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Hi, According to Fibaro manual Parameter '53. First channel - energy reports' set to 0 (zero) should disable reports - well, it does not. Setting parameter 53 to 0 activates...
Somehow my switch get into disable local control mode. So I can control it vis hub, but not by clicking the pedal. This by itself is not a driver’s problem,...
His is it possible to send alerts to good nest/home please?
On a new Hubitat C-7, the [enerwave-rsm2-plus.src]( driver is not working. The log shows the switch action happening infinitely: `dev:4182020-08-06 11:11:59.569 pm debugParsed SwitchBinaryReport(value:0) to [['name':'switch', 'value':'off', 'type':'digital'], hubitat.device.HubMultiAction@ad6499]` In...