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A Python version of the Blueprints property graph model interface by tinkerpop
:synopsis: Provides a layer to abstract the Python developer from the graph database system used
Following the set of interfaces provided by tinkerpop for Blueprints, this project aims to give Python developers a similar functionality. A set of abstract classes are defined in order to guide the design of implementations for the different graph database engines.
This is an experimental version only permitting partial functionality to:
- Rexster infrastructure, supporting every database supported by Rexster (
- Neo4j database providing abstraction over the neo4j-rest-client API.
Please keep in mind to backup your data before trying this library.
The easiest way to get pyblueprints installed in your virtualenv is by:
pip install pyblueprints
This version of pybluerprints allows you to connect to graph databases by a Rexster Instance or through the neo4j-rest-client API. Therefore a Neo4j database can be accessed with both options, although the Neo4j transactional mode is only available through the later. The Rexster instance also provides connection to the following databases:
- TinkerGraph
- OrientDB
- Sail RDF Stores
Rexster """"""" Connecting to a Rexster instance
from pyblueprints import RexsterServer, RexsterGraph, RexsterIndexableGraph #Connecting to server HOST = 'http://localhost:8182' server = RexsterServer(HOST) #List graphs availbale in server server.graphs() [u'tinkergraph', u'gratefulgraph', u'tinkergraph-readonly', u'sailgraph', u'emptygraph'] #Connecting to a given graph graph = RexsterIndexableGraph(server, 'tinkergraph')
neo4j-rest-client """""""""""""""""
Creating a graph object through the neo4j-rest-client API
from pyblueprints.neo4j import Neo4jGraph graph = Neo4jGraph('http://localhost:7474/db/data')
Creating an indexable graph object through the neo4j-rest-client API
from pyblueprints.neo4j import Neo4jIndexableGraph graph = Neo4jIndexableGraph('http://localhost:7474/db/data')
The available classes are:
- Neo4jGraph
- Neo4jIndexableGraph
- Neo4jTransactionalGraph
- Neo4jTransactionalIndexableGraph
code examples """""""""""""
Add/Remove Vertex '''''''''''''''''
vertex = graph.addVertex() graph.removeVertex(vertex)
Add/Remove Edge '''''''''''''''
v1 = graph.addVertex() v2 = graph.addVertex() newEdge = graph.addEdge(v1, v2, 'myLabel') graph.removeEdge(newEdge)
Vertex Methods ''''''''''''''
graph= Neo4jGraph(HOST) v1 = graph.addVertex() v2 = graph.addVertex() newEdge = graph.addEdge(v1, v2, 'myLabel') vertex = graph.getVertex(_id)
get methods return a generator function
edge = list(vertex.getBothEdges())[0] edge = list(vertex.getOutEdges())[0] edges = list(vertex.getInEdges())
Vertex/Edges properties '''''''''''''''''''''''
vertex_id = vertex.getId() vertex.setProperty('name', 'paquito') print vertex.getPropertyKeys() print vertex.getProperty('name') vertex.removeProperty('name')
Edge Methods ''''''''''''
outVertex = edge.getOutVertex() inVertex = edge.getInVertex() print getLabel()
Add/Remove Manual Index '''''''''''''''''''''''
index = graph.createManualIndex('myManualIndex', 'vertex') graph.dropIndex('myManualIndex', 'vertex')
Index Methods '''''''''''''
index = graph.getIndex('myManualIndex', 'vertex') vertex = graph.addVertex() index.put('key1', 'value1', vertex) print index.count('key1', 'value1') print index.getIndexName() print index.getIndexClass() print index.getIndexType()
get returns a generator function
vertex2 = list(index.get('key1', 'value1'))[0] index.remove('key1', 'value1', vertex)
Transactional Methods '''''''''''''''''''''
graph= Neo4jTransactionalGraph(HOST) graph.startTransaction() v = graph.addVertex()
Stoping calls the commit
graph.stopTransaction() vertexId = v.getId() v = graph.getVertex(vertexId) graph.startTransaction() v.setProperty('p1', 'v1') graph.stopTransaction()