Sequencer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Sequencer copied to clipboard

A fast(?) fullscreen image-sequence player

Sequencer A fast(?) fullscreen image-sequence player


How to use: The minimum parameters are two filenames of an image sequence or an array of filenames.

In the first case the parser tries to figure out the filename pattern:

const s1 = Sequencer.make({
    from : 'pics/pig/DSC04701.JPG',
    to   : 'pics/pig/DSC04775.JPG',

...or just a plain numerical sequence:

const s2 = Sequencer.make({
    from : 'pics/dog/1.png',
    to   : 'pics/dog/100.png',

...or with a provided list of filenames:

const s2 = Sequencer.make({
    list : [

All options:

const opts = {
    canvas           : null,        // A valid canvas element
                                    // (will be created if null)
    list             : []           // An array of paths
                                    // to the images to load;
                                    // as an alternative the three options
                                    // 'from', 'to' and 'step' below
                                    // can be used to fill the array
                                    // programmatically
    from             : '1.jpg',     // First file of the sequence
    to               : '10.jpg',    // Last file of the sequence
    step             : 1,           // Increment: to load only even images
                                    // use 2, etc.
    scaleMode        : 'cover',     // Can be: auto, cover, contain
                                    // as in CSS3,
    direction        : 'x',         // Can be: x, -x, y, -y
                                    // and determines the pointer direction,
                                    // applies only if playMode
                                    // is drag or hover
    playMode         : 'drag',      // Can be: none, drag, hover, auto
    loop             : 'loop',      // Can be: loop, pong, none
    interval         : 10,          // Interval in milliseconds
                                    // between each frame,
                                    // applies only if playMode is auto,
                                    // if set to zero tries to update
                                    // at every frame event
    autoLoad         : 'all',       // Can be: all, first, none,
                                    // if first or none is used the loading
                                    // needs to be triggered manually
                                    // with load().
    fitFirstImage    : false,       // Resizes the canvas to the size of
                                    // the first loaded image
                                    // in the sequence
    showLoadedImages : false,       // Show images while loading
                                    // the sequence, may be jumpy because
                                    // of async loading <- not a typo
    dragAmount       : 10,          // Distance (in pixels)
                                    // to trigger nextImage(),
                                    // can be < 1, but must be > 0
    hiDPI            : true,        // Use hiDPI if present
    imageLoad        : function     // Callback for each image load
    queueComplete    : function     // Callback for queue complete


- fix bug (last image not loaded)
- add makefile

- better parser
- remove utils.js
- use rollup.js for compression
- minified version is a module

- update to ECMAScript 2015 (aka ES6)
- script is now an ES6 module (may need transpiling for legacy support)
  and loaded as such in the examples

- multiple instances
- better parser (automatic leading zeroes detection)
- canvas only (2d)
- incremental drag
- removed default loader (a custom one can be implemented via callback)
- cover frame

Todo: - remove 'loop' option (merge with playMode) - area hovering - accept an image array as parameter - accept a spritesheet as parameter - WebGL support - better touch support

Author: Andreas Gysin