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Coding untuk semua, kumpulan materi-materi untuk belajar coding/pemrograman.
Coding Untuk Semua
Resource links that can help us learn programming
"tautan sumber daya yang dapat membantu kita mempelajari pemrograman"
Coding Interview
Community Learning Resources
Developer Podcast
- Curiefense - english - Commiting to cloud native
- Ceritanya Developer - bahasa indonesia - Ceritanya Developer Podcast
- Fullstackradio - english - A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Hosted by Adam Wathan.
People on social media you can follow to learn
- Adam Wathan - Twitter - Creator Tailwindcss
- Chris Coyier - Twitter - Co-Founder Codepen
- DHH - Twitter - Creator Ruby on Rails
- Evan You - Twitter - Creator Vuejs
- JoseValim - Twitter - Creator ElixirLang
- Nat Friedman - Twitter - CEO Github
OSS Projects
- erpnext - World's best free and open source ERP.
- excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
- Linux - Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel.
- Martodon - Mastodon is a free, open-source social network server based on ActivityPub where users can follow friends and discover new ones.
- Mail Train - is a self hosted newsletter application built on Node.js (v7+) and MySQL (v5.5+ or MariaDB).
- NocoDb - The Open Source Airtable alternative.
- Postal - A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail.
- Quran - The official source code repository for
- Sharetribe - Sharetribe develops advanced marketplace software for every business life cycle stage.
Official Resources
Company Job Portals
- - Work at
Official Company Engineering Blog
- airbnb engineering - A deeper look into how our Engineers and Data Scientists build a world of belonging
- github blog - Read up on product innovations and updates, company announcements, community spotlights, and more.
- netflixtechblog - The Netflix Tech Blog
- shopify engineering - Stories from the teams who build and scale Shopify.
Programming Lang
- Elixir School - Elixir School is the premier destination for people looking to learn and master the Elixir programming language.
- Elixir getting started - Getting started using elixir (Official)
- Elixir Guide - Ultimat guide object oriented programmers in elixir.
- Elixir @tutorialspoint - Learn Elixir absolute beginner
- Phoenix Tutorial Book @phoenix-tutorial
- Building a RESTful API in go - @netlify
- Building Go Web Applications and Microservices Using Gin - @semaphoreci
- Build and Deploy a secure REST API with Go, Postgresql, JWT and GORM -
- beego - An open source framework to build and develop your applications in the Go way
- CRUD API gin-gorm -
- Create a Single Page App With Go, Echo and Vue - @scotch
- Creating the JSON Web Token Signing and Validation Logic - @thepolyglotdeveloper
- Effective Go - ( Official ) Effective Go.
- - is the hub for Go users providing centralized and curated resources from across the Go ecosystem
- - is the home of the open source project and distribution
- golang-book - An introduction to programming in Go
- golangbootcamp - Everything you need to know to get started with Go.
- go-for-javascript-developers - Go for Javascript Developers.
- Go code - ( Official ) How to write go code.
- go and gin - ( Official ) Developing a RESTful API with Go and Gin
- Golang introduction - @traversymedia
- Golang REST API With Mux
- gin-gonic - The fastest full-featured web framework for Go. Crystal clear.
- gofiber - Express inspired web framework written in Go.
- how-to-code-in-go-ebook - This book is designed to introduce you to writing programs with the Go programming language.
- learning go - Learning go.
- practical-go-lessons - Practical go lessons.
- codecademy - Introduction to javascript
- codeforgeek - Getting started with nodejs
- Developer Mozilla - Express nodejs
- egghead - javascript courses
- hackerrank - 10 days of javascript
- - javascript info
- Mosh - What is Nodejs?
- Quora - What are the best resources for learning Node js
- Thenetninja - Nodejs for Beginners
- W3schools - Nodejs Introduction
- w3schools - javascript introduction
- CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- CRUD Web App with Flask
- Flask Tutorial (tutorialspoint)
- Invent with python
- Kursus Singkat Machine Learning dengan TensorFlow API - Google
- Learn and use machine learning - Tensorflow
- Python Web Scrapping (tutorialspoint)
- Restful api with python flask framework.
- Awesome Ruby Project - A categorized community-driven collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- auth - jwt auth in rails from scratch
- Codecademy Ruby - Learn to code for free
- docker - ruby on rails with docker and docker compose.
- Engine Yard
- FactoryBot Cheet Seat - Factory Bot is a helper for writing factories for Ruby tests.
- gorails - Ruby on Rails tutorials, guides, and screencasts for web developers learning Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Turbolinks, Stimulus.js, Vue.js, and more
- Hackerrank Ruby
- LearnToProgram - A Place to Start for the Future Programmer.
- Make your own gem - From start to finish, learn how to package your Ruby code in a gem.
- PHP to Ruby - Convert PHP Code into Ruby.
- Ruby on rails api - Create restful json api using Ruby on Rails 5.
- Railscasts - Ruby on rails Screencasts
- Rails Style Guides - Rubocop for Ruby on Rails style guide.
- Rails speedshop - The #1 Rails performance blog on the web
- Ruby on Rails Book
- Ruby Weekly - A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
- Ruby Style Guides - A community-driven Ruby coding style guide
- Ruby Exceptions - Ruby exceptions
- Ruby Excercism
- Ruby-toolbox - Find actively maintained & popular open source software libraries for the Ruby programming language
- Ruby Monk - Free, interactive tutorials to help you discover Ruby idioms, in your browser!
- Ruby Guides - Become A Ruby Programming Expert With RubyGuides
- (online books) Ruby Basic - Intro to Programming using Ruby.
- (online books) Ruby OOP (Object Oriented Programming) - Object Oriented Programming using Ruby.
- (online books) RubyHardWay - Learn ruby the hardway online book.
- Sending Email in Rails - Handling send emails in Ruby on Rails.
- - Application security training
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Complete Guide
- sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.
Text Editor
- Atom - Free and open source text editor, brought to you by GitHub.
- Sublimetext -A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
- Visual Studio Code
- VIM Cheat Sheet
CI/CD Tools
- Circle CI - Automate your development process with continuous integration in our cloud or on your own infrastructure.
- Gitlab Ci - GitLab CI/CD is a tool for software development using the continuous methodologies.
- Github Action - Automate your workflow from idea to production.