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A Common Lisp natural language processing toolkit


This file contains a simple guide to the main functions and files of the langutils library. The code is reasonably documented with doc strings and inline comments. Write to the author if there are any questions. Also read docs/LISP2005-langutils.pdf which is a more involved exposition of the implementation and performance issues in the toolkit.

The library provides a heirarchy of major functions and auxiliary functions related to the structured analysis and processing of open text. The major functions working from raw text up are:

  • String tokenization (string -> string)
  • Part of speech tagging (string -> tokens -> vector-document)
  • Phrase chunking (vector-document -> phrases)

We also provide auxiliary functions that operate on strings, tokens or vector-documents. The lisp functions implementing the functionality can be found under the appropriately labled section in the reference below.


  • Tokenize a string (separate punctuation from word tokens)
  • POS tag a string or file returning a file, string or vector-document
  • Identify suspicious strings that may become tokens


  • String to token-id conversion routines
  • Save/Load token maps
  • Guess the POS tag for a token (lexicon-based, also includes the porter stemmer)
  • Identify suspicious tokens
  • Identify stopwords; words used primarily as syntactic combinators
  • Lookup words in the lexicon
  • Get possible parts of speech for known words
  • Lemmatize a token (find the root lemma for a given surface form)
  • Generate all surface forms of a root word


  • Generate phrases using the regex chunker


  • Concept representation: A simple lemmatized noun or verb phrases can be treated as equal abstract notions; provides a CLOS class wrapper.


This documents the important functions of the langutils toolkit. Documentation entries are of the form:

function( args )

Input: arg1 - description arg2 - description

Output: description

Notes: discussion of use cases, etc.

Functions are explicitely referenced by putting () around them; variables or parameters have the form of .


tokenize-stream (stream &key (by-sentence nil) (fragment ""))

Input: stream - A standard lisp stream containing the characters to analyze, the stream can be of any length by-sentence - Stop the tokenization process after each processed sentence meaning each validly parsed period, exclamation or question mark. fragment - Provide a fragment from a prior call to tokenize stream at the beginning of the parse stream.

Output: (multiple-values) 1 - parsing success (t) or failure (nil) 2 - the current index into the stream, starts from 0 on every call 3 - a string containing the tokenized data parsed up to 'index' 4 - if parsing was a success, provides a fragment of any unparsed data (primarily in by-sentence mode)

Notes: This function is intended to be called all at once or in batches. For large strings or files it should be called in by-sentence mode in a loop that captures any fragments and passes them to the next call. The function operates by grabbing one character at a time from the stream and writing it into a temporary array. When it reaches a punctuation character, it inserts a whitespace then backs up to the beginning of the current token and checks whether the token should have included the punctuation and fixes up the temporary array. Upon completion of the current parse (end of stream or end of sentence) it

tokenize-string (string)


  • string - a string of English natural language text

Output: (string)

Returns a string which is the result of calling (tokenize-stream) on the stream version of the input string.

tokenize-file (source target &key (if-exists :supersede))


  • source - The source file name as a string or pathname
  • target - The target file name as a string or pathname

id-for-token ( token )


  • token - A string representing a primitive token

Output: A fixnum providing a unique id for the provided string token.

Notes: Tokens are case sensitive so several 'The', 'the' and 'THE' all map to different tokens but should map to the same entry in the lexicon. The root form of a lexicon word is the lower case representation.

token-for-id ( id )


  • id - A fixnum id

Output: The original token string.

tokens-for-id ( ids )


  • ids - A list of fixnum ids

Output: A list of string representations of the each id

save-token-map ( filename )


  • filename - A path or string to save token information to

Output: t on success or nil otherwise

Notes: This procedure will default to the filename in default-token-map-file-int which can be set via the asdf-config parameter 'token-map'

load-token-map ( filename )


  • filename - A path or string to save token information to

Output: t on success or nil otherwise

Notes: This procedure will default to the filename in default-token-map-file-int which can be set via the asdf-config parameter 'token-map'

suspicious-word? ( word )


  • word - A fixnum id for a word to test

Output: A boolean representing whether this word has been labelled as fishy

suspicious-string? ( string )


  • string - Any string

Output: A boolean representing whether the word is fishy as determined by parameters set in tokens.lisp (max numbers, total length and other characters in the token). This is used inside id-for-token to keep the hash for suspicious-word? up to date.


tag ( string )


  • string - An input string to tag. Input should be less than 100k characters if possible.

Output: A tagged string using the format / where the tags are symbols taken from the Penn Treebank 2 tagset. Actual slash characters will show up as '///' meaning a slash word and slash token slash-separated!

Note: This procedure calls the tokenizer to ensure that the input string is properly tokenized in advance.

tag-tokenized ( string )


  • string - An input string to tag. The string is assumed to be tokenized already and should be less than 100k bytes in size

Output: A tagged string as in 'tag' above.

vector-tag ( string )


  • string - as in tag above

Output: A CLOS object of type vector-document with the token array initialized to fixnum representations of the word tokens and the tag array initialized with symbols represented the selected tags.

vector-tag-tokenized ( string &key end-tokens )


  • string - as in tag-tokenized above
  • end-tokens - A list of string tokens to add to the end of the tokenization array. Sometimes this is useful to ensure a closing period if you are doing tagging of structured NL data

Output: A vector-document as in vector-tag

Note: As in tag and tag-tokenized, this interface does not tokenize the input string.

get-lexicon-entry ( word )


  • word - Token id or token string

Output: A lexicon-entry structure related to the lexical characteristics of the token

Notes: The lexical-entry can be manipulated with a set of accessor functions: lexicon-entry-tag, lexicon-entry-tags, lexical-entry-id, lexical-entry-roots, lexical-entry-surface-forms, lexical-entry-case-forms, get-lexicon-default-pos. These functions are not all exported from the library package, however.

initial-tag ( token )


  • token - A string token

Output: A keyword symbol of the initially guessed tag (:PP :NN, etc)

Notes: Provides an initial guess based purely on lexical features and lexicon information of the provided string token.

read-file-as-tagged-document ( file )


  • file - A string filename or path object

Output: A vector-document representing the tagged contents of file

Notes: Loads the file into a string then calls vector-tag

read-and-tag-file ( file )


  • file - A path string or a path object

Output: A string with tag annotations of the contents of file

Notes: Uses tag on the string contents of file

get-lemma ( word &key pos (noun t) porter )


  • word - String of the word to find the lemma for
  • pos - The part of speech of the lemma to return (nil otherwise)
  • noun - Whether to stem nouns to the singular form
  • porter - Whether to use the porter algorithm if a word is unknown

Output: A string representing the lemma of the word, if found

get-lemma-for-id ( id &key pos (noun t) porter )


  • id - The token id to find the lemma of
  • pos - As above
  • noun - ""
  • porter - ""

Output: The lemma id

lemmatize ((sequence list/array) &key strip-det pos (noun t) porter last-only )


  • list/array - The input sequence of token ids as a list or an array
  • strip-det - Remove determiners from the sequence
  • pos - Part of speech of root of terms
  • noun - Whether to stem nouns
  • porter - Whether to use the porter stemmer
  • last-only - lemmatize the last token in the sequence only

Output: Return the lemmatized list of tokens

Notes: The main method for performing lemmatization. Valid on lists and arrays of fixnum values only. Useful for getting the lemmatization of short phrases.

morph-surface-forms ( root &optional pos-class )


  • root - The root form to expand
  • pos-class - if provided (V - verb, N - noun, A - Adverb) the class of surface forms to generate

Output: A list of suface ids

morph-surface-forms-text ( root &optional pos-class )

String to string form of the above function

stopword? ( id )


  • id - Input token id

Output: boolean

concise-stopword? ( id )


  • id - Input token id

Output: boolean

contains-is? ( ids )


  • ids - a list of fixnum token ids

Output: boolean

Notes: A sometimes useful utility. Searches the list for the token for 'is'

string-stopword?, string-concise-stopword?, string-contains-is? ( string )

The three above functions but accepting string or list of string arguments


chunk ( text )


  • Text - raw string text

Output: A list of phrases referencing a document created from the text

Note: Runs the tokenizer on the text prior to POS tagging

chunk-tokenized ( text )


  • text - raw string text

Output: A list of phrases referencing a document created from the text

Note: Does not run the tokenizer on text prior to POS tagging

get-all-chunks ( doc )


  • doc - a vector-document

Output: A list of chunks of all the primitive types (verb, adverb, preps and nouns)

Related functions:

  • get-nx-chunks ( doc )
  • get-vx-chunks ( doc )
  • get-ax-chunks ( doc )
  • get-pp-chunks ( doc )
  • get-event-chunks ( doc )
  • get-verb-arg-chunks ( doc )


  • Events are concatenated verb-noun chunks
  • verb-arg chunks look for verb-pp-noun chunk groups

These two functions could search over sequences of phrases, but usually those are done alone and not on top of a more primitive verb, noun, adverb decomposition. Also note that common preposition idioms (by way of, in front of, etc) are not typically captured properly and would need to be special cased (ie would be VP-sNP-P-NP where sNP is a special type of NP instead of the usual VP-P-NP verb-arg formulation)


Concepts are a CLOS abstraction over token sequences that establishes identity over lemmatized phrases. This supports special applications (ConceptNet, LifeNet) at the MIT Media Lab but might be more generally useful.


The 'concept' is a clos object with the following methods

  • concept->words - Return a list of token strings
  • concept->string - Return a string representing the concept
  • concept->token-array - Return an array representing the concept
  • phrase->concept - Create a concept from a phrase
  • words->concept - Create a concept from a list of token ids
  • token-array->concept - ""
  • associate-concepts - Take a list of phrases, lists or token-arrays and find the concept the they represent. Returns a list of pairs of the form (phrase concept)
  • conceptually-equal - equal under lemmatization and with phrases, arrays of tokens
  • concept-contains - subset relations

lookup-canonical-concept-instance ( ta )


  • ta - A token array or list of tokens

Output: A concept instance


See the file example.lisp. This shows basic use of the tagger, tokenizer, lemmatizer and chunker interfaces.

More examples of use can be generated if enough mail is sent to the author to invoke a guilt-driven re-release of the library with improved documentation.