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Unix Line Format Issue
Awesome plugin! It is much appreciated.
I just tested the plugin using OS X Yosemite and QGIS 2.8 and it seemed to work well with the following exception. The plugin writes the sdf file and appends the 2D information to a geometry file using a unix line return format and RAS assumes a Windows line return format.
I was able to work around it by writing the .sdf and changing the line format to windows w/ TextWrangler to set up the geometry. To append the 2D geometry to an existing geometry file I exited RAS, changed the geometry file line return format to Unix, appended the 2D geometry to the file, and changed the line return format back to Windows.
It would be nice to have a fix or at least a detailed explanation on how to handle this.
Thank you for letting us know about this issue. We will add proper fix in the next RiverGIS version.
In linux this can be solved by running this command
awk 'sub("$","\r")' input.sdf>output.sdf