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Is it possible to import an OpenScenario created in esmini into Carla? The purpose is to view the simulation in a bit more detail environment.
As far as I know, Carla can import OpenSCENARIO 1.0, while esmini supports much of 1.1 and some of 1.2. So it really depends on if your scenario is written in OSC 1.0 or a later version. If it is a later version, you can check this thread on how to convert it back to OSC 1.0
I assume that you don't have any 3D models available, instead they should be generated. In that case I think answer from @mander76 is the way to go. I don't have any experience, but I think Carla can generate nice roads from OpenDRIVE. I don't know how to specify car models. But I'm sure Carla have some good examples to get started from.
But in case that you have 3D models of vehicles and the environment (road and surroundings), then you can also view in a bit more detail in esmini. Like this example based on cut-in.xosc:
Potentially the models need to be converted. Let me know if you have models that you want to use - in which case we look into how to convert.