supertab copied to clipboard
<Tab> inserts '<t_ý>SSuperTabForward' instead of triggering completions
I have replaced the very old tsaleh/vim-supertab with your project. After updating my .vimrc file, I am experiencing weird issues on Ubuntu 12.04, both in Vim and gVim.
When using <C-P>
, <C-N>
or <Tab>
, I get either <t_ý>SSuperTabBackward
or <t_ý>SSuperTabForward
inserted. This happens in all buffers at any position.
That seems to be related to msanders/snipmate.vim. After disabling the Snipmate plug-in, Supertab behaves correctly.
Are the two plug-in incompatible? I can see there's code in Supertab to handle Snipmate, but it doesn't seem to be working or is outdated? Anything I can do to help debug/narrow this down?
Oh well, garbas/vim-snipmate works like a charm! Self-close.
EDIT: re-opening as it still happens on <C-P>
and <C-N>
, but not on <Tab>
For what it's worth, I get similar behavior. In my case it seems that any mapping that contains <Plug>
fails to execute. My inserted text is <Plug>SuperTabForward
. It's not specific to SuperTab, it's just that SuperTab is one of the only plugins I use that has imap
bindings with <Plug>
, which means that extraneous text gets inserted instead of the plugin just silently doing nothing. Other plugins such as tpope/vim-surround that use <Plug>
for nmap
bindings just don't work at all.
This happens on ArchLinux and CentOS 6.3 for me.
So I rooted out the problem. Apparently the way plugins use <Plug>
bindings means that their bindings are translated according to langmap
. At least, setting langmap to anything that intersected the letters in a <Plug>
binding broke the binding for me. I don't know if this is an upstream bug in vim proper or not, but removing my langmap
setting fixed these bindings.
Can you post an example langmap
value which triggers the issue? This could either be a vim bug or it could have to do with the way supertab creates its mappings.
triggers it, for example. Basically, the righthand side of bindings is translated when it gets executed according to langmap. For a silly example, the following works correctly:
:set langmap=px,xp
:inoremap <Tab> <Plug>SuxerTabForward
So far as I can tell, the only way to reliably work around this issue is to have the results of all your mappings be ex-mode commands. Of course, presumably this relies on not remapping the :
character (I don't do this, but someone else might).
This seems to be an upstream issue, I can't think of any situations in which translating the right-hand side of a mapping by langmap is useful. I ranted a bit about it on the vim dev mailing list, though they haven't approved my email yet.
I'm going to play with it some more tomorrow, but yeah this is looking like a vim issue to me as well. The way the mappings are defined certainly isn't the problem since I can toggle the langmap
value and the mappings go from working to not working accordingly in the same vim session.
Thanks for posting the issue to the mailing list. That was going to be my next step. I'm on the list as well so I'll keep an eye out for your message and post any input I have as necessary.
So I rooted out the problem. Apparently the way plugins use
bindings means that their bindings are translated according tolangmap
. @ogier
Ah, interesting. In my case langmap
is blank, e.g., there's no value for it. I looked for any bundles that might set it up explicitly, but I couldn't find any.
I've traced it down to ForwardBack
. There's something going on with:
exec "let map = \"" . escape(a:map, '<') . "\""
Also in my case pumvisible()
is always 0
which is very odd. I'd need to carry on poking around for a while to figure this one out.
I've traced it down to
Can you temporally remove supertab, then startup vim and post the results of the following commands:
:verbose imap <c-n>
:verbose imap <c-p>
Then with supertab re-added, can you restart vim and run those commands again and post the results.
Also in my case
is always0
Can you also post the result of the following:
:verbose set completeopt?
Can you temporally remove supertab, then startup vim and post the results of the following commands:
:verbose imap <c-n> :verbose imap <c-p>
:verbose imap <c-n>
No mapping found
:verbose imap <c-p>
No mapping found
Then with supertab re-added, can you restart vim and run those commands again and post the results.
:verbose imap <c-n>
i <C-N> <C-R>=<SNR>48_ForwardBack("n", "<Plug>SuperTabForward")<CR>
Last set from ~/.vim/bundle/supertab/plugin/supertab.vim
:verbose imap <c-p>
i <C-P> <C-R>=<SNR>48_ForwardBack("p", "<Plug>SuperTabBackward")<CR>
Last set from ~/.vim/bundle/supertab/plugin/supertab.vim
Can you also post the result of the following:
:verbose set completeopt?
:verbose set completeopt?
For tracing purposes, I changed ForwardBack
function! s:ForwardBack(command, map)
echom 'a:command = ' . a:command
echom 'a:map = ' . a:map
exec "let map = \"" . escape(a:map, '<') . "\""
echom "let map = \"" . escape(a:map, '<') . "\""
echom 'pumvisible() = ' . pumvisible()
echom 'map = ' . map
return pumvisible() ? s:SuperTab(a:command) : map
and on pressing <C-N>
the following results in :messages<CR>
a:command = n
a:map = <Plug>SuperTabForward
let map = "\<Plug>SuperTabForward"
pumvisible() = 0
map = <80><fd>SSuperTabForward
I hope those help, let me know if I can run anything else.
i <C-N> <C-R>=<SNR>48_ForwardBack("n", "<Plug>SuperTabForward")<CR>
That's odd. Do you have supertab installed in more than one place (you can use :scriptnames
to see if supertab shows up more than once)? If not, is supertab loading more than once (throw an echom
at the top of supertab.vim after the two conditionals)?
I'm managing Vim plug-ins using Vundle (.vimrc for reference). I wiped out all existing bundles just in case:
$ rm -R ~/.vim/bundle
$ vim -c 'BundleInstall' -c 'qa!'
This should give me a pretty clean environment to work from. Here's the output of :scriptnames
:redir >> ~/.vimscriptnames
:redir END
1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc
2: /usr/share/vim/vim73/debian.vim
3: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syntax.vim
4: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/synload.vim
5: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syncolor.vim
6: /usr/share/vim/vim73/filetype.vim
7: ~/.vimrc
8: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftoff.vim
9: ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
10: /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/nosyntax.vim
11: ~/.vim/bundle/mustache.vim/ftdetect/mustache.vim
12: ~/.vim/bundle/tmux.vim/ftdetect/tmux.vim
13: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/ftdetect/coffee.vim
14: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/ftdetect/eco.vim
15: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-git/ftdetect/git.vim
16: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-haml/ftdetect/haml.vim
17: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-handlebars/ftdetect/handlebars.vim
18: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/ftdetect/javascript.vim
19: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-json/ftdetect/json.vim
20: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-less/ftdetect/less.vim
21: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-markdown/ftdetect/markdown.vim
22: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-task/ftdetect/task.vim
23: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-zend55/colors/vim-zend55.vim
24: /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin.vim
25: /usr/share/vim/vim73/indent.vim
26: ~/.vim/bundle/vundle/autoload/vundle.vim
27: ~/.vim/bundle/vundle/autoload/vundle/config.vim
28: ~/.vim/bundle/detectindent/plugin/detectindent.vim
29: ~/.vim/bundle/csapprox/plugin/CSApprox.vim
30: ~/.vim/bundle/tabular/plugin/Tabular.vim
31: ~/.vim/bundle/gitv/plugin/gitv.vim
32: ~/.vim/bundle/zencoding-vim/plugin/zencoding.vim
33: ~/.vim/bundle/tagbar/plugin/tagbar.vim
34: ~/.vim/bundle/tlib_vim/plugin/02tlib.vim
35: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/plugin/snipMate.vim
36: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/funcref.vim
37: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/plugin/snipMateInterface.vim
38: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-task/plugin/task.vim
39: ~/.vim/bundle/nerdcommenter/plugin/NERD_commenter.vim
40: ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
41: ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/nerdtree_plugin/exec_menuitem.vim
42: ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/nerdtree_plugin/fs_menu.vim
43: ~/.vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic.vim
44: ~/.vim/bundle/gundo.vim/plugin/gundo.vim
Using echom
at the top of supertab/plugin/supertab.vim
yields two messages. I added:
if exists("loaded_supertab")
let loaded_supertab = 1
and that seems to fix the issue in question. W00t!
That's weird that supertab is loaded twice but doesn't show up in :scriptnames
at all.
Hi. I have the same issue as Stan and found this issue. :scriptnames
lists supertab exactly once for me. Patch with loaded_supertab
check fixed the issue for me as well. Could it be propagated to the mainstream?
It was added about a month ago: ervandew/supertab@7ee7f774dd1288ea2e7c57b63cb069a07d425ca0
Indeed, thanks. I was using SuperTab-continued.
in my Vundle config. Switched to ervandew/supertab.git
Just to highlight an issue / feature that happens quiet often with vim plugins: feedkeys() has an optional second parameter called 'mode' which defaults to 'remap'.
In this case your plugin will probably break if you have langmap's active. If you use 'n' (noremap) as second parameter to feedkeys() then it will ignore the langmap and work for everyone. I have to resort to this manual patching frequently as I use a langmap to map hjkl navigation to a dvorak layout.
Yes, for cases where the plugin is able to, feedkeys is handy, but in this case vim is modifying the defined mapping even after it has been defined, so I don't see how feedkeys would be helpful in this case, if that's what you are suggesting.
Indeed you're right since it's already the
In the meantime I had a deeper look at the exact langmap behavior and (just for reference) this will fix it for supertab:
autocmd InsertEnter * let g:saved_langmap=&langmap | set langmap&
autocmd InsertLeave * let langmap=g:saved_langmap
Still not an ideal solution but at least a workaround.
I wanted to let others know that I had this problem and it was caused by 2 system installed plugins that were conflicting with my vundle install. On arch I did a pacman -R vim-ultisnips vim-supertab and after that I was able to happily use supertab again!