David Ward
David Ward
Hi @williamboman, thank you. That makes sense, but I'm curious: is there any configuration option in mason I can use in drools-lsp that checks the timestamp on a release artifact,...
@williamboman Okay, so the recommendation is whenever there is a new release of an lsp server, someone (like me) should create a PR in mason to bump the version tag/commit...
I'm so sorry to keep bugging you on this, and I sincerely appreciate all the time and patience you've spent on this. So, the (hopefully last) question I have is,...
Okay, that makes sense, thank you!
Curious... Does one need python installed for the pyright language server to at least install (even if it won't "work")? Or rust available for rust_analyzer installation? Or a cc++ compiler...
@seantwie03 According to the sumneko documentation, the entire [semantic](https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server/wiki/Settings#semantic) group of configuration properties only has to do with highlighting. I guess it could be possible that treesitter's grammar could mistakenly...
Hi @tjdevries, thanks for looking at this. I will describe exact examples of the behavior I'm seeing with two different color schemes, the moment right after **sumneko_lua** finishes initializing: `navarasu/onedark.nvim`...
Oops, yeah, you're right: `use` is a parameter. But `vim.fn` is a field, and _both_ are getting clobbered. So it's not just a parameter-thing. Thanks again; I appreciate your time...
@tjdevries I need to apologize for wasting your time. I created some screenshots, highlighting the differences with semantic enabled and disabled (for both colorschemes), and now I'm confused. Regarding the...
I see this too after upgrading nvim. FWIW: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47522854/main-src-unix-core-c117-uv-close-assertion-uv-is-closinghandle-failed