Eivind Siqveland Larsen

Results 31 comments of Eivind Siqveland Larsen

I am also seeing similar issues on ios. After being in background for a while, when coming back, it seems the proxy server has crashed or is no longer running....

I have two: ``` PlayerException: (-1004) Could not connect to the server. File "just_audio.dart", line 778, in AudioPlayer._load File "" File "just_audio.dart", line 1346, in AudioPlayer._setPlatformActive.setPlatform ``` ``` PlayerException: (-1004)...

It works better with this patch: ``` _server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0); _server.listen((request) async { if (request.method == 'GET') { final uriPath = _requestKey(request.uri); final handler = _handlerMap[uriPath]!; handler(request); }...

Maybe this could serve as inspiration for GStreamer based implementation on linux for just_audio? https://github.com/bluefireteam/audioplayers/pull/1110

Hey, I tried the LockCachingAudioSource by giving it a https url. On android this crashes in the background task with: ``` E/ExoPlayerImplInternal( 4179): Playback error E/ExoPlayerImplInternal( 4179): com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlaybackException: Source error...

Hi, thank you for all your hard work! This project is immensely helpful. I have been testing `LockCachingAudioSource` for a couple of days now with small-ish files. Every audio file...

I have noticed some issues with LockCachingAudioSource on iOS. After having the app in the background for a few minutes, opening the app and setting a new AudioSource as a...

I also just need to run a function once the slidable reaches some amount of sliding. Sort of like a Dismissable, just simpler, as nothing needs to be removed.

Is there currently a way to get the total size of cache and the number of objects cached?

Can confirm it has been running well on my computer for 3 days now. Sync no longer stalls after less than 60 minutes. It is however still not done syncing,...