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here be bspwm and BAR bash scripts
esn89's Arch + bspwm
This set up uses:
- bspwm - to manage windows
- termite - my terminal
- sxhkd - hotkeys and stuff
- BAR - status bar
For making things look nice I use:
- hsetroot - to set wallpaper
- compton - to set shadows / transparency of windows
Thanks to earsplit for showing us bspwm noobs the way.
Some features:
Battery and charging:
Plugged in without battery status:
SSID and wireless strength:
Strong signal:
Medium signal:
Volume and headphones:
Music with speakers:
Speakers mute:
Gmail Notifier:
The pop up itself:
The notification on the status bar, which can be clicked,
and it will direct you to Gmail
Pops up every n minutes (depending on your crontab setting) and stays on your desktop depending on your Dunst settings
Script available here
Brightness Notifier:
Script available here