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Insert mode key map like jk does not work at all

Open TommyX12 opened this issue 2 months ago • 3 comments

Please Review Before Posting!

  • [x] I checked that the bug does not happen in the CodeMirror Vim demo. If it does, please report it there and not here.
  • [x] I'm reasonably sure that this bug is indeed about the Vimrc file support and not a general Vim in Obsidian issue. If it's a general Vim issue, report it here.

Describe the bug:

The key binding imap jk <C-[> does not work. Instead of returning to normal mode, it inserts the text instead. I also tried the following:

  • inoremap jk <C-[>

Update: I am able to get imap jk <Esc> working (although imap jk <esc> doesn't work); but other keys like <C-w> does not work.

To Reproduce:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Press :, then type imap jk <C-[>, then press enter.
  • Go to insert mode and type jk.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: I tried it on every OS.
  • Vimrc plugin version: 0.9.0

Additional context:

With the same plugin version (0.9.0), everything worked fine for an older Obsidian version. The last known version of Obsidian that worked was 1.1.9 (the latest Obsidian version at the time of writing is 1.5.12 now) . This bug has prevented me from updating Obsidian for more than a year. I pray everyday to have this fixed but the fix never came :'(

TommyX12 avatar Apr 12 '24 05:04 TommyX12

I have the mapping imap jl <Esc> working on iOS, Windows and macOS, but not on Android. With the same config.

Edit: This is unrelated to the above bug. It does work on Android when connecting a Bluetooth keyboard, but not with any built in keyboard, for some reason.

Laurensdc avatar Apr 20 '24 11:04 Laurensdc

I have the mapping imap jl <Esc> working on iOS, Windows and macOS, but not on Android. With the same config.

Edit: This is unrelated to the above bug. It does work on Android when connecting a Bluetooth keyboard, but not with any built in keyboard, for some reason.

@Laurensdc I’ve encountered the same problem, did you find a solution?

lin-behappy avatar May 13 '24 21:05 lin-behappy

@lin-behappy No I haven't. I unfortunately turn vim mode off for my Android device until there's a fix.

Laurensdc avatar May 15 '24 20:05 Laurensdc