arduino-px4flow-i2c copied to clipboard
Arduino library wrapping the Wire I2C calls to a PX4Flow Optical Flow Tracker.
It seems like you havent initialize the type in pose_estimate.ino ` x_rate = sensor.gyro_x_rate_integral() / 10.0f; // mrad ``` y_rate = sensor.gyro_y_rate_integral() / 10.0f; // mrad flow_x = sensor.pixel_flow_x_integral() /...
Hi, I have been trying to use the pose_estimate example to estimate the position of my vehicle but sometimes the problem is that the velocity_x and velocity_y returns 'nan' and...
When the Wire.requestFrom() returns, the I2C transaction has completely finished and the received data is waiting in a buffer in the Wire library. There is no need to wait for...
Hi Could i not use the built in sonar and use an external one to get the Ground distance data? so i can replace the sensor.quality_integral with the readings from...
the ultrasonic MB1043 works alone properly but when it's put in the px4flow chip it doesn't give ground distance