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Interactive navi redteam cheats


A directory of cheat sheets to use with TLDR,, or Navi.


  1. Install fd-find fzf if you don't have them:

    $ sudo apt install fd-find fzf * check for arch the notes.

  2. Install cargo if you don't have it (example the bash before piping it to sh):

    $ curl -sSf | sh

  3. Install Navi (and FeroxBuster and Rustscan if you don't have them) with:

    $ cargo install --locked navi

    $ cargo install feroxbuster rustscan

  4. if navi fails via cargo try the other way with brew

    $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    $ brew install navi

  5. Add the pentest cheat sheets by adding the repo to navi:

    $ navi repo add esp0xdeadbeef/cheat.sheets

  6. Check out the infosecstreams cheat.sheets! :)

notes for arch

cargo install fd-find # via rust and add ~/.cargo/bin/ to $PATH
# add  fdfind to /sbin/fdfind
ln -sf ~/.cargo/bin/fd /sbin/fdfind
# or
pacman -Sy fd
# add fd to /sbin/fdfind
ln -sf $(which fd) /sbin/fdfind

Installing the shell widget

If you want to the shell widget (hint: you do), add this line to your .bashrc-like file:

# bash
echo 'eval "$(navi widget bash)"' >> .bashrc

# zsh
echo 'eval "$(navi widget zsh)"' >> .zshrc

# fish
navi widget fish | source

You should restart your shell session. Now when you press ctrl+g and you should get a list of all the shortcuts!


  1. Run navi :

    $ navi or ... press ctrl+g if you installed the widget...!!!# cheat.sheets

Final Result :