nekotaku icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nekotaku copied to clipboard


ねこ卓 (NekoTaku)

Build Status Coverage Status Dependencies DevDependencies


できること / Features

  • チャット
    • ダイスロール
      • どどんとふ互換
      • アニメーション表示(一部のみ対応)
    • チャットパレット
    • 立ち絵表示
  • キャラクター管理
  • マップ管理
    • グリッド
    • 背景画像
    • キャラクターコマ
    • 図形描画

スクリーンショット / Screen Shots

ss01.png ss02.png ss03.png ss04.png

素材 / Thanks


更新履歴 / Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

使い方 / How to Use

A. お試しサーバー / Trial Server

B. UIプレビュー(データ保存・共有なし) / UI Preview (Without data saving and sharering)

  1. Requirements:
  • Node.js >= 6.11.3
  1. Install dependencies.
$ npm install
  1. Configure.
$ cp config/config.stub.json config/config.json
  1. Start dev-server.
$ npm start
  1. Open http://localhost:8080 with your browser.

C. Firebase

  1. Requirements:
  • Node.js >= 6.11.3
  1. Setup your Firebase project.
  2. Install dependencies.
$ npm install
  1. Configure.
$ cp config/config.firebase.json config/config.json
$ vi config/config.json
# Write your Firbase API tokens and save.
  1. Build. (or run locally to follow B-4, B-5)
$ NODE_ENV=production npm run build
  1. Deploy <your-nekotaku-directory>/dist into your server.

D. Standalone Server with MongoDB

  1. Requirements:
  • Node.js >= 6.11.3
  • MongoDB
  1. Install dependencies.
$ npm install
  1. Configure client.
$ cp config/config.server.json config/config.json
  1. Configure server.
$ cp config/server.mongodb.json config/server.json
$ vi config/server.json
# Edit config
  1. Build.
$ NODE_ENV=production npm run build
  1. Run.
$ node index.js

E. Docker

$ docker run -d --name nekotaku-db mongo
$ docker run -d --name nekotaku -p 8080:8080 --link nekotaku-db:db nekometer/nekotaku

F. Docker Compose

  1. Build Docker Image.
$ docker-compose build
  1. Run.
$ docker-compose up

設定 / Configuration


  "backend": { // Required
    "type": "stub", // "stub" or "firebase" or "socket"

    // Firebase Configuration
    "apiKey": "Your API Key",
    "authDomain": "Your Auth Domain",
    "databaseURL": "Your Database URL",
    "projectId": "Your Project Id",
    "storageBucket": "Your Storage Bucket",
    "messagingSenderId": "Your Messaging Sender Id"
  "welcomeMessage": { // Optional
    "id": "201709130610", // Update to new id to visible message again
    "title": "「ねこ卓」へようこそ",
    "body": [
    "forceVisible": false
  "feedbackFormURL": "",
  "theme": { // Optional
    "primary": "blue.darken2", // or hex color code "#FF0000"
    "secondary": "grey.darken3",
    "accent": "blue.accent1",
    "error": "red.accent2",
    "info": "blue.base",
    "success": "green.base",
    "warning": "amber.base"
  "googleAnalytics": { // Optional
  "title": "ねこ卓" // Optional


  "datastore": { // Required
    "type": "mongodb",

    "url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/nekotaku"
  "http": { // Required
    "host": "",
    "port": 8080
  "file": { // Required
    "path": "./data/files",
    "maxSize": "10MB"
  "loglevel": "INFO" // Required