put the ESP32 in to boot loader upload mode. After the upload is done, RESET or power cycle the ESP32 Box to start running the sketch.

ESP-IDF USB Host docs


The following files are unchanged files from Espressif ESP-IDF. The was renamed to avoid conflicts. The LICENSE is also unchanged.

  • hid.h
  • hid_host.c
  • hid_host.h
  • hid_usage_keyboard.h
  • hid_usage_mouse.h

There is one exception. hid.h has a small change to avoid a name conflict with the ESP32-BLE-Keyboard library.



The following INO file is derived from the Espressif hid_host_example.c file with small modifications for the Arduino IDE. The file is unchanged.

  • examples/hid_host_example/hid_host_example.ino
  • examples/hid_host_example/


The following INO file is derived from the Espressif hid_host_example.c file with support for some gaming joysticks. The file below has more details.

  • examples/hid_host_example/hid_host_joystick.ino
  • examples/hid_host_example/


A simple USB keyboard to BLE keyboard converter example.

  • examples/USBHostKeyboardBLE/USBHostKeyboardBLE.ino
  • examples/USBHostKeyboardBLE/


Install using the Arudino IDE Library Manager the library "PNGdec" by Larry Bank.

A simple USB keyboard to BLE keyboard converter example with Bongo Cat animation

  • examples/keybocat/keybocat.ino
  • examples/keybocat/
  • examples/keybocat/bongocat.cpp
  • examples/keybocat/bongocat.h
  • examples/keybocat/cat_idle_png.h
  • examples/keybocat/cat_left_png.h
  • examples/keybocat/cat_right_png.h

Sample output

Sample Serial Console output on UART0.

Build:Mar 27 2021
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x3 (DOWNLOAD(USB/UART0))
waiting for download
