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Rename multiple subtitles files to match video file names for automatic loading with just one click

Rename Them Subs

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How to Use

  1. I compiled the python script using pyinstaller and converted it into a standalone windows executable(.exe). It is included in the repo's release.

  2. This is now also available as a web application. (Recommended)

  3. git clone this repo and directly run python3 (Recommended)

What the script does

You download a TV show from torrent and find the suitable subtitle files from some website. Renaming every subtitle file to match the video file is a pain in the ass, isn't it? That's where this app comes in handy.

Motivation behind such a silly project

A few years back I would often have to manually rename all subtitle files to match episode name and I always wondered why isn't there a software that does it for you ? Well, fine, I'll do it myself.

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ETH: eshaan.eth